Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland
- Central Council of Jews in Germany
Dates of Existence
The foundation of the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland, along with the Constituent Assembly, took place in Frankfurt (Main) on 1950-07-19. The delegates were sent by Jewish communities that had already been established in the four occupied zones of Germany, which had been placed under American, British, French and Soviet administration. At the time of foundation there were still some 15,000 Jews living in Germany. A Directorate of four people took charge of the affairs of this umbrella organization. 15 representatives of the communities formed a board known as the Council. Frankfurt became the first seat of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, although it later moved to Düsseldorf and then Bonn. Since 1999-04-01 the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland has maintained its headquarters in Berlin.
Founded in Germany, Frankfurt am Main.
Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland, www.zentralratjuden.de