Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 58,915
  1. Loewy postcard collection

    Collection is comprised of twenty-eight postcards written by Sylvia Loewy, in Stockholm, Sweden, to her husband, Fritz, after his 1942 arrest and deportation. Not knowing where her husband was, Sylvia sent the postcards by registered mail to shtetls, ghettos and concentration camps throughout the Polish General Government territory. The postcards were sent in batches with similar messages, explaining that she lives in Sweden, that she is fine, and that she hopes to receive news from her husband as soon as possible.

  2. René Goldman fonds

    The records in this fonds pertain mostly to René Goldman and his parents, Wolf and Mira Goldman from Poland, Luxembourg and France. Fonds consists of family photographs, travel and identity documents, disappearance reports, certificates and post-war school records from orphanages resided in by René Goldman. Records have been arranged into the following two series: Goldman family photographs series (1917–[195-?]) and Goldman family records series (1929–1965).

  3. Holocaust Memorial Committee fonds

    Fonds is comprised of administrative and other records generated as a result of the activities of the Holocaust Memorial Committee of the VHCS. The Holocaust Memorial Committee managed the building of a Holocaust memorial monument and an accompanying commemorative book project. The VHCS initiated and funded the committee’s work; its board members at the time of the memorial unveiling were Robert Krell, Leon Kahn, Dave Shafran, Freda Kaplan, Robbie Waisman, Leon Dales, Mariette Doduck, David Ehrlich, Lili Folk, Rome Fox, Paul Heller and Jack Kowarsky. Records in fonds include administrative ...

  4. Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre fonds

    • Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre
    • RA000
    • English
    • 1981-2019
    • 596.8 cm of textual records / 5.96 m of textual records574 photographs : prints, black and white, colour545 slides : 35 mm ; black and white, colour65 photographs : negatives51 videocassettes33 audio cassettes754.1 MB of born-digital records116 CDs61 DVDs9 floppy disks16 zip drives23 posters2 banners4 flash drives3 objects2 .mp4s12 .mp3s

    Fonds consists of records generated by staff and volunteers of the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre in the planning and administration of exhibitions, school programs, commemorative events, symposia, communications as well as a resource centre. Fonds has been arranged into the following series: Exhibition records, Newsletters, Event programming records.

  5. JEDWAB, Henryk [memoirs of Poland 1918-1945]

    The fonds consists of 48-page typed memoir (photocopy) about his life in Poland, service in Polish army during World War II, Holocaust experiences, relations with Catholic faith in Poland. Memoir includes photocopies of photos. Originals are with the author.

  6. Deutsche Handelskammer für die Niederlande

    Geschreven en getypte documenten, geen bijzondere handschriften.

  7. Comunità ebraica di Milano

    La documentazione testimonia la vita della comunità, coprendone tutti gli aspetti anche se in modo incompleto, sin dalla sua ricostituzione subito dopo la fine della guerra e la successiva amministrazione con la raccolta dei verbali delle sedute di giunta e consiglio con i relativi ordini del giorno, avvisi e circolari, preventivi e consuntivi di bilancio, vertenze, amministrazione del personale dipendente e non, corrispondenza di carattere generale. Le carte oltre a certificare la vita amministrativa ed economica della comunità ne racconta la vita religiosa con i fascicoli relativi alla co...

  8. Guido Consigli

    Il piccolo fondo archivistico conserva fascicoli contenenti giornali d'epoca pubblicati nell'area del Polesine e carte personali di Guido Consigli tra cui il diniego al ricorso presentato per la cancellazione dall'albo dei medici perché di razza ebraica e relazione degli aiuti materiali e morali dati ai cittadini ebrei di nazionalità jugoslava confinati a Castelguglielmo nel periodo 1941/1943 (cfr. b. 1, fasc. 1-2). L'ultima unità archivistica è una raccolta di fotografie d'epoca del Tempio ebraico e del ghetto di Rovigo, risalenti presumibilmente all'immediato secondo dopoguerra.

  9. Stichting Sieraden-Comité

    Het archief bevat persoonsdossiers, bankafschriften en correspondentie over de liquidatie van de organisatie.

  10. Lelio Vittorio Valobra

    Il fondo Valobra è costituito dai carteggi di Lelio Vittorio Valobra per il periodo 1925 - 1967. Il nucleo principale del fondo (circa 120 fascicoli sulla totalità di 166) è però costituito dalla corrispondenza degli anni 1943-1946, anni in cui Valobra fu il presidente della Delasem in Svizzera. Di questo nucleo di carte è possibile individuare alcune "serie" documentarie tipologiche, ossia: "Atti, relazioni, documentazione organizzativa" e "Corrispondenza" con persone e con Enti che in quel periodo ebbero stretti contatti con Valobra. Tra le persone si segnala la corrispondenza con Dante A...

  11. Okresní soud Kamenice nad Lipou

    • District Court in Kamenice nad Lipou / NAD 26

    The fonds contains the agenda arising from the activities of the district court. The agenda is divided according to individual periods into sections A, B, C, and D - land books. The processed part contains registers of deaths (1850-1912), estate protocols with indexes (1868-1897), lists of last wills 1855-1897, a list of estates (1873-1881), where information about Jews from the district can be found. In the unprocessed part of the fonds, inheritance proceedings have been preserved, including the Jewish population - from older periods only selectively after appraisal proceedings. The proces...

  12. Archiv městečka Malenovice a Místní národní výbor Malenovice

    • Malenovice Town Archives and the Malenovice National Committee / NAD 620

    The fonds contains documents of the municipality self-government. With its scope, it belongs to the fonds of small towns. It contains only particulars about Jews: anti-semitic lectures by the Vlajka organization and the post-war investigation of their members 1940–1945: announcements, lectures “Judaism and Modern Nationalism,” Czech Labor Front, speaker Vykydal from Želechovice, 20 July 1940; "Jews and London must be tried by the People's Court", convened by Jaroslav Pagáč from Zlín, 6 December 1941; the issue of handing over German and Czech members of the Vlajka by the Security Commission...

  13. Fondo Silvio Wolf

    Il fondo, in formato digitale, è stato prodotto da Silvio Wolf. Esso documenta le varie fasi della vita di Mojzesz Aron Wolf, padre di Silvio: nato in Polonia nel 1915 ed emigrato in Italia nel 1935. Laureato in Medicina presso la Regia Università di Modena, nel 1941 viene internato nel campo di Ferramonti di Tarsia come ebreo straniero e successivamente trasferito a Casale Monferrato in confino libero. Nel dicembre 1943 Mojzesz Aron Wolf fugge in Svizzera dove esercita come medico in tredici diversi campi profughi. Nel dopoguerra, tornato in Italia, si è stabilito definitivamente a Milano ...

  14. Archiv města Luhačovice

    • Luhačovice Town Archives / NAD 570

    The fonds contains documents of the municipality of Luhačovice, official books, files, and accounting material. Jews began to settle in Luhačovice permanently after 1848, until then they visited Luhačovice only during the spa season. Information on Jews can be found in the Luhačovice Archive fonds in individual documents: permission for Jews to use a hall for services 1845; Jewish religious community: model statutes, a request for the establishment of a prayer house 1934; the building commission for the construction of the synagogue and hospital 1928. From the Holocaust period: a list of Je...

  15. Archiv města Napajedla

    • Napajedla Town Archives / NAD 670

    The fonds contains documents of the municipality of Napajedla, official books, files, and accounting material. The first records of Jews in Napajedla are mainly associated with the distillery. The distillery was managed by Jewish tenants for most of the 19th century. Information on Jews can be found in the fonds only in some documents from the Holocaust period: confiscated Jewish property - forced administration, rental of real estate, local ordinances and regulations concerning Jews and their property 1939–1945; internment of Napajedla citizens in concentration and prisoner of war camps, d...

  16. Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí - výstřižkový archiv, Praha

    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs - clippings archive, Prague / NAD 506
    • Národní archiv
    • 506
    • English
    • 1918-1987
    • Textual material 1916,75 linear meters

    The clippings archive, which was established at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, systematically collected clippings mainly on foreign political events. Gradually, a unique collection of thematically arranged newspaper clippings from the Czechoslovak and foreign press from the years 1916-1987 was created. The fonds itself is divided into three parts, the first of which contains clippings from 1916-1944, the second one from 1945-1951 and the third one from 1952-1987. The first part of the fonds contains sets of clippings on Jews in Czechoslovakia from 1920-1944 and on the Jewis...

  17. Okresní úřad Kamenice nad Lipou

    • Kamenice nad Lipou District Office / NAD 2

    The fonds contains state administration documents. In the agenda of the mixed district office, the relevant documents can be found in the call number 2.3.5 Religious and ecclesiastical affairs. Documents on the topic can be found in the handling of 1905-1932 in call numbers 4.1. Register agenda, 5. 4. Church agenda, 8.1. Police matters, passports, war refugees and foreigners, 13. 1. Military matters; in the handling of 1932-1943 in call numbers I.3 President of the Republic, I.11 Statistics, I.12 Citizenship, I.17 Elections to provincial and district councils, I.18 Elections to municipal co...