Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 48,401 to 48,420 of 58,923
  1. Reports

    Reports related to the legionary rebellion on January 1941. 24 - 28 Jan. 1941. 2 pages of lists w/o explanation or title. Detailed report of the events that took place on 21-23 January 1941. A note indicates that a number of pages were taken out by the security services.

  2. Prokuratura Specjalnego Sądu Karnego dla Okręgu Sądu Apelacyjnego w Warszawie z siedzibą w Łodzi

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące zbrodni niemieckich - akta prokuratorskie dotyczące osób oskarżonych o współpracę z okupantem niemieckim
  3. Піщанобрідська районна управа; с. Піщаний Брід Піщанобрідського району Кіровоградської області. Кіровоградської області.

    Відомості про промислові підприємства, радгоспи, машинно-тракторні станції, медичні, культурні установи сільуправ Піщанобрідського району. Особові посвідчення жителів району.

  4. Стрийське окружне староство, м. Стрий дистрикту Галіція.

    Перелік установ і їх керівників. Листування з губернаторством і промисловими підприємствами про створення гетто. Надання допомоги приватним особам на боротьбу з бідністю. Мобілізація робочої сили у Німеччину. Заяви осіб на отримання паспортів на автомобілі, надання житла та інші питання.

  5. Архів Ужанської адміністративної експозитури, м. Ужгород

    Прохання громадян про прийняття на роботу, видачу їм свідоцтв про народження, укладення шлюбу, отримання освіти, довідок про стаж роботи та метричних документів. Протоколи про передачу єврейських метричних книг до архіву. Звіти метричного уряду.

  6. Internal security during legionary rebellion.

    Orders for protection of power and water stations, public institutions and military installations and barracks against the rebellious legionnaires. Military operations following the rebellion.

  7. My life in German concentration camps

    Testimony, 6 pages, typescript, describing experiences of Franciszek Proch, who served in Polish Army in 1939, after defeat returned to hometown, was eventually arrested by Germans and sent to camp at Szczeglin, and later Dachau, where spent duration of war years.

  8. Nazi banner removed from concentration camp

    Nazi war banner removed from a concentration camp.

  9. The machinery of mass murder at Auschwitz

    Contains a draft manuscript entitled "The Machinery of Mass Murder at Auschwitz," 76 pages plus diagrams, written as an update or revision to the author's conclusions in an earlier book, based on review of newly-available documents from Russian archives after 1991.

  10. Maria Ungar Haas memoir

    Testimony, photocopy of typescript, one page, titled "My Story" by Maria Ungar Haas. Briefly describes live in Slovakia, Hungarian and then German occupation, arrest and deportation to Auschwitz, and later Stutthof, then liberation, life as DP, and immigration to U.S.

  11. Memoirs relating to Raoul Wallenberg

    Photocopy of letter sent by donor's grandmother, Eleanor Halpern, after she had been deported from Budapest to a labor camp in Ukraine, 1944, along with English translation of same and explanatory note from donor.

  12. "Svenska Dagbladet" article by consul Sigvard Kruuse, relating to rescue efforts of the Royal Swedish Consulate in Brussels (Belgium).

    Contains a news article from the Swedish newspaper "Svenska Dagbladet," written by consul Sigvard Kruuse, relating to rescue efforts of the Royal Swedish Consulate in Brussels (Belgium).

  13. Julia Gejdenson collection

    Various items, including tear sheet from Forward (Forverts) newspaper (in Yiddish), dated 1966; program from Yom Hashoah commemoration in Spain, 1989; clipping from French magazine with article about persecution of Jews in France during war, and photos from book about Nazi war criminals.

  14. Emanuel Scherer collection

    The collection consists of a badge, scrip, correspondence, documents, negatives, and photographs relating to the experiences of Emanuel Scherer as a member of the Bund in Warsaw, Poland, and of Jewish people in Germany and Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp, Czechoslovakia, during the Holocaust.

  15. David Klein collection

    The collection consists of stamps, stamped envelopes, scrip, correspondence, receipts, etc. to/from multiple concentration camps including Auschwitz Birkenau, Buchenwald, Neuengamme, Mauthausen Natzweiler, and internment camps in Mauritius and Westerbork, and official post-war documents from Bergen-Belsen and Feldafing displaced persons camps.

  16. “League of Front Soldiers” Day of the Steel Helmets 1927 Berlin

    German newspapers, The Red Flag and the Steel Helmet, headquarters, officers marching, celebration, fireworks, aircrafts, crowds, Old Dithmarschen flag

  17. Podbierski family photographs

    Consists of four photographs of pre-war Jewish life; photographs are of the family of Jenny Podbierski, who immigrated to the United States in 1905 from Wilczyn, Poland. The photographs were taken between 1924 and 1937.

  18. Letters from Rabbi Albert B. Belton to Denis Silagi

    Contains letters Rabbi Albert B. Belton (a.k.a. Bela Berend) sent to Munich- based journalist and historian Denis Silagi about his alleged activity in the Hungarian Zionist movement before and during World War II.