Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 36,741 to 36,760 of 58,915
  1. Nordhausen liberation photographs

    Consists of photographs taken upon the liberation of the Nordhausen concentration camp; includes photographs of corpses as well as of the destruction of the inmates' barracks.

  2. Misha Avramoff and Adele Brechner collection

    Contains 12 photographs pertaining to the lives of Menashe Avramoff and his sister, Adele Brechner, in Sofia, Bulgaria. Menashe and his mother left Sofia for Ruse during World War II, where his mother's family lived. Adele was born there in December 1944. Photos depict prewar and war years including forced labor of father.

  3. Helen Flynn collection

    Collection consists of four photographs of the Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar after liberation, from the collection of Lieutenant George Flynn [donor's husband].

  4. Eric E. Kohlhagen's papers

    Contains a letter from Eric Kohlhagen to his cousin in regards to sending affidavits for his parents to come to the United States and a memoir about Eric E. Kohlhagen's experiences in Sachsenhausen, Nordhausen, Bunawitz, Auschwitz, Gross Rosen, and Dora concentration camps.

  5. George Birman collection

    The collection consists of a belt, hunting knife, pliers, wristwatch, agenda planners, documents, and photographic materials relating to the experiences of George Birman and his father Abel before World War II in Lithuania, during the war when they were interned in Kovno (Kaunas) ghetto and Kedahnen (Kedainiai) labor camp, and after the war as displaced persons, including George's postwar education and work with displaced persons in Vienna, Austria.

  6. Sygn. 511, County Starosty in Końskie Sygn. 511, Starostwo Powiatowe Koneckie

    Situation reports of the Starosty containing information on, inter alia, the state of public safety, public assemblies, legal and illegal political organizations.

  7. Documentation of various institutions in Mogilev, 1939-1945

    Documentation of various institutions in Mogilev, 1939-1945 Varied documentation, including among others: correspondence with various government organizations in the city of Mogilev, protocols of meetings regarding a pension for bereaved families, requests by residents to receive heating wood, lists of workers, and announcements regarding the payment of salaries.

  8. Balio Sruogos portretas

  9. Letter seeking advice re behaviour towards Jews

    This is a letter with response requesting advice on how to conduct oneself with a Jew written by a person unknown- a partially legible annotation on the response suggests it might have been written by someone called G. J. Bloch. the same note seems to date the letter 8 November 1931. It is addressed to the leadership of the 'N.D.A.P', Muenchen Braunes Haus. The response is from Uschla, R. L.

  10. Archief van de gemeente Zijpe (1933) 1939-1989 (1994)

    Het archief bevat de neerslag van de taken en activiteiten van de gemeente. In hoofdstuk 1.1 zijn de notulen van vergaderingen van de gemeenteraad en het College B&W te vinden. In hoofdstuk 2.20 vindt u stukken betreffende personeelsaangelegenheden. In hoofdstuk 2.4.8 en 2.4.9 zitten stukken betreffende de bevolkingsregistratie. Hier kunt u in de gedeeltes over de oorlogsjaren mogelijk relevante informatie vinden.

  11. Gemeentebestuur Blaricum, 1927-1979

    Het archief bevat de neerslag van de taken en activiteiten van de gemeente. In hoofdstuk 01.01 zijn de notulen van vergaderingen van de gemeenteraad en het College B&W te vinden. In hoofdstuk vindt u stukken betreffende personeelsaangelegenheden. In hoofdstuk zitten stukken betreffende de bevolkingsregistratie. Hier kunt u in de gedeeltes over de oorlogsjaren mogelijk relevante informatie vinden.

  12. Badisches Staatsministerium: Generalia und Spezialia

    Hervorzuheben sind die Akten über die Verfolgung der Freiheitsbewegung im Vormärz. Unter Provenienzgesichtspunkten sind in diesem Bestand vor allem die Akten des Ministeriums des Großherzoglichen Hauses und der Auswärtigen Angelegenheiten zu beachten.

  13. Sąd Rejonowy w Lubinie

    • akta sądowe dotyczące osób represjonowanych z motywów politycznych - akta sądowe spraw o uznanie za zmarłego lub zaginionego
  14. Долинський повітовий комісаріат Калуського округу, дистрикту Галичина.

    Розпорядження окружного комісаріату та листування з Калуським окружним староством у справах організації сільських збірних громад, виборів поліцейських з місцевого населення, розміщення військових частин та госпіталів, здачі контингенту сільськогосподарських продуктів; статистичні відомості про національний склад населення; списки громад та підприємств Долинського повіту, працівників установ, переселенців; заяви громадян на видачу перепусток на виїзд; прейскуранти на сільськогосподарську продукцію.

  15. Αρχείο Πολεμικών Αποζημιώσεων - Ιταλία

    • Archive of the War Reparations - Italy
    • Archeio Polemikon Apozimioseon-Italia

    Issues on the Greek demands against Italy. Material related to Jews under Italian Occupation in Dodecanese.

  16. Papers of the Jewish Deaf and Dumb Children's Home, London

    Minute books, 1865-1975 (11 vols.); visitors' book, 1868-1905 (1 vol.); and receipt, expenditure and donations book, 1927-34 (1 vol.).

  17. Leibowitz family papers

    Contains one meal card for Samuel Leibowitz from IRO Area 7 Munich Resettlement Center, one baggage check ticket, four registration documents, one certificate for Saul Leibowitz from Munich-Freimann DP Center, an affidavit declaring Saul and Rachel Leibowitz, registration for Military Government of Germany for Saul and Rachel Leibowitz, one program for concert, and witness statements for reparation payments.

  18. S. Podlaski letters

    Contains two letters, with an envelope, sent from Auschwitz concentration camp to Warsaw by S. Podlaski.

  19. Leon Trotsky

    Hollywood, California. Dedication of "Park Row." EXT, day, Fox Studio. LS, William H. Hays and onlookers at "Park Row," new home to Fox writers and directors. LS, unveiling table. LS, Tom Mix speaking. LS, Leon Trotsky? speaking in Russian. LS, Madge Bellamy welcoming writers. Various others congratulating, speaking, crowd milling about "Park Row."