Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 36,581 to 36,600 of 58,915
  1. Dachau liberation photographs

    Consists of three original photographs, taken upon the liberation of Dachau, of victims of the Dachau death train.

  2. Book

    Book concerning the study of eugenics.

  3. Martin Smith papers

    The collection consists of three passenger tickets from the ghetto in Łódź, Poland.

  4. Albert Günther Hess collection

    The collection consists of handmade puppets, two photo albums and loose photographs relating to the experiences of Albert Günther Hess and his family before and during the Holocaust in Germany, Belgium, and France and the experiences of Albert in the United States and after his service in World War II. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  5. Anna Sved Blum collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences Anna Sved Blum and her parents Dezső and Ernesztina (Segő) Sved of Budapest, Hungary. Included are birth, death and wedding certificates, photographs, report card, identification cards, immigration papers, family history documents, a personal narrative by Anna describing her Holocaust experiences, and a narrative/claim in German regarding the confiscation of belongings. Additionally, there are digital audio recordings of interviews of Anna conducted by her son.

  6. Book

  7. Pirmasis skulptūros simpoziumas Ž.Lipšico atminimui Druskininkuose 1998 m.: dalyviai ir svečiai

  8. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Солецкого района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection documents related to the period of Nazi occupation of Soletsky District

    Documents related to the German occupation policy in Soletsky District

  9. Berufsorganisation der Krankenpflegerinnen Deutschlands

    Bestandsbeschreibung - Satzungen, Mitgliederinformationen, Schulungsmaterial;- Unterlagen der Gründerin Agnes Karll (1868-1927), die als die Reformerin der deutschen Krankenpflege gilt und als die deutsche Florence Nightingale bezeichnet wird, und anderer Protagonistinnen des Verbandes (Marie Cauer, Maida Lübben u.a.). auch Unterlagen aus der Zeit der Neuformierung nach 1945 als Agnes-Karll-Verband bzw. Deutsche Schwesterngemeinschaft (DSG) Zitierweise BArch R 190/...

  10. Circular n.º1. Validade de vistos em passaportes

    Documentação referente a dúvidas de interpretação da Circular n.º 1 do processo 552,1 de 10 de Janeiro de 1940, relativamente a prazos de utilização dos vistos consulares portugueses. Inclui: transmissão das instruções aos postos consulares; Circular n.º 1; e documentação sobre a restrição de prazos.

  11. International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia

    This collection consists of a variety of papers all stamped with the organisation's name: "The International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia". Subjects include restitution, B'nai B'rith, preservation of memorial scrolls, life for Jews in post war Czechoslovakia, amongst others.

  12. Gemeentebestuur, (1904) 1946-1995

    Vanaf 1814 tot 1942 viel de gemeente Vlieland onder de provincie Noord-Holland, maar vanaf 1942 (weer) onder Friesland. Het archief bevat de neerslag van de taken en activiteiten van de gemeente. Het archief bevat onder hoofdstuk -2.07.5 stukken met betrekking tot de uitoefening van de dienst. Hierin zitten ook stukken met betrekken tot de oorlogsjaren, zoals onder inventarisnummer 988 notulen van de vergaderingen van de gemeenteraad.

  13. Kutzbach, Friedrich (Oberst)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Geb. 31.03.1909, Oberst Bestandsbeschreibung Ausbildungsunterlagen u.a. der Kriegsakademie, der Kriegschule Dresden der Infanterieschule Döberitz, der Luftkriegsakademie Gatow und von Generalstabslehrgängen; Unterlagen zum Transportwesen, u.a. der Transportkommandantur Warschau (1940-1941). Zitierweise BArch N 119/...

  14. Weyergang, Max (Oberst)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners 21.07.1868 - 03.07.1940 Bestandsbeschreibung Persönliche Kriegstagebücher aus der Dienstzeit beim 168. Infanterie- regiment (1914-1916), beim 213. Reserveinfanterieregiment (1916-1917) und beim 341. Infanterieregiment (1918-1919); Aufzeichnungen aus beiden Weltkriegen und den Jahren der Weimarer Republik. Zitierweise BArch N 337/...

  15. George Ephraim Sokolsky Papers

    Writings, radio broadcast transcripts, correspondence, printed matter, phonorecords, and photographs, relating to politics, communism, internal security and anti-communist movements in the United States, and to politics and communism in China and elsewhere. Includes materials relating to the American Jewish League Against Communism.

  16. Ośrodek Pracy Więźniów w Jaworznie*

    • akta administracyjne (plany i sprawozdania, korespondencja dotycząca więźniów, funkcjonariuszy i sieci agenturalnej, raporty i meldunki)
  17. Высоко-Литовский городской комиссариат, мест.Высокое Бельского округа

    • Stadtkommissariat Wysoko-Litowsk

    Списки солтысов, работников городского управления, учителей, служащих полиции. Документы по личному составу (ведомости на выдачу заработной платы)

  18. Karty Zgonu Żydów z Getta Warszawskiego

    • Index Cards on deaths of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto

    10.055 kart zgonu zmarłych w warszawskim getcie, głównie w 1941 r. , nieliczne karty z 1939 r., tj. sprzed utworzenia getta, oraz ze stycznia 1942 r.

  19. Zbiór utworów literackich

    • Collection of literary works

    Zbiór składa się z 482 jednostek, zawiera ponad 300 utworów literackich.

  20. Медико-санитарный отдел при Могилевском городском управлении, г. Могилев.

    • Abteilung Gesundheits- und Sanitaetswesen beim Stadtsamt Mogilev

    Списки раненых, находящихся в городской больнице, ведомости наличия товаров в аптеках и аптекарском складе.