Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 881 to 900 of 1,826
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. National Front: leaflet opposed to immigration of Hong Kong residents

    This leaflet produced by the National front was designed to instil fear into British people of a large influx of Hong Kong residents in the wake of the handover the territories by the British government to the Chinese government.

  2. Jewish war orphans Holland: copy official documents

    This collection consists of case papers relating to the fate of Dutch Jewish foster children whose parents died during the Holocaust. Eleven cases are represented here, out of a total of 1363.

  3. Chief Rabbi Herz: Passover letter and postcard

    Printed Passover letter from the Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and postcard mourning the victims of the massacres in PolandEnglish 

  4. Copy report by SS Obergruppenführer Koppe

    Copy report by SS Obergruppenführer Koppe regarding the evacuation of TB infected Poles (1943) and other papers relating to Koppe's career 

  5. Die Zukunft: invitation to literary and social evening

    Invitation of the periodical “Die Zukunft” for a “Zukunfts-abend”, a social evening in London, 21st July 1939, organised by “Dr. and Mrs. Schuetz”. 

  6. Deutsche bank: Papers re blocked accounts

    Circulars from the Deutsche Bank re blocked accounts 

  7. Hampstead Garden Suburb Care Committee for Refugee Children: index

    These index cards are evidence of the activities of the Hampstead Garden Suburb Care Committee for Refugee Children in connection with the Movement for the Care of Children from Germany (British Inter-Aid Committee). The index cards of the children contain personal data and passport photographs. It seems that the cards were produced following a British Government initiative to simplify admittance procedures for children up to the age of 17 years.There are essentially 3 types of index card. One gives the particulars of the child, including the fate of the parents, and often has passport phot...

  8. USHMM Division of Education

    This collection of short biographies of Holocaust victims and survivors was created by staff at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from interviews of survivors who described not only their own experiences but those of friends and family. The text was used to create identification cards for use in classrooms. The majority of the 37 biographies in this collection pertain to children.

  9. British Movement material

    Leaflets containing constitution and application form 

  10. Copy Gestapo order re the confiscation of Adolf Israel Scheyer's property

    Copy Gestapo order re the confiscation of Adolf Israel Scheyer's property in accordance with a law relating to former German citizens (Scheyer had left Germany on 24 February 1939)German 

  11. Notes re Dr Goebbels: his life and death

    Typescript notes of Heinrich Fraenkel for the book which he co-wrote with Roger Manvell, Dr Goebbels: His Life and Death. Included are notes on Wilfrid von Oven's book, Wer war Goebbels- Biographie aus der Nähe.

  12. Letter from Heinz Berggruen to Mr Wallach

    Letter from Heinz Berggruen to Mr Wallach thanking him for introducing him to his friend, Colonel Stewart-Roddies, who gave a talk about conditions in Germany. Also mention is made of a report from the author's cousin of the experiences of his parents, still in Berlin.German 2 pagesNothing is known about the author or addressee. The letter was written in the USA. The letter is annotated 'zu persönlich'

  13. Heinz Samuel: family papers

    This collection contains the personal papers of Heinz Samuel, his wife Edna and various other family members. Material includes personal documentation such as birth marriage and death certificates, school certificates and personal correspondence. Also included is a set of family photographs.

  14. Personal account of the life of Otto Hirsch

    This personal account of the life of Otto Hirsch was intended to be included in the WL eyewitness testimonies series. It retains the original reference number (PI.d. No. 362) but for some unknown reason was not integrated into this series.