Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,341 to 1,360 of 1,826
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. Fischler: copy id card applications

    Copy identity card applications 

  2. Austrian Government: statements re compensation

    These statements of Deputy Secretary Stuart Eizenstadt and Ambassador Ernst Sucharipa were delivered on the occasion of the conclusion of negotiations about a comprehensive compensation package for property aryanised during the Nazi era in Austria.

  3. Concert flyer

    Reichsverband der Jüdischen Kulturbünde in Deutschland: Concert flyer advertising a performance in Berlin 

  4. 'Pogrom in Germany': flyer advertising protest

    Flyer advertising protest meeting against the Nazi persecution of Jews in Germany 

  5. The Buchenwald camp song papers

    The papers in this collection pertain to a competition organised by the depositor to create the best English translation of a poem originally written in German concerning life in Buchenwald concentration camp.

  6. Buchenwald release permit

    This copy/ translation of a release permit from Buchenwald concentration camp pertains to Erich Marmorek, born Vienna, 1907.

  7. Wilfrid Israel: correspondence

    This collection consists of original correspondence from Wilfrid Israel to Diana Hopkinson, English friends of the former, who first met at Lola Hahn Warburg's Wannsee home.

  8. Jewish community election pamhlets

    This collection consists of 2 election pamphlets addressed to the German Jewish community.

  9. Juedische Winterhilfe: copy letter

    This copy proforma letter calls upon the Leipzig Jewish community to contribute to the organisation.

  10. Anti-nazi propaganda leaflets

    This collection consists of miscellaneous propaganda leaflets produced by the British, designed to undermine the morale of the German troops. Also a German propaganda leaflet and a map of Arnhem and environs.

  11. Gunter Wittenberg: copy personal papers

    This collection consists of the personal papers of Gunter Wittenberg, a former German Jewish refugee from Berlin. The papers contain an extract from his diary covering the early years in this country and correspondence and papers relating to his work history.

  12. Dresner family: copy papers

    This collection contains the papers of the Dresner family, a Jewish family from Leipzig, and includes official documentation from Theresienstadt, pre-war Nazi and post-war Czech bureacrats including a letter from the Chief of Police, Leipzig, banishing Elias Dresner and family from the city on pain of imprisonment. In addition a 5 page typescript letter from Irmgard Lichtenstein, dated 24 November 1947,gives information on the fate of family members. A copy of the latter is also at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.

  13. Transcript of interview with Albert Speer

    The interview of which this document is a transcript was conducted over several days in October 1979 by the depositor at the home of Albert Speer in Heidelberg, Germany.It covers Speer's involvement with the Nazi Party; his relationship with Hitler and other senior Nazis; his views on Nazi war crimes including his own involvement; anti-Semitism and prison life at Spandau.

  14. Selig Hecht: correspondence

    This collection consists of 2 letters written by Selig Hecht, a German born American scientist, on a visit to Europe. The first, a letter to a colleague back home, outlines the problems facing Jewish academics in Nazi Germany, and introduces the second which is a much more detailed picture of the privations suffered by Jewish academics and also the indifference of the non-Jewish population, and the culmination of a latent antisemitism in the profession that had long pre-dated the Nazi seizure of power. The latter is addressed to Alfred Cohen. Others mentioned include Willstaetter, Fajans, a...

  15. International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia

    This collection consists of a variety of papers all stamped with the organisation's name: "The International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia". Subjects include restitution, B'nai B'rith, preservation of memorial scrolls, life for Jews in post war Czechoslovakia, amongst others.

  16. Reports on German Jewish emigration to South America

    This collection consists of reports on the situation of German Jewish immigrants to Columbia, Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina in the 1930s

  17. Adolf Frankl: papers re art exhibition

    This collection of papers relating to an art exhibition of Adolf Frankl's works consists of correspondence, opening addresses, newspaper reviews and catalogues.

  18. Eva Manes: letter from a friend

    This typscript letter addressed to Eva Manes from an unidentified friend of the family describes what happened to Eva's parents and other friends and acquaintances after her departure from Berlin before the war. The author also describes his own experiences after the war in Berlin.

  19. Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust

    This collection contains transcripts of speeches by a number of leading European political figures and Professor Yehuda Bauer of Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, on the occasion of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust.

  20. Papers re reminiscences of Jewish school girl

    This collection of correspondence and papers relates to the experience of a former Jewish pupil of a secondary school in Stade, Lower Saxony. The papers relate to 3 separate projects: an invitation by the city of Stade to Dinah Ruth Curtis, the former school pupil, along with all other surviving Jewish former residents of the city for a special reunion; a request by a historian at the city archives for biographical information relating to her persecution by the Nazis; and a request by her former school to contribute material towards a an exhibition on the subject of girls' education in Stad...