Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 581 to 600 of 1,826
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. Return of displaced persons at Hamburger Ring Displaced Persons Camp

    Return of displaced persons at Hamburger Ring Displaced Persons CampIt seems to have been annotated by the former commandant of the camp who notes that not all of the inmates are ‘real DPs', having arrived there well before the end of the war.

  2. Copy expert report report re the duty of obedience of SS leaders

    This expert report from Dr. Hans-Günther Seraphim, lecturer of Göttingen University, deals with the implications of refusal by SS officers to comply with orders to execute those regarded as enemies of the state

  3. Jews of Bukowina: Papers re compensation of German Jewish nationals

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of documentation contains expert witness testimony concerning the German nationality of Jewish former residents of Bukowina, Rumania/ Ukraine in the context of claims for compensation in post war German trials:Criticism of Martin Broszat's paper (see below) from the United Restitution Organisation, Frankfurt, nd15 pages Frames1-14Copy expert witness testimony by Dr Emilie Kubaschek, for the Verwaltungsgericht der Freien Hansestadt, Bremen, in the case of Dr Wolf Mandel and V...

  4. Bernhard Lösener: statement under oath

    This typescript, annotated, statement by Bernhard Lösener, the former so-called 'racial expert' of the Third Reich, bears the original signature of Bernhard Lösener and is authenticated by the original signature of Walter Speyer, Allied Civilian AGO 20194.

  5. German Post World War Two Radio broadcast transcripts

    German Post World War Two Radio broadcast transcripts 

  6. Miscellaneous material

    Miscellaneous material

  7. Terezin Studio Project: Programme re The Emperor of Atlantis

    This programme was produced for a series of performances of The Emperor of Atlantis by the Terezin Studio Project in Halifax, NS, Canada, 1998. The programme includes a brief history of Terezin, where the opera was composed, a history of the opera, short biographical accounts of Viktor Ullman, the composer, and Petr Kien, the librettist, and an English translation of the text.

  8. Simson Klein collection

    The collection contains Simson's and Mary's letters to each other and to the authorities on the subject of Simson's interment on the Isle of Man as an enemy alien. There are also some digital copies of photographs of the Kleins.

  9. Derek Gordon Cole collection

    The papers in this collection document the activities of Lieutenant Cole as a guard in a POW camp in Rimini, Italy, in 1946 where elements of the 14th Waffen-SS Galizien Division were held captive; and later in Palestine where he was involved in operations to prevent illegal Jewish immigration and anti-terrorist operations.

  10. Abram Wolraich collection

    The collection consists of 5 pdfs containing 251 pages of documents and correspondence with and on Abram Wolraich regarding his care after arriving in Britain, as well as a presentation for schools on Abram’s life.

  11. Von Friedhoefen Sterbender Oestlicher Gemeinden

    Von Friedhoefen Sterbender Oestlicher Gemeinden : article by Alfred Grotte

  12. Marie Rosenberg: documents re restitution claim

    Papers which document a restitution claim by Marie Rosenberg.

  13. Jakob Sporrenberg: copy documents

    This collection of copy documents deal with the war record and subsequent fate of Jakob Sporrenberg, successor to Globocnic, police chief of the Lublin area of Poland.

  14. Notgeld collection

    Notgeld collection; also covering letter 

  15. Notice re exhibition of healing methods of nature, Dresden

    Mimeographed notice re exhibition on the healing methods of nature at the Deutsches Hygiene Museum, Dresden 

  16. Copy Nazi propaganda - not dated

    The material consists of a set of complimentary articles on a range of Nazi policies and activities written in English apparently for foreign (English) consumption.

  17. Frieda Melitz and Eugen Sundheimer: Copy documents re marriage

    Copy documents re the marriage of Frieda and Eugen Melitz including certificates, letters of congratulation, present list etcGerman