Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 561 to 580 of 1,826
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. Copy Gestapo order re the confiscation of Agathe Barthel's property

    Copy order re the confiscation of all Agathe Barthel's property in accordance with laws ordaining the removal of the property of communists and enemies of the state.German 

  2. Periodical extracts re germanic cultural renaissance

    The document apparently comprises 3 transcribed, typescript extracts from a (Danish?) periodical entitled Dagens Nyheder, issue 18 November 1934. Three extracts from Dagens Nyheder, covering such subjects as the renaissance of German culture; the celebration of Nordic heroes; and the necessity to extricate Christianity from its oriental and Jewish influences.

  3. George Clare: text of talk

    This talk was given by George Clare at the Wiener Library on the 17th November 1997.

  4. Alexander Baron: Correspondence and other papers

    This collection consists of (mostly copy) correspondence between Alexander Baron and copy articles from a variety of newspapers and periodicals. The subject of the collection deals in particular with Alexander Baron's ongoing arguments with the editor of searchlight, Gerry Gable, centred on Baron's refutation of the charge of anti-semitism.

  5. Papers re Lichtenstein and Rothschild families

    The material in this collection allows insights in life and persecution of members of two Jewish families from Austria and Germany. While the rather administrational documents refer primarily to the Lichtenstein family, the included photographs depict members and social life of the Rothschild family.

  6. Jews in Brazil: various papers

    Letters and reports which document the situation of Jews in Brazil in the 1930s.

  7. Ilse von Hassell: Correspondence to Alex Wetzlar

    Two letters and two postcards from Ilse von Hassell to Alex Wetzlar re the diaries of her former husband Ulrich von HassellThis collection of correspondence from Ilse von Hassell to Alex Wetzlar sheds some light on the publication of her former husband's diaries. Copies and transcripts are included.

  8. Persecution of Jews in Berlin: Various copy documents

    This collection of copy documents records the experiences of racial persecution of Jews in Berlin. It includes the following: an arrest warrant for Leo Boschwitz, (1935) for the destruction of a copy Der Stürmer (-/1) and his release from Lichtenburg concentration camp in the same year(-/2); a good conduct certificate issued by Camp le Vernet for Kurt Noher (1940) (-/5); detailed instructions issued by the jüdische Kultusvereinigung zu Berlin to Regina Montilja prior to her deportation to 'the Protectorate', (1942) (-/7); and pro forma summons to the assembly station at Grosse Hamburger Str...

  9. High court for the British zone in Cologne: Copy appeal judgement against Petersen et al

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This authenticated copy of an appeal court judgement concerns the case of former ship captain, Rudolf Jasper Petersen, and 6 colleagues who are accused of summarily executing a number of the ship's crew for desertion, in the night of 5-6 May 1945. The original verdicts were quashed for all but 2 of the defendants. In addition there is an apparently unrelated copy expert opinion, dated 1946, on the treatment of 'denouncers'

  10. Josef Mengele: Copy papers

    This collection consists of copy papers which document Josef Mengele's early life and career in the SS and also his life in exile in South America.

  11. Otto Löwenstein: Correspondence

    /1-45: This collection of original correspondence from Otto Löwenstein from prison in Hamburg to his wife and child was deposited by his widow via Henry Minden. The letters are written on prison letter forms, designed for ease of purpose, including date of censor's clearance. Information contained within concerns family business and the personal needs of the author. They average one per week

  12. Copy extracts of secret Hungarian documents re British involvement in the history of Hungary

    Die Rolle Grossbritanniens in der Geschichte Ungarns in den Jahren 1937-1945: copy extract reports by Hungarian foreign office officials re the role of Britain in the history of Hungary, 1937-1945This chronological sequence of select reports by Hungarian foreign office officials of meetings and discussions with British foreign office officials and secret service agents sheds some light on the background to relations between the two countries immediately before and during World War II.8 pages

  13. Pavel Novak: copy personal papers

    This collection comprises a school leaving certificate dated 1939, of Risa Elizabeth Novak, Pavel Novak's wife; a certificate from the Jewish Refugees Committee in London about her arrival from Austria in May 1939; and a certificate from a group of Austrian Trade Unionists in Great Britain, confirming the identity of her father and the fact that he was arrested for anti-fascist activities in 1934 and 1938.

  14. Oskar Neumann collection

    Collection of original letters with English translations from Oskar Neumann in Tombelone (?) sent to family in Great Britain. Mention is made of relatives in France and England.

  15. General Pinckvoss et al: Case file re prosecution

    This microfilmed file of correspondence concerns accusations of a relatively minor nature made against General Pinckvoss, Inspekteur des Wehrersatzbezirks, Kassel, and others.