Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 401 to 420 of 1,826
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. Anti-Nazi propaganda in Germany: various papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Anti-Nazi propaganda in Germany: various papers 

  2. Lloyd Parfumerie: shampoo advertisement

    This German advertisement of the Lloyd Parfumerie for “Excentric Shampoo” appears, at some point, to have been used in an exhibition. On the reverse side are directions for use of the shampoo.

  3. Papers re various Jewish organisations

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Original and mimeographed documents relating to Jewish organisations in Germany in the 1930s. The papers consist of a miscellaneous collections relating to the following organisations and individuals: 603/1- correspondence of the lawyer, Willy Katzenstein, of Bielefeld, re the dispute between the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland and the Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin.; 603/2- papers re Ahlem, Israelitische Gartenbauschule; 603/3- various papers re the Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin; 603/4- papers re oth...

  4. Max Nachmann collection

    Personal papers of Max Nachmann, including vital records and identity documents, as well as correspondence with institutions, companies and individuals, mainly on his attempts to extract his family from Poland and Germany. There are also personal papers belonging to his wife, siblings, father and aunt. 

  5. Overview of French anti-Jewish legislation

    Copy report on French anti-Jewish legislationThe report includes the following subjects: general statistics on the French Jewish population; definition of a Jew; Jewish professional activities; Jewish property; Jewish capital; the treatment of foreign JewsThe original was probably written sometime shortly after the second Statut des juifs, 2 June 1941, of the Vichy Regime since this legislation is consistently referred to throughout.7 pages

  6. Ernst Geiduschek: Memoir and other papers

    Original typescript account of arrest in Vienna and incarceration in Dachau concentration camp in the immediate aftermath of Kristallnacht and other related papers

  7. Gilel Storch: copy correspondence and article re Storch's war-time activities

    This collection comprises two separate deposits both made by Hilel (Gilel) Storch, a Latvian Jew and Swedish resident, who helped save the lives of thousands of European Jews during the Nazi era.The earlier deposit (765/1-2) consists of two folders of copy correspondence with enclosures between Storch and two historians, Gerald Fleming and Monty N. Penkower respectively. The later deposit (765/3) is a copy article with translation about the life of Hilel Storch. In order to place the contents of these files in context there followers a brief resumé of Hilel Storch's life and war-time activi...

  8. Louis Philip Polak: copy personal account

    This personal account of Louis Philip Polak provides expert details on the policies and administrative process of persecution and on the personal experiences of persecuted Jews in the Netherlands between 1943 and 1945. It is in the form of sketches or vignettes broadly arranged chronologically.Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version in English

  9. German Jewish artists: exhibition catalogue

    German Jewish artists: exhibition catalogue 

  10. Sonja Lange: work permit

    Work permit for the Jewess, Sonja Lange, issued by the balloon works department of the Zeppelin Airship Company, Berlin,German 

  11. Arnost Polak: family correspondence and papers

    Readers need to book  a reading room terminal to access this digital contentThis collection comprises original postcards and letters from Gerta and Rudolf Pollak, Jewish inmates of Terezin concentration camp in former Czechoslovakia and Siedliszcze, a forced labour camp in the Lublin area, Poland. Also included are some recent photographs of Terezin and memorial stones. The letters are particularly significant for historians of the period because they provide a detailed insight into ghetto life and shed light on the fate of one transport from Terezin to Lublin District in Poland. The f...

  12. Miscellaneous press cuttings and photographs

    Press cuttings consisting of features, book reviews published extracts and editorials on a variety of different Holocaust topics, for instance Concentration Camps and their Liberation and contemporary Jewish life in Britain and Jerusalem; Schindler's List etc.English. 

  13. Lazarus Horowitz, Luzern: correspondence

    The correspondence consists primarily of letters from friends and relatives thanking Lazarus Horowitz for his help and describing their plight either fleeing from or captives of the Nazis.

  14. Account re Ruth Plaut

    Account re Ruth Plaut

  15. Reichsminister des Innern: List of the addresses of Nazi officials

    List of addresses of the main Nazi government officials produced by the Reichsminister des Innern, marked ‘Secret' 

  16. Commemorative material re nazi victims of Kiel

    This collection of copy material relates to the commemoration of former Jewish residents of Kiel, Friedrich Schumm and Hillert Luecken,who died at the hands of the Nazis.

  17. Hadjeret el Meguil, Algeria: Various documents

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of documents concerning life in Hadjeret el Meguil and other internment camps in Vichy North Africa was, according to a covering note at the beginning of the collection, donated to the Wiener Library, by way of gratitude for the assistance that was given to the depositor with respect to his restitution claims.Material re camps in North Africa including the following:Type-written copy of a novel, "Levinstein", by Peter Andreas, based on his experiences in forced labour units ...

  18. Report re antisemitism in Holland

    Report, by Miss de Boer according to an account by Mr L. Ph. Polak, re the persecution of Jews in Holland covering the period 1940-1945 and including reference to the destruction of a synagogue; erosion of Jews' rights and privileges; execution of the Chief Rabbi; transportation of Jews to WesterborkEnglish 8 pages