Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 341 to 360 of 1,826
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. Czech refugee in Great Britain: report of flight into exile

    Report which documents the flight into exile of a Czech civil servant and his wife via Katovice, Poland, thence to England. The deposit comprises a manuscript version in German and a typescript version in English. The report offers a valuable insight into the difficulties encountered by Czech emigrés in the immediate aftermath of the German occupation in 1939.

  2. Hans Schäffer: catalogue to diaries and other papers - no date

    This collection consists of the copy archival catalogue to the diaries and other papers of Hans Schäffer, formerly ministerial official and finance expert during the Weimar era. The original diaries are owned by the Wiener Library and are on permanent loan at the archive of the Institut für Zeitgeschichte, München which produced the catalogue. In addition to the catalogue and related papers there are two additional items, the provenance of which is not known. These are a partial copy of an analysis of the economic crisis of the early 1930s (951/3) and unidentified material relating to Germa...

  3. Miscellaneous eyewitness testimonies

    This set of testimonies was discovered amongst the papers of the Wiener Library. Part of them (listed at 1619/21) are duplicates of testimonies already catalogued in Testaments to the Holocaust. The remainder (1619/1-20) were for some inexplicable reason left out of the original collection. Whilst they have been allocated reference numbers the catalogue frontispiece is absent and there is no evidence that the content has been authenticated.

  4. Glossary of terms related to the Dresdner Bank with short commentary

    Glossary of terms related to the Dresdner Bank with short commentary 

  5. Italian antisemitism during Mussolini's era: various papers

    Miscellaneous copy documents re antisemitism in Italy during Mussolini's era including book reviews, correspondence and a copy letter from Vittorio Cerruti, former Italian ambassador in Berlin, to URO Munich emphasising the differences between Mussolini and Hitler regarding racial ideology. 

  6. World Jewish Congress: minutes of meetings

    This collection includes copies of minutes of meetings of the executive and administrative committees of the World Jewish Congress, held in Paris and Vienna, in addition to other papers.

  7. Office of Reichsführer SS: Correspondence and papers

    This collection of correspondence mostly emanating from the office of Reichsführer SS deals in the main with administrative matters. It includes 2 original letters from Reichsführer SS, Himmler (1144/1/14; -/23). It also includes an incomplete set of an in-house information sheet providing instructions to SS members on a variety of matters such as dress protocol for visits to concentration camps by SS members (1144/2/4); qualification for wearing the 'Death's Head' ring of the SS (1144/2/2); and orders forbidding membership of clubs deemed inappropriate.

  8. Joe Quittner personal papers

    This collection comprises certificates; personal correspondence; material re education/ training; material pertaining to Joe Quittner's refugee experience; miscellaneous papers including detailed inventory of the collection

  9. Letter re Hitler youth employment

    Nothing is known about the provenance of this material.

  10. Copy order re confiscation of Jewish property

    Copy order from the head of the military government in Belgium and Northern France to commanders throughout the region re the confiscation of Jewish property 

  11. Dr. Karl and wife Katharina Schreiner: copy correspondence and papers re Nazi persecution

    The papers document the persecution by the nazis of Karl Schreiner, formerly a lawyer, and his wife Katharina, from Trier, from 1934-1942. They demonstrate the vigour with which any opposition to the nazis, however minimal, was fought, as early as 1934. The papers include statements of denunciation by various individuals, and the views of the NSDAP, Trier, the mayor of Trier and the state prosecutor at the Sondergericht, Koblenz. The Schreiners' offences consisted of refusal to give the nazi salute; refusal to contribute to nazi organisations and causes; opposition to their children joining...

  12. Miscellaneous collections

    This is an artificial collection of 3 unrelated deposits

  13. Copy German army documents re invasion of Great Britain

    Copy documents re the planned German invasion of Great Britain, 1940.

  14. William Scheer papers

    This collection contains primarily school and college certificates of Wilhelm Scheer from his time growing up in Poland. Also included is an Italian id document, 1939; a US naturalisation certificate, 1946; sundry other material; and photographs of William Scheer and other family members.

  15. Wilfrid Israel: copy correspondence

    The material in this collection comprises copies of correspondence to and from Wilfrid Israel, the originals of which are held in archives in the UK, the USA and Israel. The letters were used by Naomi Shepherd in the research on her book Wilfrid Israel: German Jewry’s Secret Ambassador. There follows Naomi Shepherd’s introduction to the collection.Wilfrid Israel was a prolific letter writer and this collection indicates the breadth of his interests and activities including pacifism and internationalism during the first two decades of the 20th century; Zionism- in which he was a follower of ...

  16. Prof. Ernst Fraenkel: correspondence and personal papers

    This collection consists of some personal papers of professor Ernst Fraenkel and correspondence between him and Kapitän Leutnant Kraus of the German Defence Ministry press office regarding Jews who fought for Germany in the two World Wars.

  17. Dr Walter Gross: Lecture

    Lecture from Dr Walter Gross in which he stresses the importance of propaganda as a tool to influence the masses particularly in relation to the propagation of Nazi racial ideology.Typescript. German. 3 pages 

  18. Heinrich Kraschutski: copy correspondence concerning his fate

    The letters deal with the fate of Heinrich Richard Albrecht Kraschutski, formerly commander in the German navy, 1914-1918, becoming a prominent figure in the pacifist movement in Germany after the First World War, and co-editor of the pacifist weekly, Das Andere Deutschland, the publication of which was regarded as particularly pernicious and treacherous by the Reichswehr because of its disclosures of violations of the disarmament clauses of the Treaty of Versailles. He went to Majorca and together with a small group of other anti-nazi refugees opened a little workshop of arts and crafts at...

  19. Copy telegram re removal of Jews from Marseille to Compeigne

    Copy telegram, signed Schleier, re an order by the SD to remove foreigners, mainly Jews, from Marseille district to Camp in CompiègneGerman