Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 281 to 300 of 1,826
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. Dr Julius Katz-Suchy: statement re genocide

    In this article from Poland of Today, March 1949 Vol.4 No.3, Dr Juliusz Katz-Suchy, Polish representative at the Plenary meeting of the Seventh Session of the Economic and Social Council on 27 August 1948, explains why he abstained from voting on the Draft Convention on Genocide adopted by the United Nations.

  2. Copy report re situation of Jews in Germany

    The detailed knowledge of wide ranging prohibition, intimidation and persecution suggests that the report is genuine. It is stated on the first page that the report was written by 'an intelligent and reliable emigrant, for many years a resident of Berlin.' It is also marked 'Confidential, not to be published' and dated March 17 1942, New York although the title is 'Jews in Germany, October 1941'.

  3. Copy papers concerning Karl Wittig

    This collection of copy papers documents the experiences of Karl Wittig in Germany during the Nazi era and in the immediate postwar years. The papers include sworn statements by various witnesses (including Pastor Martin Niemöller) who testify to his incarceration in various concentration camps.

  4. Birkenau: copy report re poison trace

    This collection comprises documents concerning the existence of poison traces in the debris taken from the crematorium at the death camp of Birkenau. It includes a request (887/1) from the Committee Investigating German War Crimes in Poland to the Institute of Toxicological Experts in Krakau to investigate and report on the extent to which various items salvaged from Birkenau contain traces of poison. the items include 25.5 kg of human hair; zinc metal sheets which covered the vent openings of the crematoria; mortar from the walls; and various metal objects. The report (887/2) concludes tha...

  5. Shatzky family papers

    The collection contains a report about the life of Israel Shatzky, a letter from an unidentified parent to a daughter called Mertche, and family photographs.

  6. La Vista Report

    /1 La Vista report, 11 pages,15.5.1947/2 Short bibliography of articles re Vatican and escaped Nazis/3 Copy letter from Bob Fink to Tom Bower re La Vista Report, 29.6.1983

  7. Norbert Masur: Report re meeting with Himmler

    The report describes a meeting between Norbert Masur and Himmler in Berlin, 20 April 1945, which was arranged by Felix Kersten, Himmler's doctor, the objective of which was to bring about the release of Jews from concentration camps. The meeting resulted in the release of all the women from Ravensbrück and of prisoners from a number of other camps.

  8. Baldur von Schirach: texts from various speeches

    Copy transcriptions of speeches dealing mainly with youth in Nazi Germany. Each speech was subsequently checked and edited by Mia Thiel Hansen in the employ of the BBC on 19 November 1945. An original certificate of authentication signed by Mia Thiel Hansen is enclosed with each speech.

  9. Wehrmacht: Copy instructions re management of troops

    Copy translation of ‘Special issue of notes for the officer corps' issued by the High Command of the Wehrmacht under the following headings ‘the morale of troops must be raised'; ‘false interpretation of the word surrender'; ‘it is urgently necessary to make clear to the troops the exact sense of this conception on the part of the general'; ‘when and why officers must save themselves'; ‘instructions for the handling of soldiers' GPS' 

  10. Ruth Wiener collection

    The papers include pre-war documents and correspondence while Ruth lived in Amsterdam; material documenting life in Westerbork and Bergen Belsen camps including diary and plan of Westerbork; postwar correspondence from her father, who treated her as head of the family in his absence and after her mother's death; also papers of the Klemens family.In addition readers need to book a reading room terminal to view digital content including video interviews with Ruth and Paul Klemens, c1980s

  11. Copy list of Auschwitz prisoners

    On each sheet it is stated that Hermann Langbein authenticated the signature (on the original), as General Secretary of the Internationale Auschwitz-Komitee.

  12. Ernst Kramer personal papers

    Personal papers and correspondence of Arnost and Eva Kramer

  13. Papers re Jewish family research

    Material regarding Jewish family history and issues relating to non-aryan nobility.

  14. Copy Neo-Nazi material

    This collection comprises copies of German neo-nazi periodicals arranged in alphabetical order (632/1); miscellaneous copy publications of (or about) neo-nazi organisations in Germany arranged in alphabetical order of organisation; copy articles re neo-nazi activities from the German press. All of the material is dated c1980.

  15. Maria Nermi-Egounoff, Hungarian opera singer: copy documents

    This miscellaneous collection of copy documentation consists of a cv of Maria Nermi- Egounoff, replete with reviews from various newspapers of her work; short biographies of British residents of Hungarian extraction who were apparently antisemitic [how they were known to the depositor is not made clear]; copy newspaper articles and scribbled biographical notes.

  16. Eric Erber collection

    The collection contains the personal papers of Eric, Robert and Anna, in particular vital records and identity documents. Eric’s papers include the materials he collected in seeking compensation for a property owned by his mother’s family. Robert’s papers contain materials on his dismissal from the Viennese tram company because of the Nazi race laws and a letter from the foreign representatives of the Austrian socialists offering Robert support as a political refugee. The collection also includes Robert’s correspondence with various institutions on the whereabouts of his brother Ernst, who...

  17. Ilse Hyman collection

    The collection primarily consists of Ilse Hyman’s correspondence after she arrived in the UK.

  18. Copy papers re Zyklon 'B'

    Copy photographs of Zyklon ‘B' canisters; copy correspondence between the War Office and the London Fumigation Company re the manufacture and use of Zyklon ‘B'; military passbook of SS Gruppenführer and Generallleutnant Jakob Sporrenberg.Former references WO.208.2169; WO.309.1602; WO.311.423

  19. Appeal for peace by the Second International Congress against Racism

    Appeal for peace by the Second International Congress against Racism to the Arab people and Jews of Palestine to stop hating each other and to lay down their arms.French