Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 241 to 260 of 1,826
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. Siegfried Rotholz: personal papers

    These mostly original personal papers of Siegfried Rotholz, a German Jewish former resident of Berlin, who was transported to Australia on the 'Dunera', document his experiences as a refugee and his attempts to gain restitution money from the German government. Of particular interest is his account of the trip on the 'Dunera', replete with descriptions of the suffering endured by the internees, 847/3.

  2. Copy laws, enactments and correspondence re race in the Third Reich

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This collection of material relating to the enactment of racial laws in the Third Reich including the Sudetenland comprises drafts and copies.Begriff "Mischehe", 26 Apr 1935Verbot von Rassenmischehen, 26 Nov 1935Gesetze zum Schutze des deutschen Blutes und der deutschen Ehre, 23 Dec 1935Anträge auf Befreiung von der Vorschrift des Paragraph 3, 24 Feb 1936Durchführung des Blutschutzgesetzes, 1 Sep 1936Auslegung des Paragraph 4, 7 Dec 1936Judentempel in Tachau, 19 Dec 1938Durchführung der Nürnberger Ra...

  3. Rescue Movement of Refugees for the Persecuted: Correspondence

    This collection documents the responses from MPs and others to Gertler's proposal.

  4. Antisemitism in the Third Reich: Miscellaneous documents

    These 3 unrelated documents are evidence of anti-Semitic measures taken by the Nazis

  5. Typescript account of the persecution of a Jewish couple in Fürth

    A typescript account of the persecution of a Jewish couple in Fürth, who were forced to sell their property.German 1 pageThe names of the victims have been abbreviated.The document has been annotated with the reference PIIIe, which suggests that it might have been created as part of the Wiener Library Eyewitness Testimonies series.

  6. Address by Federal President, Johannes Rau

    This collection contains copies of an address in German and English to the Israeli Parliament by the German Federal President, Johannes Rau, 0n 16 February 2000

  7. Victor Koch: Old master drawings collection

    The collection comprises a manuscript volume into which photographs have been affixed. In addition there are some enclosures consisting of items, which have become unattached from the volume. There is also some correspondence from art galleries re Koch's collection.

  8. Documentation re Jews in Piaski, Poland

    Documentation re Jews in Piaski, Poland 

  9. Edward Stern collection

    This collect comprises mostly the personal papers of Edward Stern with reference to his school record, his employment history and his army record; also included are papers pertaining to his wife, Ellen and his father and mother, Heinrich and Erna.

  10. Kurt Sabatsky: reports on leading Nazis and incidents of Jewish persecution

    This collection consists of typescript reports about individual Nazis and accounts of incidents of Jewish persecution. Many of the reports are written in the first person. In the last report (-/23), an account of the author's dealings with Erich Koch, formerly Gauleiter of Ostpreussen, the author reveals his identity - Kurt Sabatsky, formerly District Syndicus of the Centralverein Deutscher Staatsbürger Jüdischen Glaubens, who later worked for the Wiener Library. At -/13 is a report of a meeting between Hermann Göring, then head of the Gestapo, and Brodnitz and Alfred Wiener, representative...

  11. Spiegelman: family documents

    Unidentified family documents in Polish. 

  12. Silver wedding greeting

    Silver wedding greeting for Ortsamtsleiter Willy Zwerg and his wife Frieda from the NSDAP Kreis Lübeck replete with legend consisting of quote from Mein Kampf on the purpose of marriage

  13. Reprint from CIO News

    “Together we win!” Reprinted article from the CIO News, Aug 27, 1945 by Philip Murray. Appeal from the Congress of Industrial Organizations against racial discrimination. 

  14. Rolf Falksohn: Family papers

    This collection contains papers relating to the family of Rolf Falksohn and includes birth marriage and death certificates (1863/1/1-13); war time correspondence from Rolf in London, to his sister, Tutta, in Palestine (digital); pre war correspondence between Rolf's father Albert (1891-1943), Rolf and Tutta (digital); postwar correspondence from Rolf's aunt Trude in Berlin (digital); copy documentation regarding Rolf's uncle and aunt Leo Segall (1886-1943) and Manya Segall nee Falksohn (1892-1943) (1863/1/11); photgraphs (digital and some printouts: 1863/2/1-25)  

  15. Polish Jewish experience: Various papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of material, documenting the experiences of Jews in Poland, comprises 3 groups: reports; transcript newspaper articles and extracts; transcripts and extracts of letters from Poland.ReportsRapport sur la situation des Juifs en Galicie Orientale 1940, frames 3-12Rapport speciale sur la situation des Juifs à Lodz, frames 14-16La situation en Pologne, frames 18-20Tausende von jüdischen Flüchtlingen in Wilna, frames 21-22Die Deutschen in Warschau- das Martyrium der jüdischen Bevö...