Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,461 to 1,480 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. M.27 - Public Record Office, London: Documentation pertaining to Jewish matters

    M.27 - Public Record Office, London: Documentation pertaining to Jewish matters Established under the terms of the Public Record Office Act of 1838, the Public Record Office (PRO) was the official archive of the government of Great Britain. Court documents were originally stored at the archive, however, from the middle of the 19th century, government documents were transferred there, and the law was adapted accordingly. The archive was located in the Rolls Building in the center of London from 1854. In 2003, the PRO was combined with a number of other bodies, and today it is known as The Na...

  2. Documentation from the Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv

    Documentation from the Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv

  3. Documentation regarding David Frankfurter and his trial in Switzerland following an attempt to assassinate Wilhelm Gustloff, 1936

    Documentation regarding David Frankfurter and his trial in Switzerland following an attempt to assassinate Wilhelm Gustloff, 1936 In the Collection there is documentation regarding the assassination of Wilhelm Gustloff, Landesgruppenleiter Schweiz NSDAP (head of the Nazi party in Switzerland) in his home in Davos by David Frankfurter, a Jewish citizen of Yugoslavia, who was a medical student in Berne, 04 February 1936. David Frankfurter was the youngest of the three sons of an Orthodox rabbi with an excellent general education, who served as a community rabbi in Yugoslavia. His oldest broth...

  4. O.34 - Zonabend Collection: Documentation From the Lodz Ghetto

    O.34 - Zonabend Collection: Documentation from the Lodz Ghetto The documentation in this Collection survived due to the initiative of Nachman Zonabend who was in a group of Jewish inmates brought to the Lodz Ghetto to clear away the rubble during the war. Zonabend stole into the building where the Ghetto Archive was kept, rescued the documentation at the risk of his life, and hid it until the end of the war. The documentation is invaluable for the history of the Lodz Ghetto. The collection, from 1939-1945, includes Judenrat posters, circulars issued by the Jewish Community offices in the gh...

  5. Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: The Hashomer Hatzair Movement in Hungary and Slovakia

    Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: The Hashomer Hatzair Movement in Hungary and Slovakia In the Record Group there are seven files containing Hashomer Hatzair documentation from Hungary and Slovakia. In the Collection there is a journal kept by the "Hahagshama" group in Budapest, conducted from 1939 until the murder of the Jews of Hungary, including a description of the events and underground activities. The journal was transferred to Eretz Israel by Zvi Erez, one of the survivors of the group. In the Collection there is also documentation regarding the activities of the parachutists [f...

  6. Documentation from the former Federal Archive in Koblenz (Bundesarchiv Koblenz), regarding government offices and various Nazi frameworks

    Documentation from the former Federal Archive in Koblenz (Bundesarchiv Koblenz), regarding government offices and various Nazi frameworks

  7. Documentation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Romania, 1940-1944

    Documentation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Romania, 1940-1944 The collection includes requests submitted to Ion Antonescu by Jews in Romania, in which they request the return of property confiscated from them and equal rights regardless of religion; the collection includes information regarding forced labor and the deportation of Jews from Romania to Transnistria.

  8. Collection of documents from the Rabbi of the village of Rejowiec

    Collection of documents from the Rabbi of the village of Rejowiec

  9. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Negba

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Negba Book: Shulamit Goren (editor), "History of the Hungarian group, 1942-1947", published by Kibbutz Negba, 1984.

  10. Newspaper clippings, books, surveys and articles regarding the Jews in Italy during the Holocaust

    Newspaper clippings, books, surveys and articles regarding the Jews in Italy during the Holocaust - Newspaper clippings from the World War II period in Italy; - Newspaper clippings regarding the World War II period in Italy. Articles and surveys on the following topics: - Anti-Jewish legislation in Italy and its implications on various aspects of the lives of the Jews in Italy; - The Fascist Party in Italy and its attitude towards the Jews before and after the anti-Jewish legislation; - The Jews in the Italian resistance; - Persecution of the Jews in Italy; - The stand taken by the Vatican ...

  11. Documentation from the local archives in Cluj and St. Gheorghe, Romania

    Documentation from the local archives in Cluj and St. Gheorghe, Romania Ten files, of which Files Nos. 1-8 and 10, include information in Hungarian. A few of the files are from the communities in the cities and towns in Transylvania in the area of Haromszek. The people in the communities wrote the history of the Jews of Haromszek and preserved the paperwork dealing with the life of the community. The main paperwork deals with matters pertaining to Kezdivasarhely and Sepsiszentgyorgy. In File No. 9 there are documents from Cluj in Romanian.

  12. M.1.E - Collection of testimonies gathered by the Central Historic Committee of the Liberated Jews in Munich, 1946-1948

    M.1.E - Collection of testimonies gathered by the Central Historic Committee of the Liberated Jews in Munich, 1946-1948 During the three years of its existence, the Central Historic Committee (CHC) gathered approximately 2,550 testimonies from Holocaust survivors from different countries within occupied Europe. The testimonies deal with the fate of the survivors in various countries during the Nazi occupation.

  13. M.61 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from State Archives in Hungary

    M.61 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from State Archives in Hungary In the Record Group there are lists of deportees, lists of Jewish property, official correspondence, trials conducted against war criminals in Peoples' Courts in Budapest and Pécs, including the major trials held immediately after the war, such as the Szalasi Trial. There is also documentation from the [Jewish] communities regarding ghettos, anti-Jewish directives and orders, announcements and receipts issued for payments taken from Jewish funds to cover the expenses of building the ghetto.

  14. Borgs-Maciejewski collection of newspapers on the subject of the Nazis, 1921-1950

    Borgs-Maciejewski collection of newspapers on the subject of the Nazis, 1921-1950 Dr. Hans Borgs-Maciejewski was a Catholic philologist and educator. He was born in Duesseldorf in 1898, and resided in Wuppertal-Elberfeld for most of his life. He became interested in newspapers at an early age and collected newspaper clippings, in most part from Catholic newspapers in the Rhineland. Upon Hitler's rise to power, Borgs-Maciejewski decided to focus mainly on the Nazi regime, dedicating his efforts to the collection of newspaper clippings from publications in the Rhineland and Berlin that dealt ...

  15. M.21.6 - Kriegsverbrecherreferat (War Criminals Department), Central Committee of Liberated Jews - Munich

    M.21.6 - Kriegsverbrecherreferat (War Criminals Department), Central Committee of Liberated Jews - Munich The War Criminals Department was established in the American Occupation Zone shortly after the end of World War II. It was active from 1946-1951 as the Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Munich, in cooperation with the Central Historical Commission in Munich and other survivor organizations. The purpose of the Department was to locate war criminals and collaborators, to gather documentary material, to collect testimonies from survivors and to bring the crimin...

  16. M.67 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from archives in Bulgaria

    M.67 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from archives in Bulgaria In the Record Group there is documentation from government archives in Bulgaria. Cataloguing began in 2001, and it is still continuing. The Record Group is open for accepting additional official documentation. The Record group contains documentation from the Holocaust period: - Indictments, protocols of investigations carried out in preparation for the trials held in the People's Court in Bulgaria in 1945, verdicts and protocols from the first three Court sessions (regarding protocols from additional People's Court Sessi...

  17. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein HaShlosha

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein HaShlosha 1. Memorial booklet, "Nathan"; 2. Three documents (in German, 1938) (photocopy).

  18. Files of the Wuerzburg Gestapo

    Files of the Wuerzburg Gestapo

  19. P.31 - Collection of Ottó (Natan) Komoly, Chairman of the Magyar Cionista Szövetség (Hungarian Zionist Organization), 1941-1944

    P.31 - Collection of Ottó (Natan) Komoly, Chairman of the Magyar Cionista Szövetség (Hungarian Zionist Organization), 1941-1944 Biography of Ottó Komoly: Ottó Komoly (Hebrew name: Natan-Zeev Kahan) was born in Budapest in 1892; by profession he was an engineer. In 1940 he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Magyar Cionista Szövetség, and in 1941, he was elected as its Chairman. In 1943, the Budapesti Mentőbizottság (Budapest Relief and Rescue Committee) was established in Budapest and Komoly served as its chairman. In this capacity, he was involved with relief activities and attempts to smug...