Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,441 to 1,460 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Testimonies and memoirs regarding Nazi war crimes in Belorussia during World War II

    Testimonies and memoirs regarding Nazi war crimes in Belorussia during World War II Included in the collection: - Testimonies regarding the Minsk Ghetto and Nazi war crimes; - Memoirs of the partisans commissar Boris Khaimovich; - Article regarding Nazi actions in the occupied areas of Belorussia; - Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding the city of Kiev.

  2. M.40.MAP - The Military Archive in Podolsk - Documentation from the Central Archive of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense

    M.40.MAP - The Military Archive in Podolsk - Documentation from the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence The collection contains documentation from TSAMO (Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence ) including information regarding the murder of the Jews of Moldavia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, France, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungary, Belorussia, Ukraine and more. There is also information regarding the Gypsies, such as the concentration of Gypsies, their living conditions and their murder. Description of the collection: 1. Camps Concentration camps, extermin...

  3. M.45 - Documentation from archives in Lithuania, 1941-1945

    M.45- Documentation from archives in Lithuania, 1941-1945 The documentation includes records groups from the following archives: Gebietskommissar Wilno-Land (the District Commissioner of Vilna), Oberfeldkommandatur 396, Gebietskommissar Stadtkommandant Wilno Kaunas, Wilno Stadt und Land SS, Wilno Sipo und SD, Sipo und SD Kommandant Kaunas, the SD prison in Stadtkommandatura Marjampol, Vilna and more. In the collection there is also documentation from various organizations, including lists of members of the Judenrat departments in the Vilna Ghetto, lists of the Jewish police in the Vilna Ghe...

  4. O.37/Linz - Collection of the Jewish Historical Commission in Linz

    O.37/Linz - Collection of the Jewish Historical Commission in Linz

  5. M.44 - Documentation from archives in Estonia, 1941-1946

    M.44 Documentation from archives in Estonia, 1941-1946 A. Documentation from the Estonian State Central Archives (ERA) in Tallinn, Estonia Examples: - Collection of the autonomous leadership regarding Jewish culture in Estonia; - Collection of the Valga Juudi Spordiselts Makkabi (Maccabi Sports Association) in Valga; - Collection of the Tartu Akadeemiline Juudi Ajaloo ja Kirjanduse Selts ülikooli juures (Association for Jewish Culture and History) in Tartu; - Collection of the Tartu-Juudi üliõpilaste Kassa (Jewish Students' Fund) in Tartu, 1887-1928; - Collection of the Tartu Juudi Usuühing...

  6. O.64.2/MISC - Documentation submitted by Private People

    O.64.2/MISC - Documentation submitted by Private People

  7. P.28- Personal documentation of Michal Borwicz

    P.28- Personal documentation of Michal Borwicz

  8. Documentation regarding Jews, from the Stadtarchiv Lueneburg

    Documentation regarding Jews, from the Stadtarchiv Lueneburg

  9. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Beit Alfa

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Beit Alfa Experiences/ memoirs of: 1. Etti Agmon; 2. Menachem Agmon; 3. Elsa; 4. Roza Brenman, "To remember and speak, and not forget"; 5. Yehuda Gutman; 6. Gina Degan; 7. Doda Hadas; 8. Peretz Har-Arieh; 9. Zvika Harpaz; 10. Rachel Zorek Ziv (1994); 11. Rachel Ziv, "To rescue Shaul" (1979); 12. Shaul Zinger; 13. Mordechai Mann; 14. Sedko; 15. Elsa Slomnizki 16. Yitzhak Weintraub Einav; 17. Zipora Einav; 18. Shoshana Pivnik; 19. Shoshana Fel...

  10. O.6/MISC - Miscellaneous Items

    O.6/MISC - Miscellaneous Items

  11. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Givat Haim (Ihud)

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Givat Haim (Ihud) Experiences/ memoirs: 1. Olga Banai; 2. Shaul Bar-Lev; 3. Mina Bresler; 4. Shoshana Grinspan; 5. Chaya Flushnik; Eulogies: 1. Aleks Banai; 2. Chaim Hecht; 3. Yona Flushnik; Articles: 1. Arnon Lapid, "79235 - a strong number", from: "The green page in the kibbutz movement", no. 135, 1984; 2. Brief biography of the late Moshe Grinspan (unknown source).

  12. Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: Activities of the Partisans, Pioneers, and Soldiers Organization(PCh"Ch)

    Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: Activities of the Partisans, Soldiers, Pioneers Organization(PCh"Ch) The Partisans, Pioneers, and Soldiers Organization (PCh"Ch) began its activityin liberated Poland in 1945, and continued its activities in Germany, Austria, Italy and Cyprus until the members of the organization made aliya to Eretz Israel. The organization archives were brought to Eretz Israel by Shalom Cholovsky, a headquarters member. The documentation includes material from the main headquarters of the organization in Germany arranged in 11 files. Much importance is assigned to the...

  13. Service Européen de Recherches (SER– European Search Service) card catalogue of deportees from France, 1940-1946

    Service Européen de Recherches (SER– European Search Service) card catalogue of deportees from France, 1940-1946 In the card catalogue: Names of family members of Jews from France who were deported by the Germans from various places; indicated on the card: the name of the deportee, year and place of birth, nationality and the name of the camp to which s/he was deported.

  14. O.76.2 - Songs/Poems mostly written by Holocaust survivors

    O.76.2 - Songs/Poems mostly written by Holocaust survivors Most of the songs and poems gathered in this Sub-Records Group were written by Holocaust survivors in various languages, mainly during the Holocaust period and afterwards. A small number of the songs and poems were written by Jews who perished in the Holocaust. Many poems describe experiences and events from the Holocaust period, as well as longings for home and the people from whom they were forced to part. Some of the poems that were written after the Holocaust are dedicated to the memory of family members, friends and acquaintanc...

  15. TR.3.1 - Evidential material collected in preparation for the Eichmann Trial

    TR.3.1 - Evidential material collected in preparation for the Eichmann Trial The TR.3.1 Sub-Record Group contains evidential material collected in preparation for the Eichmann Trial, including transcripts of testimonies submitted to the Israel Police and copies of documents from the Holocaust period; the documents are dated, 1933-1961.

  16. Collection of Belorussian sources regarding various matters, from the 1920s until the 1990s

    Collection of Belorussian sources regarding various matters, from the 1920s until the 1990s In the collection is a list of owners of apartments in Minsk [used] for hiding, who were active during 1941-1944; newspaper clippings from the Red Army newspaper, "Boyevoy listok", regarding Nazi war criminals in Belorussia during 1941-1944; (the number of people who perished in the Belorussia and Grodno regions); documentation of the partisans detachments under the command of Zorin during 1943-1944; memoirs regarding the activities of the underground in the Minsk Ghetto during 1941-1943; and, statis...

  17. Documentation from the Staatsarchivs Basel (State archive in Basel), Switzerland

    Documentation from the Staatsarchivs Basel (State archive in Basel), Switzerland

  18. O.60 - Collection of Anti-Jewish Legislation - the World Jewish Congress

    O.60 - Collection of Anti-Jewish Legislation - the World Jewish Congress Included in the Record Group: A. Collection of anti-Jewish legislation enacted in various countries, organized in files according to the countries. Sometimes the law is quoted as it was published in the law books of that particular country, and sometimes there are surveys regarding the law or newspaper clippings with a description of the law. B. Correspondence between the World Jewish Congress (including with the United Nations) regarding anti-Jewish legislation such as laws regarding emigration, the status of refugees...

  19. Documentation from the Haigerloch Municipal Archives, 1929-1999

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 11983692
    • English, Hebrew
    • Financial accounts Interview(s) Legal documentation Official documentation Protocol Record of deportees Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors

    Documentation from the Haigerloch Municipal Archives The collection includes, among other material: Collection of interviews with survivors, conducted by the University of Tuebingen; excerpts from protocols of the Gemeindevertretung (Municipal representation) dealing with Jews, 1929-1951; municipal files regarding various subjects related to the life of the Jews in the city and their persecution, from the Weimar Republic and until the 1950s, including the confiscation of Jewish property (including many details); trials against Jews; deportations; permits for the purpose of emigration; place...

  20. M.21.1 - Kriegsverbrecherreferat (War Criminals Department), Central Committee of Liberated Jews - Munich

    M.21.1 - Kriegsverbrecherreferat (War Criminals Department), Central Committee of Liberated Jews - Munich The War Criminals Department was established in the American Occupied Zone a short time after the end of World War II. From 1946-1951 it was active as the legal division of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Munich, in cooperation with the Central Historical Commission in Munich and other survivor organizations. The role of the division was to locate war criminals and collaborators, to gather documentary material, to collect testimony from survivors and to bring the criminals to...