Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,401 to 1,420 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. M.62 - Documentation from the Regional Archives of the Russian Federation, 1934-1946

    M.62 - Documentation from Regional Archives of the Russian Federation, 1934-1946 In the collection there are files selected from the Regional Archives of the Russian Federation: the State Archives in the Tver, Kaluga, Pskov, Orel, Smolensk, Novgorod and Bryansk regions, the State Archives of the Republics of Kalmykia and Mordovia and the State Archive for Records of Contemporary History in the Kaluga, Smolensk and Tver Regions. Description of the collection The collection includes documentation from the local committees of the Communist Party in various regions of Russia, 1917-1929, documen...

  2. Documentation regarding Jews, from the Sarstedt Municipal Archives

    Documentation regarding Jews, from the Sarstedt Municipal Archives

  3. Documentation of the Schweizerisches Arbeiter-Hilfswerk, Abteilung Fluechtlingshilfe (Swiss Workers' Social-Welfare Organization, Department for Refugees Relief), regarding refugees and emigrants from Germany

    Documentation of the Schweizerisches Arbeiter-Hilfswerk, Abteilung Fluechtlingshilfe (Swiss Workers' Social-Welfare Organization, Department for Refugees Relief), regarding refugees and emigrants from Germany Reports from the regional relief organizations and the directors of camps and residences of the Schweizerisches Arbeiter-Hilfswerk, Abteilung Fluechtlingshilfe (Swiss workers' social-welfare organization, Department for refugees relief), regarding the refugees' recreational activities including detailed reports from several refugee camps and residences concerning lectures and cultural ...

  4. Documentation regarding Jews, from local archives in the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

    Documentation regarding Jews, from local archives in the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

  5. Collection of articles from the local Ukrainian press, 1941-1944

    Collection of articles from the local Ukrainian press, 1941-1944 The collection includes articles published in the local Ukrainian press during 1941-1944, regarding the "Jewish Question" and German orders.

  6. P.39 - Bernardo Grosser Collection: Bernado Grosser was active in Delasem, the relief organization for the Jews in Italy

    P.39 - Bernardo Grosser Collection: Bernado Grosser was active in Delasem, the relief organization for the Jews in Italy Correspondence and personal documentation belonging to Delasem (Delegazione per l'Assistenza degli Emigranti Ebrei- Delegation for the Assistance of Jewish Emigrants) activist Bernardo (Berl) Grosser who escaped to Switzerland during the war and was an activist on behalf of the Jewish refugees from Italy in Switzerland. Included in the Record Group is documentation from the Galpi (gratitude to the Italian population) Organization which Bernardo Grosser and Yugoslavian sur...

  7. O.22- The Mecker Collection: Letters and newspaper clippings from the "Forverts" newspaper published in New York regarding the search for relatives, 1940-1951

    O.22- The Mecker Collection: Letters and newspaper clippings from the "Forverts" newspaper published in New York regarding the search for relatives, 1940-1951 J. Mecker was one of the editors of the "Forverts" newspaper published (in Yiddish) in New York. Between 1945 and 1951 Mecker collected letters and written testimonies sent to the newspaper by Holocaust survivors. Some of this documentation appeared in the newspaper. Newspaper clippings as well as manuscripts of letters and testimonies that were not published in the newspapers were submitted to Yad Vashem by Ms. Rachel Auerbach in 195...

  8. M.84 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from Archives in Serbia

    M.84 - Documantation regarding the Holocaust from Archives in Serbia The Record Group was created following the division of the former Yugoslavian Record Group - M.70. In the Record Group there is archival documentation photocopied from the Central Archive of Serbia, the Military Archive, and the Foreign Ministry Archive. Included in the Record Group: - Documentation of the Yugoslavian Government-in-Exile including the Foreign Ministry, from the World War II period and afterwards; - Documentation regarding rescue activities of Jews in the areas of Yugoslavia during the war period; - Investi...

  9. M.7 - Relico Collection - Documentation of the World Jewish Congress Relief Committee for the War-Stricken Jewish Population, Geneva

    M.7 - Relico Collection - Documentation of the World Jewish Congress Relief Committee for the War-Stricken Jewish Population, Geneva The Relico Organization, the World Jewish Congress Relief Committee for the War-Stricken Jewish Population, Geneva, was founded in Geneva in 1939 by Dr. Abraham Silberschein, and funded by the World Jewish Congress. The Committee was active until 1947. Its main purpose was to assist the persecuted Jews in the areas occupied by the Nazis. The organization also assisted in locating family members and provided relief to Jewish refugees who had lost their homes an...

  10. Card catalogue of those who perished from the labor battalions and deportees from Hungary

    Card file of members of Hungarian labor battalions who perished The card file was collected and compiled by the Hungarian Ministry of Defense (Honvédelmi Minisztérium) between the years 1945-1954, and includes the personal cards of Hungarian Jewish victims. Some of the documents are photocopies of death certificates which were issued by local courts on the basis of lists and publications of various bodies such as the International Tracing Service, the US army, declarations by individuals regarding Hungarian Jews who had perished, and lists prepared by former prisoners. The card file, which ...

  11. Documentation regarding Jews, from local archives in the State of Schleswig-Holstein

    Documentation regarding Jews, from local archives in the State of Schleswig-Holstein

  12. Documentation regarding the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia (Czechia), mainly during the Holocaust Documentation regarding the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia (Czechia), mainly during the Holocaust In the Sub-Record Group there is documentation regarding Jewish youth movements and sports associations that were active before World War II, documentation concerning anti-Jewish legislation from 1939-1944; official documentation about the work of the Central Office for Jewish Emigration and pertaining to the employment of Jews; newspaper clippings on the subject of Jews in the Economy, 1938-1943, documentation regarding Jewish communities, documentation concerning the function of the Jewi...

  13. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Heftziba

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Heftziba Testimonies/ interviews: 1. Ilana Aviel; 2. Shmuel Shfudi Almog; 3. Pnina Gavish; 4. David Fuchs; 5. Moshe Felsenstein; 6. Sara Felsenstein; 7. Hinda Chapnik; 8. Moshe Chapnik; 9. Zila Sharon; Eulogy: Edmund Meir; Yechezkel Grinbaum; Articles: 1. Moshe Felsenstein, "Pages from the past: 30 years since our aliya ("Bederech" group - "Babayit" ["On the way" group - "At home"], "Bakibbutz", 02/07/1976; 2. Sara Felsenstein, "The woman wh...

  14. M.43.LVA - Documentation from the State Archives of Latvia

    M.43 - Documentation from the State Archives of Latvia The collection includes documentation of the Gebietskommissariat (representative) of the Riga district, the Reichskommisariat (Reich representative) of Ostland, the Generalkommissariat of the region, and documentation of the SS, SD, and the Wehrmacht in Ostland; there is also documentation of the Kommandatura (command headquarters) of cities of Riga, Kaunas, Ludza, Liepaja, and other places; Included in the collection is documentation of the municipal administrations of cities in Latvia, reports prepared by the Soviet Extraordinary Stat...

  15. M.41.BGAMLI - Documentation of the Belorussian State Archive of Literature and Art

    M.41.BGAMLI - Documentation of the Belorussian State Archive of Literature and Art

  16. P.48 - Aryeh Kubovy Personal Collection

    P.48 - Aryeh Kubovy Personal Collection The Collection includes mainly documentation from 1951-1952, the years when Dr. Aryeh Kubovy served as the Legate for Israel in Czechoslovakia and Poland. Aryeh Leon Kubovy (Kubovitzki) was born in Kursenai, Lithuania, in 1896. In 1906 his family emigrated to Belgium, where he acquired the rest of his education. He completed his studies for a Doctorate in Classical Philology and Law at the University of Brussels and Liége University. In 1926 he became a Belgian citizen. He worked as a lawyer from 1926-1940, first in Antwerp and afterwards in Brussels....

  17. O.64.2/WSZ - Hermann Weisz Collection

    O.64.2/WSZ - Hermann Weisz Collection Provenance of the Collection: Born in 1917, Hermann Weisz was an attorney at law by profession and active in the Eretz Israel Office in Prague. On 30 November 1941, he was deported to the Theresienstadt Ghetto where he served as the Deputy Director of the Jüdischen Selbstverwaltung Zentralevidenz until the liberation of the camp. With help from Jüdischen Selbstverwaltung workers, Weisz copied much documentation regarding the activities of the various Jüdischen Selbstverwaltung departments, principally documentation regarding the transports arriving in a...

  18. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh Testimonies: "Testimonies: Stories of members of Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh during the Holocaust period", 5750 (1990) (two copies): Gita Alexandroni; Dov Amitai (1990); Rosa Amitai (1984); Eva Efrat (1983); Shmuel Becher (1983); Tamar Blau (1984); Yehudit Haze (1983); Raya Yaakobi (1990); Saraleh Kochavi (1979); Willi Moher (1990); Zeev Mandel (1990); Zipora Mandel (1983); Marta Nimrod (1983); Daniella Nathan (1990); Reuven Peleg (198...

  19. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground The archive gets its name from Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamaroff, who set up the archive in early 1943, and Zvi Mersik, one of Mordechai Tenenbaum's outstanding aides, who continued to maintain the archive after Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamaroff's death. Most of the documentation, which was created between July 1941 and April 1943, is located in the Yad Vashem Archive. The original material is not concentrated in one place: some of it is housed in the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, and the rest of th...

  20. M. 57-Kulturbund der Juden in Deutschland (the Cultural Organization of German Jewry)

    M. 57-Kulturbund der Juden in Deutschland (the Cultural Organization of German Jewry) History of the Organization Following the Nazi rise to power in 1933, the Jews were forbidden to attend cultural performances or to be employed in cultural institutions in Germany. Kurt Singer, the Director of the Berlin Municipal Opera (who was dismissed in 1933 because he was Jewish), decided to set up an alternate Jewish organization with the goal of arranging cultural activities for Jews. The new organization was also meant to solve the unemployment problem of the Jewish artists and workers who had bee...