Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,381 to 1,400 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. O.52.1 - Documentation prepared for the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Germany - the Communities of Bavaria

    O.52.1 - Documentation prepared for the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Germany - the Communities of Bavaria The purpose of the Yad Vashem project - to prepare an Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Germany - is to perpetuate the history of the communities that were destroyed during the Holocaust. The historiography of the communities focused on countries and sometimes on districts, but not on the history of the local communities. With the increase of interest in the local communities, this Record Group serves as a very important source for historians and researchers working in this...

  2. Documentation regarding the fate of Jewish refugees in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, 1933-1945

    Documentation regarding the fate of Jewish refugees in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, 1933-1945 - Files of Jewish refugees; - Police documentation.

  3. O.11 - Documentation, mostly from the Holocaust period, regarding the fate of the Romanian Jews

    O.11 - Documentation, mostly from the Holocaust period, regarding the fate of the Romanian Jews The first 82 files in the Record Group include documentation of the Jewish organizations which were active in Romania, 1941-1947: The Central Council of Romanian Jews; The Federation of the Union of Communities; The Joint Distribution Committee; The Union of Romanian Jews; The Jewish Party; the General Jewish Council and the Jewish Democratic Committee. The rest of the files contain mainly personal documentation submitted to the Yad Vashem Archive by private people on an on-going basis.

  4. P.21.3 - Letters received by Ilya Ehrenburg during 1958-1967, given by his daughter Irina Ehrenburg to Yad Vashem in 1994

    P.21.3 - Letters received by Ilya Ehrenburg during 1958-1967, given by his daughter Irina Ehrenburg to Yad Vashem in 1994 Ilya Ehrenburg Collection (documentation dated, 1942-1967); Original documentation of the famous Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg: Articles, testimonies, photographs and letters on the subject of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union, some of which were put in "The Black Book"; letters from Jews regarding expressions of antisemitism in the Soviet countries during the postwar period; Sub-Record Group P.21.3 consists of a collection of letters sent to Ilya Ehrenburg by Jews during...

  5. O.75: Letters and postcards from the Holocaust period or regarding the Holocaust

    O.75: Letters and postcards from the Holocaust period or regarding the Holocaust In the Record Group are personal letters collected by Yad Vashem since its establishment. The letters were written before, during and after the Holocaust period in the Nazi occupied countries - in ghettos, camps and hiding places, and in the countries to which the Jewish refugees from Europe succeeded in escaping before and during the Holocaust. The letters were sent to family members, relatives, acquaintances, friends and close friends in European countries and countries overseas. In the collection are letters...

  6. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period The collection includes documentation regarding the German occupation in many areas of the Soviet Union. The collection includes reports prepared by the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) regarding the murder of Jews in the Soviet Union, deportation of Jews to camps, documentation regarding the members of the Jewish underground and Jewish partisans who were active in Belorussia, 1941-1943, personal documentation belonging to Red Army soldiers, par...

  7. Franciszka Oliwa Collection

    Franciszka Oliwa Collection Estate of Franciszka Oliwa, the principal of the Jewish children's home in Otwock during the first years after the liberation; Included in the collection: 1. Summary report written by Mrs. Oliwa; 2. Summaries regarding the children - 15 in total; 3. Memoirs of children; 4. Various documents (school certificates/diplomas, lists of children, poems/songs, and other documents); 5. Photographs (transferred to the Photos Archive); Following the liberation in January 1945, Mrs. Oliwa arrived to Otwock to search for relatives, but she did not locate anyone. On the other ...

  8. Collection of the Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor's-Gravenhage (Bureau of Commerce and Industry) in The Hague, the Netherlands, 1941

    Collection of the Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor's-Gravenhage (Bureau of Commerce and Industry) in The Hague, the Netherlands, 1941 Included in the collection: Official documentation of the Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor's-Gravenhage (Bureau of Commerce and Industry in the Netherlands) in 1941, regarding the registration of Jewish-owned land.

  9. O.62 - Borwicz Collection: Testimonies recorded by the Jewish Historical Commission in Poland

    O.62 - Borwicz Collection: Testimonies recorded by the Jewish Historical Commission in Poland, 1944-1947 Michal Borwicz (Maksymilian Boruchowicz) was born in Krakow in 1911, and died in Paris in 1987. A graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, he was a Jewish Polish author and historian, who studied the history of Polish Jewry during the Holocaust. Borwicz was an inmate in the Janowska camp in Lwow from 1942-1943. He was sentenced to death by hanging, however when the sentence was being carried out, the rope broke. He escaped from the camp and joined the partisans and commanded an...

  10. O.54 - The Jewish Press Agency in Switzerland- JUNA - newspaper clippings collection, 1936-1965

    O.54 - The Jewish Press Agency in Switzerland- JUNA - newspaper clippings collection, 1936-1965 The JUNA (Juedische Nachrichten-Presseagentur) was set up in 1936 by the Federation of Swiss Jewish communities in an effort to counteract antisemitic and pro-Nazi activity in Switzerland. Dr. Benjamin Sagalowitz was its director until 1965 (see record group P.13). This collections consists of newspaper clippings, mainly about the condition of the Jewish people in Nazi occupied Europe.

  11. Collection of testimonies and memoirs of Jews, regarding their experiences in Belorussia during the war

    Collection of testimonies and memoirs of Jews, regarding their experiences in Belorussia during the war In the collection are testimonies and memoirs of Jews regarding their activities in the Red Army and in the ranks of the partisans; testimonies and memoirs regarding the Minsk Ghetto and Drozdy camp; testimonies and memoirs regarding hiding in the forests; list of ghettos and concentration camps in Belorussia; announcement regarding a professional documentation film, titled "Pominalnaya molitva", that deals with the liquidation of the Borisov Ghetto.

  12. M.9 - Simon Wiesenthal Collection, Archive of the Juedische Historische Dokumentation (Center for Jewish Documentation), Linz, 1938-1951

    M.9 - Simon Wiesenthal Collection, Archive of the Juedische Historische Dokumentation (Center for Jewish Documentation), Linz, 1938-1951 The Jewish Historical Documentation Center in Linz was established in 1947 by Simon Wiesenthal, an engineer from Buczacz, Poland. After his liberation from Mauthausen camp in Austria, Wiesenthal worked toward locating and arresting war criminals. He was also the moving force behind the Association of Former Inmates of Concentration Camps in Austria, and among the founders of the International Organization of Former Inmates of Nazi Camps. As the chairman of...

  13. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959

    M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959 There are 220 files in the record group, which includes various publications, such as bulletins, reports, letters and surveys, containing information regarding the condition of the Jews in occupied Europe during World War II. The information was gathered, collated and distributed by Jewish organizations in Eretz Israel, Turkey (Istanbul) and Switzerland during the war and the early postwar years. Some of the communications were intended for distribution solely among the members of the or...

  14. O.3 - Testimonies gathered by Yad Vashem

    O.3 - Testimonies gathered by Yad Vashem The testimony department of Yad Vashem started gathering testimonies in 1954 in Tel Aviv. It is currently located at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. The survivors interviewed are recorded on audio or video tape, and most of the testimonies have been transcribed. Quantity of material: Over 83 meters shelving: There are over 9000 testimonies in this record group, and the number continues to grow. Main languages: Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian, Polish, German, English, Hungarian, Romanian, French, Serb

  15. O.96 - Testimonies of Holocaust survivors, the Jewish Agency for Israel, 2006

    O.96: Testimonies of Holocaust survivors, the Jewish Agency for Israel, 2006 In the collection there are short testimonies taken from Holocaust survivors living in Amigur housing (housing provided by the Jewish Agency) as part of the Amigur "Book of Life" Project. In their testimonies, the survivors who lived in areas belonging to the former Soviet Union describe their experiences from the time of the Holocaust and afterwards.

  16. O.33- Testimonies, diaries and memoirs from the Holocaust period and regarding the Holocaust

    O.33- Testimonies, diaries and memoirs from the Holocaust period and regarding the Holocaust In the collection there are diaries, testimonies and memoirs written mostly by survivors with some material written by Jews who perished in the Holocaust. The content of the documentation is varied and multi-lingual. Most of the documentation was written and documented after the war, and the rest, mainly diaries, during the Holocaust. Those who were persecuted have documented their personal experiences, and through this documentation it is possible to closely follow the personal stories of the write...

  17. O.77 - Research papers, articles and student reports

    O.77 - Research papers, articles and student reports The Collection contains documentary material written during the period after World War II, based on secondary sources for reconstruction of the events being described, and not on the testimonies of Holocaust survivors or eyewitnesses. This material could be papers by pupils or students, research papers, newspaper articles, texts or excerpts from different types of texts pertaining to the Holocaust in various languages, except for those cases where it is expressly stated that the information being presented comes from a Holocaust survivor ...

  18. Documentation of Omnia DRT and the Schade Enquête Commissie - SEC in the Netherlands, regarding Jewish businesses, 1940-1951 (arranged according to the name of the business)

    Documentation of Omnia DRT and the Schade Enquête Commissie - SEC in the Netherlands, regarding Jewish businesses, 1940-1951 (arranged according to the name of the business) The source of the collection are the Archives of the Dutch branch of Omnia and the Deutsche Revisions und Treuhandgesellschaft - DRT and the Wirtschaftsprüfstelle Archive, and which accompanies Collection 94; the collection was rearranged in five card files by NIOD during the postwar period, and with the help of the Schade Enquête Commissie - SEC; the SEC had the responsibility in 1949 for the estimation of the damages ...

  19. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Yifat

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Yifat Testimonies/ memoirs/ experiences: 1. Shalom Barkai; 2. Miriam Weinberger; 3. Yosef Singer; 4. Dudi Zelig; 5. Yehuda (????), eulogy; 6. Binyamin Cohen; 7. Rachel Cohen (testimony and background material regarding the "Exodus"); 8. Esther Lissai (eulogy); 9. Malka Nashelski; 10. Zila (Goldman) Sobol; List: '"Events in the life of Arieh Barzilai, written by him" (photocopy); Documents (photocopy): 1. Shalom Barkai: a. "List of immigrants...

  20. Collection of Soviet documents, from before the war

    Collection of Soviet documents, from before the war Included in the collection is documentation regarding residents who were deported from the Kostyukovichi district by the Soviet authorities in 1941; Maps of various areas of Belorussia, from 1927.