Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,241 to 1,260 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. M.21 - Kriegsverbrecherreferat (War Criminals Department), Central Committee of Liberated Jews - Munich

    M.21 - Kriegsverbrecherreferat (War Criminals Department), Central Committee of Liberated Jews - Munich The War Criminals Department was established in the American Occupation Zone shortly after the end of World War II. It was active from 1946-1951 as the Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Munich, in cooperation with the Central Historical Commission in Munich and other survivor organizations. The purpose of the Department was to locate war criminals and collaborators, to gather documentary material, to collect testimonies from survivors and to bring the criminal...

  2. P.60 - Dr. Joseph Kermish Collection, Director of the Yad Vashem Archives, 1953-1979

    P.60 - Joseph Kermish Collection, Director of the Yad Vashem Archives, 1953-1979 Dr. Joseph Kermish was born in the town of Zlotniki, in the Tarnopol district, 1907. He studied history at the University of Warsaw and completed his doctoral studies in 1937. He spent the years 1936-1939 preparing a book of bibliographies on the history of Warsaw and the history of the Jewish community in Warsaw, work that was suspended with the outbreak of the war, 01 September 1939, and his draft into the Polish Army. He spent the period of the German occupation, from 1941, in the town of Probuzna, not far f...

  3. M.29.FR - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Federal German Military Archives in Freiburg, 1936-1945

    M.29.FR - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Federal German Military Archives in Freiburg, 1936-1945 There is diverse documentation from the Wehrmacht (German Army) regarding the Jews, Jewish communities and the fate of the Jews during the Holocaust in the collection, including reports, memos, telegrams and personal documents, encompassing a wide variety of organizations and units that worked within the Wehrmacht framework. The files cover different areas of activity and organizations: partisan activity, administration of the occupied areas, activities of combat units, cooperati...

  4. Documentation from the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart (Main State Archives)

    Documentation from the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart (Main State Archives)

  5. M.26 - Documentation of the Relatives Search Department of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Stockholm, 1945-1962

    M.26 - Documentation of the Relatives Search Department of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Stockholm, 1945-1962 Correspondence of the Relatives Search Department of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Stockholm; lists of Jews. See also sub-section M.26.1 (Item 4019144).

  6. O.28 - Documentation of the American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) in Krakow, Poland regarding organization activities in Poland, 1939-1942

    M.28 - Documentation of the American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) in Krakow, Poland regarding the organization activities in Poland, 1939-1942 The documentation includes the welfare and assistance activities of the AJDC to the Jews of Poland; it consists of four main parts: 1. AJDC correspondence with the German administration authorities in occupied Poland; 2. AJDC correspondence with Jewish institutions and organizations in Poland; 3. AJDC correspondence with Jewish institutions and organizations outside of Poland; 4. Survey reports, charts and statistical data. 1. Correspondence w...

  7. M.1.P - She’erit Hapletah Collection - DP life in the camps, 1945-1948

    M.1.P - She’erit Hapletah Collection -Displaced persons life in the camps, 1945-1948 In this Collection there is documentation regarding the lives of the displaced persons (DPs) in the camps. It contains thousands of placards from the camps, mainly concerning cultural and artistic matters, religious life, sport, elections and political parties. Additionally, there are announcements , principally issued by administrative departments in the Eschwefe DP camp and the Feldafing DP camp. There are letters or surveys on subjects related to daily life in the DP camps in a few individual files.

  8. Documentation regarding Jews, from local archives in the State of Brandenburg

    Documentation regarding Jews, from local archives in the State of Brandenburg

  9. M.54- Documentation regarding the Holocaust from State Archives in Poland

    M.54- Documentation regarding the Holocaust from State Archives in Poland In the Record Group there is material selected from collections in various State Archives in Poland (Archiwa Państwowe) and other regional archives. The material was initially copied onto microfilm and partially on paper. Eventually scanned documentation will also be added to the Record Group. The Collection was created over scores of years and we are still receiving new material. The documentation in the Record Group is very varied and contains material from the 1920s and 30s, mainly lists of Jewish residents, Jewish...

  10. P.24 - Dov Levin Collection - Partisan and Holocaust researcher

    P.24 - Dov Levin Collection - Partisan and Holocaust researcher Dov Levin was born in Kaunas, Lithuania on 27 January 1925. His parents were Zvi Hirsh Levin and Bluma (Vigoder) Levin. Dov Levin died in Jerusalem on 03 December 2016. He received a Zionist education, and was fluent in Slavic languages, Lithuanian, English and Hebrew. Levin studied at the "Schwab" Hebrew high school in Kaunas, which was affiliated with the "Tarbut" educational network, until the school's closure following the Soviet occupation, and at the "Shalom Aleichem" Yiddish high school. He joined the Hashomer Hatzair mo...

  11. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein Gev

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein Gev Testimonies/ interviews: 1. Willi Bechner; 2. Rivka Grinberger; 3. Shragai Degani; 4. Michael Werner; 5. Baruch Zeira; 6. Zvi Mor; 7. Mordechai Neustadt (testimony, from an unknown source); 8. Rachel Sobol; Booklet: 1. Uri Yanai, "Excerpts of memoirs", Kibbutz Ein Gev, 1990; 2. "Saltzseleufer leben zeit shrift", Aroibegegebn durchen kultur-amt beim Yiddishen Komitet in Bad Salzuflen-Fulder [?] Kriz, Amerikaner Zone ("Journal of my li...

  12. O.64.2/SCH.3 - Documentation regarding Artists in Theresienstadt

    O.64.2/SCH.3 - Documentation regarding Artists in Theresienstadt

  13. M.5 - The Documentation Center of the Central Union of Jewish Communities in Bratislava

    M.5 - The Documentation Center of the Central Union of Jewish Communities in Bratislava The Documentation Center of the Central Union of Jewish Communities in Bratislava was founded following the liberation of Czechoslovakia at the initiative of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, the Zionist Federation and the Association of Jewish Communities in Slovakia. The purpose of the Documentation Center was to collect documentation regarding the Jews of Slovakia during the Holocaust and record their experiences. Towards the end of their activities in 1949, the Documentation Center published the bo...

  14. O.42 - The Brueckheimer Collection regarding the Jewish communities in Bavaria and the Kristallnacht riots throughout Germany

    O.42 - The Brueckheimer Collection regarding the Jewish communities in Bavaria and the Kristallnacht riots throughout Germany The Collection contains information regarding the Jewish communities in Bavaria which were affected by the Kristallnacht riots.

  15. Reports of the Sicherheitspolizei (SIPO-Security Police) and the Sicherheitsdiens (SD-Security Service) headquarters regarding the activities taking place in the Soviet Union including the activities of the Einsatzgruppen

    Reports of the Sicherheitspolizei (SIPO-Security Police) and the Sicherheitsdiens (SD-Security Service) headquarters regarding the activities taking place in the Soviet Union including the activities of the Einsatzgruppen The initial reports are reports (Referat) from the Director of the IVA1 (Gestapo-struggle against the Communists) in the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA-Reich Security Headquarters) that were distributed among officials in the RSHA, with Himmler foremost among them; beginning with Report No. 4, the reports received the SIPO and SD Headquarters heading, with the acronym IVA...

  16. Collection of general documentation from the “Jews in Latvia” Museum, photocopied, 1993

    Collection of general documentation from the “Jews in Latvia” Museum, photocopied, 1993

  17. P.15 - Rabbi Eli Munk Archives: Correspondence regarding the situation of the Jewish refugees in Germany during the early post-Holocaust years

    P.15 - Rabbi Eli Munk Archives: Correspondence regarding the situation of the Jewish refugees in Germany during the early post-Holocaust years Rabbi Eli Munk was the son of Rabbi Azriel Munk, the rabbi of the Adass Yisroel community, the separatist Orthodox congregation in Berlin. In 1938, he emigrated to England and established a community of former German Jews in Golders Green, London, serving as its leader. He was active in Jewish affairs and organized, among other projects, camps for Jewish youth. Along with his brother, Rabbi Yechiel Aryeh Munk, he edited the book, "Faithful Testimony"...

  18. O.36 - David Boder Collection: Testimonies of survivors in DP camps in Germany

    O.36 - David Boder Collection: Testimonies of survivors in DP camps in Germany This record group is a collection of testimonies recorded by David Boder, a Professor of Psychology at the Illinois Institute of Technology, in DP camps in Europe in 1946. The collection is comprised of testimonies of Jews and non-Jews, recorded in various languages and translated into English. The testimonies focus on the events in the lives of the survivors during the war in the ghettos and camps, while serving in the military, in hiding and in children's homes. The testimonies also contain information regardin...

  19. Aldo Toscano Collection

    Aldo Toscano Collection Documentation pertaining to the mass murder of the Jews in various cities of the Novara region in the Piemonte area of Italy by the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, 12 September-10 October 1943. The documentation was collected and written by Aldo Toscano. - "L'Olocausto del Lago Maggiore" (The Holocaust of Lake Maggiore), the book by Aldo Toscano, regarding the mass murder of the Jews in the cities on the banks of Lake Maggiore in the Novara region in the Piemonte area of Italy; - Collection of testimonies regarding the murder of the Jews in the cities in the Novara re...

  20. M.53: Documentation from the Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine, 1941-1945

    M.53: Documentation from the Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine, 1941-1946 In the collection there is documentation regarding the Reichskommissariat (Regional Commissariat- occupation regime in Ukraine), 1941-1945. Additionally, there is documentation regarding the period prior to the German occupation, such as documentation from courts in Ukraine regarding Jews accused of anti-Soviet propaganda, theft and profiteering, reports of meetings of the Council for Religious Affairs (CRA) attached to the USSR Council of Ministers (SNK), including decisions ...