Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,221 to 1,240 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. M.22 - Archives of the Comite Juif Belge (Belgian Jewish Committee) during the Holocaust

    M.22 - Archives of the Comite Juif Belge (Belgian Jewish Committee) during the Holocaust The Comite Juif Belge (Belgian Jewish Council) was established, in London in 1943 by Mr. Herman Schamissa, and it affiliated itself with the World Jewish Congress in 1944. The documentation includes correspondence with various Jewish institutions in Belgium, England, the United States and the Belgian Government in Exile regarding ways of assisting the Jews of Belgium. The archive also includes lists of deportees and survivors.

  2. O.51 - Nazi Documentation Collection, 1933-1944

    O.51 - Nazi Documentation Collection, 1933-1944 Nazi documentation of different kinds and from different sources which arrived at Yad Vashem as individual documents and not as part of concentrated collections. In the Collection there is documentation from the Nazi authorities in Germany, the occupation authorities in various countries, local governments, camps and systems for repression and murder of the Jews and opponents of the regime, such as the Sicherheitspolizei (SIPO-Security Police), the Sicherheitsdienst (SD-Security Service) and Adolf Eichmann's office. The documentation includes ...

  3. M.18.1 - Relatives Search Index Cards of the Central Location Index (CLI) in New York

    M.18.1 - Relatives Search Index Cards of the Central Location Index (CLI) in New York Index Cards: There are approximately 1,200,000 index cards, not in alphabetical order. Most of the cards are in good physical condition.

  4. P.51 - Personal Archive of Rabbi Shaul Veingert, who helped many Jews in occupied Europe and refugees in Switzerland, 1941-1948

    P.51 - Personal Archive of Rabbi Shaul Veingert, who helped many Jews in occupied Europe and refugees in Switzerland, 1941-1948 The Veingert family transferred the archives to Bar Ilan University. Mr. Adler, a worker at the University, wanted to prepare comprehensive research regarding Rabbi Veingert and his activities, and he began by arranging the principal material of the Collection, the letters which were in numbered envelopes. Additionally, he began to catalog the basic information in each letter according to the order of the envelopes (This catalogue is located in File Number 1of the ...

  5. M.1.PF - War time Jewish Folklore Collection

    M.1.PF - Documantation on Jewish folklore during the second world war This collection is part of the collections compiled by the Central Historical Commission (CHC) of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US Zone in Munich (M.1). The CHC collected much material from the Holocaust survivors, including testimonies, documentary material in their possession and more. When the CHC was disbanded, the CHC archive was transferred to Yad Vashem. There are 353 poems/songs in the collection, mostly in Yiddish. Most of the poems/songs were written by inmates of the camps and ghettos during th...

  6. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ramot Menashe

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ramot Menashe Description of the material: 1. Baptism and birth certificate of the wife of the submitter of the material, Nina Boniowka (false identity); 2. Interview with Nina Boniowka, in Polish (printed from the book, "Maria Dzieci Oskarzaja", by Marianska Hochberg, Krakow-Lodz-Warszawa, 1947); 3. Interview with Nina Boniowka (printed from the book, "Children Accuse, 1947", edited by Maria Mariska and Noah Gris); 4. Testimony of Nina Boni...

  7. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Nirim

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Nirim Memoirs/ experiences: 1. Lucia Almagor; 2. Gedaliahu Baruch; 3. Lili Golombovitz; 4. Salomon Garfinkel; 5. Rivka Hononov; 6. Dani Luz; 7. Elia Mandels; 6. Frida ("The mother of Ruthi Wolf"); 9. Sara Kaplun; 10. Zeev Ram; Interviews/ testimonies: 1. Ruchela Ahituv; 2. Shimon Alter; 3. Lucia Almagor; 4. Lili Golombovitz; 5. Arieh Genislav; 6. Reuven Domani; 7. Esther (Levi) Wolfson; 8. Miki Hermoni; 9. Dani Luz; 10. Rafael Levi; 11. Jean...

  8. Documentation from the DIP/SG Archives in Switzerland

    Documentation from the DIP/SG Archives in Switzerland

  9. O.28 - The Arvid Elstoft Collection - Documents of the underground resistance movements in Denmark in WWII.

    O.28 - The Arvid Elstoft Collection - Documents of the underground resistance movements in Denmark in WWII. The Danish resistance movement against the German occupation slowly developed from nonviolent resistance in 1940 to violent resistance from1943 until the liberation in May 1945. It consisted of various groups and individuals from Christian to communist orientation. They produced and distributed illegal newspapers and propaganda material, committed acts of military and industrial sabotage and attacked individuals and military units. Well-known organizations were: Frit Danmark, Dansk Sa...

  10. Documentation regarding the investigation of Nazi war criminals and collaborators in Ukraine, 1944-1946

    Documentation regarding the investigation of Nazi war criminals and collaborators in Ukraine, 1944-1946 Included in the collection is documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, active in the Ukraine area during 1944-1946.

  11. O. 21 - M. Weichert Collection about Jewish Social Welfare in the Generalgouvernement: Documentation regarding the activities of the Zydowska Samopomoc Spoleczna (ZSS - Jewish Social Self-Help Organization) in Poland during the German occupation, and documentation regarding Michal Weichert

    O. 21 - M. Weichert Collection about Jewish Social Welfare in the Generalgouvernement: Documentation regarding the activities of the Zydowska Samopomoc Spoleczna (ZSS - Jewish Social Self-Help Organization) in Poland during the German occupation, and documentation regarding Michal Weichert Michal Weichert was born in Podhajce, eastern Galicia, Poland, 1890. He attended Polish schools, earned a degree in law at the University of Vienna, and also attended the Theater Arts Academy in Berlin. Upon his return to Poland, he established the Young Yiddish Theater in Warsaw. He served as a Yiddish t...

  12. Heinz Prossnitz Collection

    Heinz Prossnitz Collection Heinz Prossnitz was born in Czechoslovakia in 1926. Following the German occupation of Czechia and Moravia in March 1939, Heinz joined the Maccabi Hatzair movement in Prague. His "Forbearance" group numbered ten members and it was led by Fredy Hirsch, who was much admired among the Jewish youth in the Protectorate. During the 1940/1941 school year Heinz studied in the Jugend-Aliya [Youth Aliyah] school, which prepared pupils for aliya to Eretz Israel and was therefore permitted by the German authorities. The school was closed in summer 1941 and the situation of th...

  13. Documentation from Blankenburg (Harz), Germany

    Documentation from Blankenburg (Harz), Germany

  14. Zydowska Samopomoc Spoleczna (ZSS-Jewish Self Aid) activities in the Generalgouvernement, 1939-1943

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 5083562
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1939-1944
    • Administrative documentation Application Balance sheet Correspondence Financial accounts List of Jews List of names Lists Report Reports Statistical data Statistical report Survey report

    Zydowska Samopomoc Spoleczna (ZSS-Jewish Self Aid) activities in the Generalgouvernement, 1939-1943 The Jewish Self Aid organization (in Polish: Zydowska Samopomoc Spoleczna [ZSS]; in German: Juedische Soziale Selbshilfe) was set up in Krakow in 1940; it went by this name until July 1942. After that date, the organization's welfare activities were cut back by order of the German authorities, and they mainly consisted of the transferring of medicines to Jews in labor camps until this activity, too, was discontinued in mid-1944. ZSS documentation includes correspondence between the administra...

  15. Hakibbutz Ha'artzi Archives Collection: the Vilna Ghetto

    Hakibbutz Ha'artzi Archives Collection: the Vilna Ghetto Material from the Vilna Ghetto was collected during the war and after the liberation, and brought to Eretz Israel by members of the Hashomer Hatzair movement, Vilna Ghetto Uprising activists and members of the partisan movement in the Vilna area . The material is divided into 39 files and contains hundreds of original documents dealing with the history of the establishment of the Fareynegte Partizaner Organizatsye (FPO-United Partisans Organization), the way it worked and the preparations for the uprising. The organization placards ca...

  16. Maurice Frankenhuis Collection

    Maurice Frankenhuis Collection Publications and correspondence, newspaper clippings and pamphlets regarding the Nazi crimes and trials against Nazis; Included in the file: - "A Journey into Darkness" by Maurice Frankenhuis, regarding his life in the Netherlands during the German occupation, in Westerbork camp, and during his deportation to Theresienstadt; - Issue of "The Saturday Evening Post" newspaper, Oct. 22, 1966, including an article regarding the Eichmann Trial, "Historical Trial: Auschwitz", published by the "Hiroshima - Auschwitz Peace March" organization.

  17. O.92 - Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Nazi reports regarding public opinion in Germany

    O.92 - Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Nazi reports regarding public opinion in Germany The Collection includes reports regarding the Stimmungsberichte (atmosphere; mood) among the members of SD units, the Gestapo, the Nazi Party and local authorities throughout Germany. The reports in which there is information regarding the Jews served as the basis for the book, "Die Juden in den geheimen NS-Stimmungsberichten 1933-1945" (The Jews in the Secret Nazi Atmosphere Reports, 1933-1945), Kulka, Otto Dov and Jäckel, Eberhard, eds., Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2004. Professor Dov Otto Kulka submitted cop...

  18. O.64.2/SCH.9 - Documents of the International Red Cross

    O.64.2/SCH.9 - Documents of the International Red Cross

  19. M.52 - Documentation from Regional Archives in Ukraine, 1934-1966

    M.52 - Documentation from Regional Archives in Ukraine, 1934-1966 In the Record Group there are files from the following regional archives in Ukraine: the State Archive in the Lvov region, the State Archive in the Ivano-Frankovsk region, the State Archive in the Chervovtsy region, the State Archive in the Khmelnitskiy region, the State Archive in the Vinnitsa region, the State Archive in the Kiev region, the State Archive in the Rovno region, the State Archive in the Ternopol region, the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine (Lvov), the State Archive of the Office of Internal Affairs...

  20. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Chernovtsy region, 1944-1945

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Chernovtsy region, 1944-1945 Documentation from documents of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding the mass murder of residents in Cernauti, most of them Jews, 1944-1945; Reports of the municipal committee for the investigation of Nazi war crimes and Romanian war crimes in the city of Cernauti, regarding the mass murder of residents of Cernauti, most of them Jews, 06-08 July 1941, including by the drowning of some of the Jews in the Prut River; abuse of rabbis, and murder of the rabbis; establishment of ...