Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,201 to 1,220 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Documentation (microfilms) from the State Archive in Geneva, Switzerland

    Documentation (microfilms) from the State Archive in Geneva, Switzerland

  2. Collection of the Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging, NSB - the Nazi Movement in the Netherlands, 1933-1945

    Collection of the Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging, NSB - the Nazi Movement in the Netherlands, 1933-1945 The Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging - NSB was established in the Netherlands by ir. A.A. Mussert and C. van Geelkerken in 1931; The rise to power of Hitler in Germany in 1933 contributed to the large rise of the NSB in the Netherlands; the NSB joined the government as a fascist party in 1937; during the war, the NSB was the main political partner of the German occupation authorities; Seyss-Inquart declared the NSB as the only legal party in the Netherlands in 1941; the NSB establishe...

  3. Personal files of workers at the "Charite" University Hospital in Berlin

    Personal files of workers at the "Charite" University Hospital in Berlin The files are arranged in alphabetic order, and relate to the medical staff as well the administrative personnel. Most of the files deal with the period before the Nazi rise to power.

  4. O.64.2/WSZ.8 - documentation of the various Jewish Self-Government departments

    O.64.2/WSZ.8 - Documentation of the various Jewish Self-Government departments

  5. O.46 - Documentation from the Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives: Activities of the Hashomer Hatzair Movement in Europe during World War II

    O.46 - Documentation from the Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives: Activities of the Hashomer Hatzair Movement in Europe during World War II Hashomer Hatsair is a Socialist–Zionist, secular Jewish youth movement founded in 1913 in Galicia, Austria-Hungary. By 1939, Hashomer Hatzair had 70,000 members worldwide. The movement's membership base was in Eastern Europe. With the advent of World War II and the Holocaust, members of Hashomer Hatzair focused their attention on resistance against the Nazis. Mordechaj Anielewicz, the leader of Hashomer Hatzair's Warsaw branch, became head of the Jewish Fightin...

  6. Documentation from the Israel Police unit for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes

    Documentation from the Israel Police unit for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes The Israel Police Department for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes was established following the enactment of the "Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law" in 1950. At its inception, the Department concentrated on Jews who were being investigated on suspicion of collaboration with the Nazis. However, the area was expanded, and the Department gathered testimonies regarding the crimes of the Nazis and their collaborators throughout Europe, testimonies which aided in investigative proceedings and trials conduct...

  7. Collection of documentation regarding Anda Eker

    Collection of documentation regarding Anda Eker

  8. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Nahsholim

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Nahsholim Memorial booklet: 1. "A man's years are his life" - booklet in memory of Yoshke Kagan, Kibbutz Nahsholim, July 1993; Testimonies/ interviews: 2. Chaya and Zeev Avni; 3. Ora Renata (Friedlander) Aloni; 4. Shmulik Katz; 5. Hesho-Zvi Levkovitz; 6. Chanaleh Levkovitz; 7. Elizabet Kedem-Frank; 8. Zvika Kazanski; 9. Netka Kitai; Eulogy, and experiences: Nachum Zlonka; Regina Kagan; Hesho-Zvi Levkovitz; Memoirs: Simcha Kahana, "My story",...

  9. Monthly reports prepared by local authorities in the Friedberg district, regarding the political and economic situation in the district, 1937-1938

    Monthly reports prepared by local authorities in the Friedberg district, regarding the political and economic situation in the district, 1937-1938 The reports include much information regarding the life of the economy, agriculture and trade in the local area, including information regarding Jewish businesses and various events concerning the Jews in the area.

  10. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Misgav Am

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Misgav Am Personal documentation of Bilha Telem-Finkestein (photocopy): 1. Interview, published in the kibbutz newsletter on 27/04/1990 and 11/05/1990; 2. "What does Holocaust Day mean to you?", from a booklet in her memory; 3. Certificate from the Hebrew school at the "Exodus from Europe 5707/1947" camp, issued on Yud-Chet Sivan 5708 (25 June 1948); 4. Identity card from the Rosenheim DP camp, Germany, 19/08/1948.

  11. P.21.1 - Ilya Ehrenburg Collection - Original documentation of the Soviet writer on the subject of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union

    Ilya Ehrenburg Collection - Original documentation of the Soviet writer on the subject of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union Original documentation of the famous Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg: Articles, testimonies, photographs and letters on the subject of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union, some of which were put in "The Black Book"; letters from Jews regarding expressions of antisemitism in the Soviet countries during the postwar period.

  12. Correspondence of the Swiss Legation in Sofia regarding the Bulgarian legislation concerning the Jews, dated 1942

    Correspondence of the Swiss Legation in Sofia regarding the Bulgarian legislation concerning the Jews, dated 1942

  13. P. 71- Collection of Blanka Tauber, artist, native of Hungary and Holocaust survivor

    P. 71- Collection of Blanka Tauber, artist, native of Hungary and Holocaust survivor The artist, Blanka Tauber was born in Somorja, Hungary, in 1910. She studied drawing and graphics at the Art Academy in Prague and exhibited her works in Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Israel and the United States. She lived in Israel from 1950 until her death [in 1989] and was one of the founders of the Safed Artists' Colony. Tauber and her family, among them her sister, Dr. Julia Tauber, were deported to Auschwitz. A large part of the Collection pertains to Julia Tauber. There is documentation in the C...

  14. Romania - Ministry of the Interior - Passports Office, 1940-1944

    Romania - Ministry of the Interior - Passports Office, 1940-1944

  15. Documentation regarding Jews, from the Polizeidirektion (Police Headquarters) in Wuerzburg, Bavaria

    Documentation regarding Jews, from the Polizeidirektion (Police Headquarters) in Wuerzburg, Bavaria

  16. O.64.2/SCH.4 - Zeev Scheck: Articles, Manuscripts, Drafts for Lectures

    O.64.2/SCH.4 - Zeev Scheck: Articles, Manuscripts, Drafts for Lectures

  17. Letters and postcards sent to Cecilia Pels in Copenhagen from various locations in Europe with expressions of thanks on receiving food parcels, 1941-1943

    Letters and postcards sent to Cecilia Pels in Copenhagen from various locations in Europe with expressions of thanks on receiving food parcels, 1941-1943 Cecilia Cohen married Ludwig Pels in Hamburg; the Pels family were wine merchants and were very involved in community life in their town; Ludwig was head of the Chevra Kadisha (burial society) and Cecilia was involved in collecting donations for the needy; their daughter, Marta Pels, traveled to Copenhagen to marry Lipman Eliezer Kurtzweil, born in Hamburg and working as a teacher in Copenhagen; As a result of Kristallnacht, November 1938;...

  18. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Maoz Haim

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Maoz Haim Testimonies/ experiences: 1. Elisheva Ankori-Rosenfeld; 2. Sara Brandes; 3. Chava Nahir; Diary (photocopy): Chava Shayovitz Nahir; Articles from the kibbutz newsletter ("Lahaverim" - Hakibbutz Hameuchad - Group Activities section): 1. 28/09/1933; 2. 19/06/1936; 3. 06/07/1936; 4. 03/08/1936.

  19. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Alonim

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Alonim Container 1: Material regarding/by people who arrived to Eretz Israel during 1934-1938, photocopied from the personal files of members of Kibbutz Alonim, such as: documents, articles in the kibbutz newsletter, book chapters, testimony/interview, eulogy, memoirs booklet, questionnaires regarding Youth Aliyah graduates at Alonim, and background material written by the kibbutz archivist (Rivka and Shmuel Admon; Ofira; Avraham Elbocher; Z...

  20. M.85 - Documentation from archives in Bosnia regarding the Jews of the former Yugoslavia mainly during the Holocaust period

    M.85 - Documentation from archives in Bosnia regarding the Jews of the former Yugoslavia mainly during the Holocaust period In the collection there is documentation including statistical data regarding the Jews of Bosnia, lists of Jewish partisans, documentation from the State Commission for Investigation of War Criminals in Yugoslavia and more.