Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,181 to 1,200 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. P.67 - Personal documentation collection of the Bodenheimer family from Darmstadt

    P.67 - Personal documentation collection of the Bodenheimer family from Darmstadt Collection of letters, documents and official certificates collected by members of the Bodenheimer family who lived in Darmstadt. In the collection there are letters to and from the family members, official documents and personal certificates gathered over the years. The collection was brought to Eretz Israel in 1938 by Max and Louisa Bodenheimer, and submitted to Yad Vashem by their grandson Aryeh Bodenheimer.

  2. TR.17 - Documentation from the Archive of the Main Commission for Investigation of Crimes against the Polish People, the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland

    TR.17 - Documentation from the Archive of the Main Commission for Investigation of Crimes against the Polish People, the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland In the Record Group there is documentation gathered by the Main Commission for Investigation of Crimes against the Polish People, which was active in Poland after World War II. The Commission gathered much documentation from various sources: documentation from the offices of the German authorities that left Poland with the withdrawal of the Wehrmacht, as well as loot and documentation that came into the hands of the Allied force...

  3. Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Stuttgart (Municipal Archives)

    Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Stuttgart (Municipal Archives)

  4. O.26: Documentation regarding the North African Jewish communities, mainly during the World War II period

    O.26: Documentation regarding the North African Jewish communities, mainly during the World War II period In the Collection there is official documentation and personal documentation, as well as newspaper clippings. In the Collection there is also documentation regarding North Africa from Yad Vashem Record Groups O. 9 (France Collection) and M. 42 (Archives in France).

  5. M.1.DNA -The German Academy of Science: Lexicon regarding outstanding economists (not including Jews), 1930-1941

    M.1.DNA -The German Academy of Science: Lexicon regarding outstanding economists (not including Jews), 1930-1941 This Subsection contains pre-World War II files of the German Academy of Science in Munich, including documentation for a lexicon of outstanding German economists and industrialists (Deutsche Wirtschfsfuehrer), since 1801 excluding Jews. The files contain correspondence about the project and the files of the project itself as well as an information page with a few lines regarding each person, arranged alphabetically.

  6. M.25 - Documentation of the Mouvement National Hebreu (MNH - Hebrew National Movement) in France, 1941-1942

    M.25 - Documentation of the Mouvement National Hebreu (MNH - Hebrew National Movement) in France, 1941-1942 Georges Blumberg, the MNH founder apparently established the archives; MNH was founded in Paris before the outbreak of the war; the MNH leaders were Georges Blumberg and Adia Gourevitch; the goal of the movement was to redefine the terms "Jewish nation" and "Hebrew state"; MNH published two editions of the "Shem" anthology in Paris. The documentation in the collection was prepared for an anthology that was meant to be published in Marseilles, where Blumberg lived; the files are compri...

  7. P.9 - Archive of Siegfried Jaegendorf, President of the Jewish Coordinating Committee for the Deported Jews in Transnistria, 1941-1967

    P.9 - Archive of Siegfried Jaegendorf, President of the Jewish Coordinating Committee for the Deported Jews in Transnistria, 1941-1967 Siegfried Jaegendorf was born in Czernowitz, 01 August 1895. He attended local elementary and high schools, and afterwards travelled to Vienna and Berlin where he studied engineering at a technical college, completing his studies as a mechanical engineer. His first position as an engineer was at the Siemens Schucker Werke in Berlin. In time, he was promoted and sent to serve as managing director for the Eastern Europe area at the Siemens factory in Vienna. A...

  8. Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Ulm (Municipal Archives)

    Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Ulm (Municipal Archives)

  9. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Beit Oren

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Beit Oren Description of the material: 1. Diary of the father of the submitter of the material, the late Naftali Landa, secretary of Kibbutz Beit Oren during 1943-1945 (handwritten, original, in Hebrew); 2. Page of a ceremony held on the occasion of the 7th anniversary of the establishment and settling of Kibbutz Beit Oren, including the "Buchenwald song" (original); 3. Page with the "Buchenwald song", in German (handwritten, original).

  10. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Degania Alef

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Degania Alef

  11. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz HaOgen

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz HaOgen Documents: Received from Yaakov Goldberger: His mother Helena Goldberger describes a meeting held in Budapest in 1939 between her husband and his friends, all three of them Zionist activists (in German, date unknown); Testimonies/ memoirs/ experiences: 1. Avraham Amsterdam; 2. Israel Bleichman; 3. Rachel (Jabosh) Bleier; 4. Eitan Bendor; 5. Arieh Barnea; 6. David Putzu Goldstein; 7. Shosha Granot; 8. Yehudit Hartman; 9. Esther Vardi; ...

  12. M.41.TsAKDB - Documentation of the State Security Committee Archive in Belorussia

    M.41.TsAKDB - Documentation of the State Security Committee Archive in Belorussia Investigative reports regarding the establishment of ghettos in Borisov, Zembin and Minsk; indictments of Belorussian collaborators who participated in the murder of Jews, and survey reports concerning the murder of Jews in Minsk and Borisov.

  13. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Regavim

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Regavim Experiences: 1. Erna Weintraub; 2. Israel Weintraub; 3. Daniel Zilberman; 4. Eliezer Finkelstein; 5. Lilian Lea (Schwartzman) Rohatin.

  14. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Kfar Ruppin

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Kfar Ruppin Book: Razia Ben-Gurion and Menachem Gilead: "Chapters in my life", [Kibbutz] Kfar Ruppin, 1998.

  15. Collection of Dr. K. J. Frederiks, secretary general of the Ministry of the Interior and head of the Commissarissen van de Provincie for the appointment of clerks and policemen during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, 1940-1945

    Collection of Dr. K. J. Frederiks, secretary general of the Ministry of the Interior and head of the Commissarissen van de Provincie for the appointment of clerks and policemen during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, 1940-1945 Dr. K. J. Frederiks was the secretary general of the Ministry of the Interior in the Netherlands in 1931; opposition by Frederiks to appointments among the NSB - the Netherlands Organization of Collaborators, to various positions during the occupation period; non-success of Frederiks' opposition to the Nazi regime.

  16. M.38 - Documentation from the Archive for the Study of Austrian Resistance

    M.38 - Documentation from the Archive for the Study of Austrian Resistance There is much documentation regarding the persecution of opponents of the regime by the Nazi authorities in the Austrian Resistance Movement Archives (Dokumentationsarchiv des Oesterreichischen Widerstands). Within the documentation copied for Yad Vashem, there is material regarding the persecution of the Jews in Austria: orders and official directives, lists of people dismissed from their places of employment due to their Jewishness, reports and surveys regarding specific persecutions written during the period of th...

  17. M.52.NMIUuDSV - Documentation of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War in Kyiv

    M.52.NMIUuDSV - Documentation from the National Museum of the History of Ukraine during World War II in Kyiv History of the Archives: The idea regarding the establishment of a Museum of the History of World War II was born already in 1943 but its construction was delayed until the 1970s. An important stage on the way to the establishment of the museum was an exhibition held in April 1946, called "The Ukrainian Partisans' Struggle against the Nazi Occupiers". In early 1950 the documentation from the exhibition was transferred to the State Historical Museum, and in 1970 a team for the establi...

  18. Documentation from the Stadtarchiv in Leipzig

    Documentation from the Stadtarchiv in Leipzig

  19. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from private individuals

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from private individuals Submitter of the material: Pinchas Adler; Material submitted to the Yad Vashem Archive in January 2005 1. Letter to Arie Mintkevich (chairman of the Public Council on the Contribution of Holocaust Survivors to the State of Israel); 2. His experiences; 3. Photocopy of a letter from the commander of the Israeli Air Force, IAF (01/12/2004) *** Submitter of the material: Frida Oster (by means of her daughter Revital Keletz); Material...