Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,061 to 1,080 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. M.1.PC- Questionnaires filled out by children in the Foehrenwald DP camp, 1945-1946

    M.1.PC- Questionnaires filled out by children in the Foehrenwald DP camp, 1945-1946 The Central Historical Committee (CHC) distributed questionnaires among the children (some from Hungary, and the rest from Poland) in DP camps, in order to collect information by asking questions regarding the fate of the children and the fate of their families during the Nazi period. The questionnaires include questions concerning the names of family members, their places of origin and the general background of the children. On the reverse side of each questionnaire there is a short survey regarding the his...

  2. Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Barsinghausen (Municipal Archives)

    Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Barsinghausen (Municipal Archives)

  3. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ma'anit

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ma'anit Personal documentation of Rachel Zaiontz: 1. "Testimony of Sala Zilberbaum - born in Zamosc, Poland (Rachel Zaiontz, today)", 15/01/1946; a. Handwritten, in Polish (photocopy); b. Translation of the above to Hebrew (computer printout); 2. Photographs (scans): a. Rachel Zaiontz' mother; b. Photograph, while they were hidden by a Polish family; c. Photograph, in an UNRRA camp in Germany (1946); d. Two photographs: Anna, from the villag...

  4. O.82 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Baltic States, mainly during the Holocaust period

    O.82: Documentation regarding the Jews of the Baltic States, mainly during the Holocaust period In the Record Group there are files selected from the Latvian State Historical Archives, the Lithuanian State Historical Archives in Vilna and the Tartu Branch of the Estonian Historical Archives Description of the Record Group: In the Record Group there is personal documentation of inmates of ghettos, survivors, partisans and Red Army soldiers. The documentation includes telegrams, private letters, documentation from yeshivas, statistical reports and survey reports from the State Extraordinary C...

  5. Documentation regarding Jews, from local archives in the State of Sachsen

    Documentation regarding Jews, from local archives in the State of Sachsen

  6. O.64.2/WSZ.6 - Orders of the Day, reports and statistical data

    O.64.2/WSZ.6 - Orders of the Day, reports and statistical data

  7. Documentation regarding Jews, from local archives in the State of Thueringen

    Documentation regarding Jews, from local archives in the State of Thueringen Documentation from archives in Altenburg (Kreisarchiv), Apolda (Stadtarchiv, Kreisarchiv), Arnstadt, Bad Langensalza, Bad Salzungen (Kreisarchiv), Barchfeld, Eisenach, Erfurt, Geisa, Gotha (Kreisarchiv), Friedrichroda, Heiligenstadt, Ilmenau (Stadtarchiv, Kreisarchiv), Jena, Universität-Jena, Kranichfeld, Meiningen (Stadtarchiv, Kreisarchiv), Meuselwitz, Nordhausen (Stadtarchiv, Kreisarchiv), Pößneck (Poessneck), Rudolstadt, Saale-Orla-Kreis, Sondershausen, Unstrut-Hainich-Kreisarchiv (Mühlhausen), Weimar.

  8. Documentation from the Landesarchiv (Provincial Archive) in Appenzell, Switzerland

    Documentation from the Landesarchiv (Provincial Archive) in Appenzell, Switzerland

  9. P.12 - Chaim Pazner Archives: Representative of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel in Switzerland during World War II

    P.12 - Chaim Pazner Archives: Representative of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel in Switzerland during World War II The record group contains a variety of documentation collected by Dr. Chaim Pazner (Chaim Posner) over the course of his life, mainly while serving as Director of the Eretz Israel Office in Geneva, Switzerland. - Files 80-112 include files of the War Refugee Board (WRB) in the United States. - Files 115-126 include personal documentation regarding Pazner's post-war activities including his role as Deputy Chairman of Yad Vashem. Chaim Pazner was born in Kowal, Poland, 04 Janu...

  10. M.55 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from regional and local archives in Germany

    M.55 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from regional and local archives in Germany The Record Group contains documentation gathered from state, regional and local archives in Germany. In the documentation there is much information regarding the persecution of the Jews on the local level, including deportations, as well as information regarding life in the Jewish communities, Jewish property and sometimes, lists of local Jews.

  11. P.7- Archive of Marc Jarblum, Zionist Leader and one of the leaders of the Jewish underground in France, 1941-1967

    P.7- Archive of Marc Jarblum, Zionist Leader and one of the leaders of the Jewish underground in France, 1941-1967 Marc Jarblum was one of the leaders of the Poalei Zion movement in Poland, the Federation des Societes Juives de France (FSJF- Federation of Jewish Societies in France) and the Jewish underground in France during World War II. This record group contains a bibliographical sketch, letters written by Jarblum, and information regarding Jewish organizations in France, persecution of the Jews, material about the French underground, information concerning post war events, corresponden...

  12. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Sde Nehemia

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Sde Nehemia Testimonies: 1. Liza Gidron (1986); 2. "Mijn vlucht uit Westerbork" ("My escape from Westerbork"), by Herman Italiaander; Articles: 1. Yaakov Naeh, "With the children on the train to Auschwitz", "Davar" (18/03/1993), pp. 3-4 [regarding Aharon Mancher]; 2. Dan Amtel, "From Czechoslovakia to Israel - in four years ..." [regarding the aliya of Yehuda "Boki" Boksbaum]; 3. "The great escape", "Sofshavua" ("Weekend"), ["Ma'ariv"], Apri...

  13. P.35 - Nathan Schwalb Collection: Nathan Schwalb was the representative of the World Center of the Hechalutz movement in Geneva, Switzerland during World War II

    P.35 - The Collection of Nathan Schwalb, the representative of the World Center of the Hechalutz movement in Geneva, Switzerland during World War II Nathan Schwalb was born in Stanislawow, Poland (today Ivano Frankovsk, Ukraine) in 1908. He made aliya to Eretz Israel and was member of Kibbutz Hulda. He spent World War II in Geneva as the representative of the World Hechalutz movement, serving as contact person and a financial welfare source for the Jews. He corresponded with hundreds of people in the occupied countries and was active in many areas including the sending of parcels via the Re...

  14. O.64.2/WSZ.7 - Personal documentation belonging to Hermann Weisz

    O.64.2/WSZ.7 - Personal documentation belonging to Hermann Weisz

  15. O.64.2/WSZ.4 - Lists of deportees from various areas to the Theresienstadt Ghetto

    O.64.2/WSZ.4 - Lists of deportees from various areas to the Theresienstadt Ghetto

  16. - Documentation regarding the Jews of Slovakia, mainly during the Holocaust period - Documentation regarding the Jews of Slovakia, mainly during the Holocaust period In the Sub-Record Group there is documentation regarding the Sixth Slovak Brigade of labor battalions in the Slovakian Army and articles concerning the Jews of Slovakia during the Holocaust period, documentation about the Jewish communities in Slovakia, labor camps in Slovakia, confiscation of property, partisan activities, emigration, lists and personal documentation.

  17. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Gal On

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Gal On Testimonies: 1. Zipora Brik (20/09/1994); 2. Bela Gal (17/09/1984); 3. Shmariyahu Gantek, "To remember - and not to forget anything"; 4. Yaffa Pinchok (12/05/1994); 5. Lola Kleiman (23/12/1987); 6. Yaakov Schwartz (February 1995); 7. Fruma Schwartz (February 1995).

  18. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Dovrat

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Dovrat Testimonies/ interviews: 1. Miriam Eshel (Holocaust Day 1992); 2. Miriam Eshel (November 2003) [and two accompanying documents]; 3. Frida Gottesman (May 1998); 4. Albertus Vertes (April 1990); 5. Reuven Tabekhoff (01/04/1996); 6. Zipora Kidron (January 1986); 7. Binyamin Kotzer (1981); 8. Fishele Kotzer (01/04/1996); 9. Menachem and Hadassa Rosen (Holocaust Day 1980); Photographs: 1. Monument to parents and siblings who perished durin...

  19. M.30 - Kurt Grossmann Archives: Documentation regarding Kurt Grossman's activities as an advisor to the Jewish Agency and documentation regarding reparations

    M.30 - Kurt Grossmann Archives: Documentation regarding Kurt Grossman's activities as an advisor to the Jewish Agency and documentation regarding reparations Kurt Grossmann was born in Berlin, Germany. He served as the Executive Director of the League for Human Rights from 1926 to 1933. In February 1933, he left Germany and moved to Prague, Czechoslovakia where he founded the Democratic Refugee Relief Committee, an organization dedicated to providing relief to refugees. He also edited the news about Germany for a news service [news agency]. In 1939, he moved to the United States and worked ...

  20. O.64.2/SCH.6 - Personal Documentation of inmates in the Theresienstadt ghetto

    O.64.2/SCH.6 - Personal Documentation of inmates in the Theresienstadt ghetto