Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,121 to 1,140 of 1,615
Country: Israel
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Service Européen de Recherches (SER– European Search Service) card catalogue from France, 1940-1946

    Service Européen de Recherches (SER– European Search Service) card catalogue from France, 1940-1946 Bringing of the SER material to Israel by Israel Froikin, 1961; in the collection, there are three kinds of card catalogues: 1. Card Catalogue for searching for relatives, in which the following details appear: The name being searched, place and date of birth, nationality; parents' names, profession, date of residence in France, last address, date of arrest or deportation and deportation destination; details of the searcher: name; place of birth and last address; 2. Card catalogue for sending...

  2. Files of the OFD Muenchen, regarding the confiscation of Jewish property in Munich

    Files of the OFD Muenchen, regarding the confiscation of Jewish property in Munich Copies of the material were transferred to Yad Vashem by the Oberfinanzdirektion Nürnberg - Bundesvermögensabteilung - Außenstelle Nürnberg; the original material was then deposited in the Stadtarchiv Muenchen.

  3. M. 71-Documentation regarding the Holocaust from archives in Romania and Moldova

    M. 71-Documentation regarding the Holocaust from archives in Romania and Moldova Information regarding the persecution of the Jews in Romania; deportations from Bessarabia and Bukovina; the establishment of ghettos in Transnistria; anti-Jewish legislation and orders, and drafting of Jews for forced labor under the Antonescu regime, and more.

  4. P.32 - Collection of Hansi and Joel Brand, activists in the Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest during World War II

    P.32 - Collection of Hansi and Joel Brand, activists in the Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest during World War II Biographies of Joel Jenő Brand and his wife Hansi (Hartmann) Brand Joel Brand was born in Naszód, Transylvania in 1906. In 1934, after a stay in Germany, he settled in Budapest, Hungary, where he joined the Poalei Zion Party. In 1935 he married Hansi Hartmann and together they set up a glove factory. In 1942 Joel and Hansi were among the founders of the Relief and Rescue Committee, the Budapest-based underground organization, which worked on behalf of Jewish refugees in Hu...

  5. P.21 - Collection of Ilya Ehrenburg, author and member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC), 1941-1967

    P.21 - Collection of Ilya Ehrenburg, author and member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC), 1941-1967 Ilya Ehrenburg was born into a Jewish family in Kiev in 1891. He was exiled to France in 1908 after being arrested for his activities against the Czarist regime. In Paris, he gradually dissociated himself from the Bolsheviks, associating himself with modern artists, publishing his poems and working at translation. After the Socialist revolution in 1917, he returned to his native country. From 1923 Ehrenburg worked as a journalist for the "Izvestia" newspaper. The Soviet authorities u...

  6. TR.23:- Legal documentation from KGB Archives in Moldavia, 1944-1945

    TR.23 - Legal documentation from KGB Archives in Moldavia, 1944-1945 In the collection there is legal documentation from the Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (KGB- Committee for State Security) Archive of Moldavia including investigative files of war criminals in the areas of Moldavia and Ukraine. The documentation includes detention orders, interrogation reports of local residents accused of the persecution of the Jews and murder of Jews in Moldavia and Ukraine, indictments and court rulings regarding the search for a specific criminal throughout the Soviet Union.

  7. O.15 E - Testimonies collected by the National Relief Committee for Deportees in Hungary (DEGOB)

    O.15 E - Testimonies collected by the National Relief Committee for Deportees in Hungary (DEGOB) Testimonies collected from Holocaust survivors by Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottság (the National Relief Committee for Deportees in Hungary [DEGOB]), 1945-1946. The testimonies were passed on to the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) by the Magyar Zsidó Múzeum és Levéltár (Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archives [MZSML]). Some of the testimonies were passed on in their original form and some were photocopied ( Signature: 2, XX-G microfilm reels). DEGOB collected a total of approximately 3,65...

  8. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ruhama

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ruhama Memorial booklet: 1. "Yosef Shamir, 1916-2001, a man of the movement, of vision, and action", August 2003; Testimonies: 1. David David, "Story of my life", summer 1993; 2. Sara Kaplun, "Life was given to me as a gift"; 3. "Memoirs of Rachel Shamir, regarding the German occupation of the city of Tarnow in September 1939, and her departure to the city of Lwow, two months later" (14/12/2003); Photographs (photocopy): 1. David David (16/0...

  9. Documentation regarding the evacuation to Uzbekistan and the evacuees

    Documentation regarding the evacuation to Uzbekistan and the evacuees

  10. P.62 - Peter Erben Collection: Documentation regarding the Jews of Czechoslovakia, and specifically the Jews of Ostrava, during the Holocaust period

    P.62 - Peter Erben Collection: Documentation regarding the Jews of Czechoslovakia, and specifically the Jews of Ostrava, during the Holocaust period Peter Erben, a native of Ostrava, was an inmate in Theresienstadt, Auschwitz and other camps during the Holocaust period. After the war, he was greatly involved in the collection of materials related to the fate of the Jews of Czechoslovakia during the Holocaust in general and the fate of the Jews of Ostrava in particular. Erben submitted part of the collection of memoirs, letters, photographs and documents he gathered to Yad Vashem.

  11. Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Stuttgart

    Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Stuttgart: The legal basis for the work of the arbitrator for reparations in the American zone was Law No. 59 of the Military Government (American Control Area) of November 10, 1947. According to this, the confiscated property, firm, bank account or other property was to be returned or compensation for it was to be paid. For this, the injured party or his legal successor had to conduct contentious proceedings against the individual or institution liable for restitution, which had seized the property. In order to prevent every claim for ...

  12. M.1 - Documentation of the Central Historical Commission (CHC) of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American Occupied Zone, Munich

    M.1 - Documentation of the The Central Committee of the Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone of Germany The Central Committee of the Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone of Germany was the official representative body of displaced Jews in the American zone of Germany from 1945 to 1950. The Central Committee was founded on July 1, 1945, at the first meeting of representatives of Jewish DP camps held in Feldafing. It came into being through the joint effort of Dr. Zalman Grinberg, the head of the St. Ottilien hospital DP camp and former director of the Kovno ghetto hospital, and Rabbi Abraham Klausner,...

  13. M.1.DN - Munich Municipality: Documentation regarding the treatment of the Jews, 1933-1942

    M.1.DN - Munich Municipality: Documentation regarding the treatment of the Jews, 1933-1942 This Subsection is part of the collections compiled by the Central Historical Commission (CHC) of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US Zone in Munich (Records Group M.1). The Subsection contains files concerning Jews, which the CHC received from the Munich Municipal Archives. These documents deal with the persecution of Jews during the Nazi period, mainly in Munich, but also in Frankfurt am Main, Ansbach and some of the other cities in Germany. The Subsection also contains the personal fi...

  14. Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Leer, regarding the forced sale, confiscation and restitution of Jewish owned real estate in Leer and the surrounding area, 1938-1981

    Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Leer, regarding the forced sale, confiscation and restitution of Jewish owned real estate in Leer and the surrounding area, 1938-1981 Included in the Collection: - Sub-Record Group Rep 01: Files from the Nazi period regarding the takeover of Jewish owned real estate, 1938-1944; - Sub-Record Group Rep 02: Requests from the postwar period for the restitution of or compensation for property that was confiscated or obtained by means of a forced sale, including a special file for requests from the Jewish Trust Corporation, and a file that includes lists of Jewi...

  15. O.27 - Denmark Collection: Documentation regarding the Jews of Denmark during the Holocaust period

    O.27 - Denmark Collection: Documentation regarding the Jews of Denmark during the Holocaust period In the Record Group there is official documentation and personal documentation including testimonies, letters and personal documents on subjects related to the history of the Jews of Denmark and Norway during the Holocaust period, including displays of antisemitism, smuggling Jews out of Denmark, deportation of Jews from Denmark to Theresienstadt, rescue of the Danish Jews and lists of Jews deported from Norway. The Record Group also includes a collection of thank you letters sent to Cecilia P...

  16. Documentation from the National Archives of Moldova, 1941-1944

    Documentation from the National Archives of Moldova, 1941-1944 In the collection there are files created by government bodies in Bessarabia and Bukovina. In the files there is information regarding the establishment of the Cernauti, Moghilev and Chisinau Ghettos; the camps and forced labor, and the deportation of Jews to Transnistria. In the files there are also lists of names and statistical data.

  17. M.1.D - Documentation of the Dachau concentration camp

    M.1.D - Documentation of the Dachau concentration camp In the collection there are files from the Dachau concentration camp which were transferred to Yad Vashem by the Central Historical Commission of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American Occupied zone. In the collection there is administrational documentation including a few files kept by the camp administration. In many of the files there are forms for payment and insurance of the inmates. In other files there is personal documentation such as passports and photographs of inmates as well as the central card index file of...

  18. P.69 - Archive of the Levy family, from Essen, Germany, 1863-1993

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10568932
    • English, Hebrew
    • Administrative documentation Article Balance sheet Book Brochure Certification Correspondence Curriculum Vitae (CV) Death certificate Diary Diploma Draft Drawing Envelope Financial accounts Identity card Invitation Journal Lecture Legal documentation Letter(s) Libretto Medical documentation Money Newspaper clippings Note Notebook Obituary Papercut Passport Personal records Photocopy Photograph Play Play(s), script(s) Poems/Songs Postcard Protocol Record of deportees Record of persecuted persons Research article Speech Telegram Telephone directory Thesis/Dissertation Travel ticket Will

    P.69 - Archive of the Levy family, from Essen, Germany, 1863-1993 About the Levy family: Dr. Ernst Levy (b.1872) was the eldest son of physician Dr. Hermann Levy (b. 1838) and his wife Emma, née Hirschland (b. 1847). Dr. Ernst Levy and his wife, the former Martha Ruthenburg (b. 1878) lived in Essen, Germany, where Dr. Levy was a general practitioner and researcher. They had four children, Hermann (b. 1906), Rudolf (b. 1908), Hans (b. 1911) and Eva (b. 1914). A year after the rise of nazism, Hermann Levy, a lawyer by training, went to study a new career in Paris, France, since he was banned ...

  19. O. 64.2 - Theresienstadt Collection: Original documentation from the Theresienstadt Ghetto

    O. 64.2 - Theresienstadt Collection: Original documentation from the Theresienstadt Ghetto The Documentation Collection from the Theresienstadt Ghetto is comprised of three principle collections: A. The Zeev Sheck Collection, also known as the Dokumentační Akce-Praha (Prague Documentation Project) Collection [Files 1-110]; B. The Hermann Weisz Collection [Files 111-422]; C. The Miscellaneous Collection including documentation from the ghetto submitted to the Yad Vashem Archives by private bodies and others [Files 423-469]. A. The Zeev Sheck Collection Provenance of the Collection: Born in O...

  20. Documentation from the archives of the Romanian Ministry of Defense, 1941-1944

    Documentation from the archives of the Romanian Ministry of Defense, 1941-1944 In the collection there are files that were created by various bodies within the Romanian Army, some of which deal with internal security and some of which deal with intelligence reports pertaining to Hungary and Transylvania. In the files there is propaganda material; surveillance of the legionnaire insurgents (after January 1941); surveillance of bodies hostile to the regime in Romania (Communists, Jews); intelligence reports regarding what was happening in Hungary in 1944 (in these reports there is information...