Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 921 to 940 of 1,615
Country: Israel
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Situation reports prepared by the Gestapo, from materials of the Preußische Staatsministerium in the Geh. Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz

    Situation reports prepared by the Gestapo, from materials of the Preußische Staatsministerium in the Geh. Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz The Preußische Staatsministerium was an organization of the Prussian State governmental authority. It served in the past in particular as the State government, and during the period of the Weimar Republic and afterwards it served as a uniting body (Kollegium) of the government's Ministers, and as the personal office (Kanzlei - Bureau) of the Prime Minister of the State. The material that was copied for Yad Vashem includes situation reports (Lageber...

  2. M.41.GAMog - Documentation from the State Archive of the Mogilev Region

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10431971
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1944
    • Appeal to the authorities Application Correspondence List of forced laborers List of healthcare workers List of Jewish residents List of residents List of workers Official documentation

    M.41.GAMog - Documentation from the State Archive of the Mogilev Region History of the State Archive of the Mogilev Region The Archive was established on 05 July 1938, and its documentation is comprised of documentation that was found in the regional archives of Mogilev and Kalinin. In 1941, it included 1,316 original collections that contained 650,000 conservation units. During the war, some of the documents were evacuated but most were destroyed (1,200 original collections). The Archive resumed its activity in the city of Krichev in 1943, and in Mogilev in 1944. During the same time all o...

  3. Documentation of the Estonian Army, 1917 - 1941

  4. Collection of the Protestantsch Hulp Comité voor Uitgewekenen om Ras en Geloof (Protestant Help Committee to Refugees of Race or Religion) in the Netherlands, 1939-1940

    Collection of the Protestantsch Hulp Comité voor Uitgewekenen om Ras en Geloof (Protestant Help Committee to Refugees of Race or Religion) in the Netherlands, 1939-1940 The aim of the Protestant Committee was to give help to Jewish or "partially" Jewish refugees who had been baptized to Christianity, or "Aryans" who were married to Jews; Included in the collection: Circulars, notes and correspondence related to the Protestant Help Committee in Amsterdam, 1940; Correspondence between the committee's chairman Professor V. H. Rutgers and various organizations and persons, including the Central...

  5. Documentation of the Polish authorities in the Nowogrodek region, 1931-1939

    Documentation of the Polish authorities in the Nowogrodek region, 1931-1939 Included in the collection: - Lists of voters; - Lists of Jews whose Polish citizenship was revoked; - Applications for the issuing of birth certificates and passports; - Reports of the local authorities regarding the political-economic situation; - Reports regarding political movements; - Lists of Jewish residents; - Criminal documentation [records].

  6. Documentation of the Verband der österreichen Zionisten (League of Austrian Zionists) in Vienna, 1936-1937

    Documentation of the Verband der österreichen Zionisten (League of Austrian Zionists) in Vienna, 1936-1937 The collection includes publicity (placards and leaflets) and correspondence of the Verband der österreichen Zionisten, which was the Austrian branch of the Revisionist Movement, and of accompanying organizations, such as the Brit HaKanaim Youth Federation; the correspondence was with the Austrian authorities, the Jewish community in Vienna and with Jewish and Zionist organizations. Among other items in the collection, there is correspondence with the police regarding permission to hol...

  7. Documentation of the German and local authorities in the Brest Litovsk region, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the German and local authorities in the Brest Litovsk region, 1941-1943 Included in the collection, among other material: - Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district commissioner), regarding the transport of Jews; - Appeals and requests sent by the Judenrat in Brest to the German authorities, regarding the receipt of building materials; - Correspondence between the Gebietskommissariat (district commissary) and the Brest municipality, regarding the confiscation of Jewish homes.

  8. Documentation of the Amtsgericht Bergedorf (Bergedorf Magistrates Court) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Amtsgericht Bergedorf (Bergedorf Magistrates Court) in Hamburg The Amtsgericht Bergedorf (Bergedorf Magistrates Court) was established in 1855. It is still in existence as of the time of the writing of these lines. The Court files that arrive for archival storage are transferred to the State Archive in Hamburg. They include administrative files, protocols of trials, court decisions, criminal and civil court proceedings, files and Register (registration) books, and freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit (mediation and arbitration) files. The files that were copied for Yad Vashem re...

  9. Documentation of judicial institutions in Estonia, 1919 - 1941

  10. Documentation of the Bikur Cholim Association in Graz from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1923-1938

    Documentation of the Bikur Cholim Association in Graz from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1923-1938 The Association was founded in 1923 (a time of intense economic crisis) with the goal of providing assistance to the sick and giving charity to those in need. In the collection there is correspondence of the Association and of its Chairman, Elias Gruenschlag (who was active in the Zionist Movement in Austria as well), among other correspondence, with the Graz community and with Jewish and Zionist organizations in Austria; correspondence regarding matters pertaining to welfare and assistance (in...

  11. Documentation of the Communist Party committee in the Sitkovtsy district, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the Communist Party committee in the Sitkovtsy district, 1942-1943 Included in the collection are personal questionnaires of Jewish Red Army officers.

  12. Documentation of the Jewish community in Grodno, 1922-1939

    Documentation of the Jewish community in Grodno, 1922-1939 Included in the collection: - Appeals by Jewish residents to the Grodno municipality; - Appeals by residents to the bank in Grodno; - Documentation of Jewish educational institutions in the city and of the supervisor, regarding the Jewish educational institutions; - List of workers in the schools and the community.

  13. Documentation of the Wohnungsamt II (Housing Office II) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Wohnungsamt II (Housing Office II) in Hamburg The sub-record Collection includes three files: two files deal with buildings that were used as detention camps (in one of them, Jewish children were murdered shortly before the end of the war); the third file deals with claims for compensation regarding a house that was owned by Jews (see the list of files in the "Multimedia" page).

  14. Documentation of the American-German Friendship Society, 1939-1942

    Documentation of the American-German Friendship Society, 1939-1942 The Amerikadeutsche Kameradschaft (American-German Friendship Society) was founded in 1938 by former members of the Bund der Freunde des Neuen Deutschland (League of the Friends of the New Germany). It was also known as Kameradschaft USA (USA Comradeship). Headed by Fritz GissibI, its head office was in Stuttgart, Germany. The collection contains material pertaining to the Comradeship's propaganda activities against Jews who were spreading anti-German propaganda overseas. It also includes a list of members, as well as materi...

  15. Documentation of the administration of the Rowne district, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the administration of the Rowne district, 1941-1943

  16. Personal files of Jewish refugees in Switzerland, 1930-1950

    Personal files of Jewish refugees in Switzerland, 1930-1950 The files are located in the N-Serie section in the Police department of the Swiss Ministry of Justice and the Police; the section contains approximately 45,000 personal files of civilian refugees who were absorbed by Switzerland from 1936 and until after World War II; approximately half of the refugees were Jews.

  17. תיועוד מעזבונו של Reiner Heinrich, ה-Reichsstatthalter ב-Hessen, שנים 1919-1943

    Heinrich Reiner (1892-1946), engeneer in his profession, joined the Nazi Party (NSDAP) as early as 1923. After the National Socialist seizure of power in 1933, he was appointed to senior posts in the government of Hessen. From August 1934 to June 1937 Reiner officiated as deputy of the Gauleiter of the Nazi Gau (district) Hesse-Nassau. In April 1935 he became deputy of the leader of the Hessian state government and the State Commissioner (Führers der hessischen Landesregierung und des Reichsstatthalters). In January 1936, he was appointed Hessian State Councilor (Staatsrat) and in January 1...

  18. M.52.DAChrvO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Chernovtsy Region

    M.52.DAChrvO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Chernovtsy Region History of the Archives The State Archives of the Chernovtsy Region was established in November 1907, but it was closed in early 1918 along with other government institutions following the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The northern area of Bukovina and the Khotin district in the Bessarabia region were included in the Kingdom of Romania. By order of the Romanian Ministry of Education and the General State Directorate of the Archives of Romania, the State Archives of Bukovina in Chernovtsy was established in ...

  19. Documentation of the regional and district Police in Bobruysk, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the regional and district Police in Bobruysk, 1941-1944 Included in the file, among other material: - Documentation of the Ordnungsdienst (Order Service); - Lists of POWs and refugees; - Orders of the Bobruysk Police; - Lists of policemen; - Antisemitic propaganda; - Lists of detainees in the prison in Bobruysk.

  20. Documentation from the Oberlandesgericht und Staatsanwaltschaft (Upper Court of Law and Regional Prosecutor's Office) in Celle

    Documentation from the Oberlandesgericht und Staatsanwaltschaft (Upper Court of Law and Regional Prosecutor's Office) in Celle