Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 761 to 780 of 1,615
Country: Israel
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Documentation from Finanzaemter (Finance Ministry local units) in Hessen

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 11983402
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1925-1961
    • Financial accounts Inventory list Official documentation Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors

    Documentation from the Finanzaemter (Finance Ministry) local units in Hessen In the collection is documentation from Finanzaemter 11 in the Hessen-Darmstadt province: Bensheim, Beerfelden, Friedberg, Fuerth i. Odenwald, Giessen, Gross Gerau, Gruenberg, Hungen, Lauterbach, Michelstadt and Offenbach. For information regarding each of the Finance Ministry offices in the collection and the material that was copied from the office for Yad Vashem, see the file: "M.55\Hessen G 36 Finanzaemter Bestandsübersichten (alle).pdf" in the Multimedia page. The overall majority of the files in the collectio...

  2. Documentation from the Archive of Andrey Sheptytsky, the Metropolitan Bishop of Galychyna, 1941

    Documentation from the Archive of Andrey Sheptytsky, the Metropolitan Bishop of Galychyna, 1941 Included in the collection: - Three appeals by Andrey Melnik, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) commander, against the group of Bandera (founder of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army - UPA) and against other groups from Postojno, in the Rowne region; - Letter sent by the physician Markijan Dzerowycz - an OUN activist, to Andreyi Sheptytsky, regarding problems in the movement and disagreements between heads of the OUN from Vienna; - Letter written by Andreyi Sheptytsky to the clergy and t...

  3. Collection of personal files of Jewish teachers prepared by the Commission for Teacher Certification of the Jewish Education Division of the Latvian Republic Ministry of Education, 1920-1941

    Collection of personal files of Jewish teachers prepared by the Commission for Teacher Certification of the Jewish Education Division of the Latvian Republic Ministry of Education, 1920-1941

  4. Documentation of the Bezirksaemter (Regional offices) in the Schwaben area in Bavaria

    Documentation of the Bezirksaemter (Regional offices) in the Schwaben area in Bavaria

  5. Documentation of the Polish Courts of Law in the Gdansk region, 1946-1958

    Documentation of the Polish Courts of Law in the Gdansk region, 1946-1958 Included in the collection are appeals by relatives of Jews who perished during the war period, submitted to the Polish Courts of Law in the Gdansk region in order to receive declarations of death.

  6. Collection of Erich Rajakowitsch, regarding his trial in Austria, 1905-1988

    Collection of Erich Rajakowitsch, regarding his trial in Austria, 1905-1988 SS Obersturmführer Dr. Erich Rajakowitsch, the head of the Sonderreferat Juden and a friend of Eichmann, organized the deportation of the Jews from 1941 and following; he was responsible for the deportation to Auschwitz of approximately 10,000 Jews from the Netherlands, including Anna Frank; he was put on trial during 1962-1964 for the deportation from France of 83 Jews who were Dutch citizens; he was never put on trial for his involvement in the deportation of Jews from the Netherlands; Included in the file: Docume...

  7. Documentation regarding the Jewish community of Leipzig

    Documentation regarding the Jewish community of Leipzig Card files of members of the community: Card file of members of the community in 1935 (the main part of the collection), card file of deportees, and card file of members of the community after the war.

  8. Documentation regarding the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Kamenets Podolsk region, 1944-1965

    Documentation regarding the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Kamenets Podolsk region, 1944-1965 - Documentation regarding three collaborators who participated in the murder of Jews in the Kamenets Podolski region during the German occupation period; - Documentation regarding Nazi war crimes in the various districts of the Kamenets Podolsk region during the German occupation period, including the burial alive of hostages, Jewish women and children and the murder of POWs; - Documentation regarding the murder of the Jews of Zenkov, near to Stanislavovka, on 09/05/1942.

  9. Documentation of anti-Nazi emigree organizations from Germany and Austria that were active in Paris, 1936-1940

    Documentation of anti-Nazi emigree organizations from Germany and Austria that were active in Paris, 1936-1940 This Record Group was set up in the Osoby Archive in Moscow and includes files of a number of German emigee organizations that were active in Paris. - Files of emigee organizations (Frames 1004-1151) including the Fédération des Emigrés provenant d'Autriche and the Ligue Autrichienne (in German: Oesterreichischen Liga) containing correspondence, fliers, administrative material and reports regarding the Austrian refugees in France, 1938-1940. One of the files (Frames 1026-1114) incl...

  10. Documentation of the Polizeidisziplinskammer (Disciplinary Chamber) of the Hamburg Police

    Documentation of the Polizeidisziplinskammer (Disciplinary Chamber) of the Hamburg Police Included in the Collection are three disciplinary files against policemen: one file regarding an attack in a synagogue and two files regarding suspicion of opposition to the authorities, one of them also for hiding the Jewish origin of his wife.

  11. Documentation of Der Oberpräsident der Provinz Oberschesien (Senior President of the District of Upper Silesia) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1939-1943

    Documentation of Der Oberpräsident der Provinz Oberschesien (President of the District of Upper Silesia) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1939-1943 In the collection there is a file which contains laws and regulations regarding the strengthening of Deutschtum ("Germanness") and differentiating between Aryans and Poles, including preparation of the deutsche Volksliste [that categorized Poles according to the measure of their relativity to the Aryan race and the possibilities of Deutschfaehigkeit, making them over as Germans]; there is also a file dealing with the authority of the Oberpräsid...

  12. Documentation of the German News Service, 1934-1945

    Documentation of the German News Service, 1934-1945 News and articles of the News Service, relating to, among others, the Jewish influence on the arts and the struggle against it in Germany and in other countries; the study of race; sport and physical education activity in Nazi Germany; antisemitism in various countries (among others, news regarding the showing of the film, "Jud Suess" in various countries); The material also includes collections of earlier news from the News Service that are related to Jewish matters, among them material from the years before the Nazis' rise to power.

  13. Documentation from the Landratsamt Marburg

    Documentation from the Landratsamt Marburg

  14. Documentation of the rural administrations in the Kleck District, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the rural administrations in the Kleck District, 1941-1942 The Collection includes documentation of the Nagorna District administration; instructions of Wilhelm Kube regarding mixed marriages, identification of Jews, life in the occupied territories and selling of Jewish homes; instructions regarding the manner of confiscating Jewish property in the Baranowicze and Kleck areas; instructions by the area administrative Commander in Zaostrovichi regarding the confiscation of property from the Judenrat; list of Jewish residents living in Kletsk, from 02 February 1942; documenta...

  15. Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Volksschulen (State and private elementary schools) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Volksschulen (State and private elementary schools) in Hamburg Included are files from the following schools: - Fritz-Schumacher-Schule - Schule Wohldorf-Ohlstedt - Schule Moorkamp 3 - Mädchenschule Angerstraße - Volksschule Barmbeker Straße 30/32 - Schule Altenwerder - Schule Turmweg - Schule Von-Essen-Straße - Sammelschule I (Maretstraße) - Volksschule Bunatwiete (Maretstraße) - Heinrich-Wolgast-Schule.

  16. Documentation of the Romanian government in the Bukovina region, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Romanian government in the Bukovina region, 1941-1944 The Bukovina region was a territorial-administrative unit of the Romanian occupation authorities during the period of World War II. The region was created in the territory of the Chernovtsy region in 1941. The region was occupied by the Red Army as part of the Yassko-Kishiniovskaya operatsiya (Yassko-Kishiniovskaya Campaign) in late August 1944. Included in the collection, among other documentation: - Correspondence by the Romanian Army general headquarters, regarding the decisions of the National Center for Romaniza...

  17. Documentation related to the Jewish education administration of the Minorities education administration, 1920-1934

    Documentation related to the Jewish education administration of the Minorities education administration, 1920-1934 Regulations, instructions, circulars and correspondence of the Ministry of Education regarding the activities of Jewish schools; circulars regarding clerical matters, the notation of Jewish holidays and changes in the school program; protocols of meetings of various committees of the Jewish education administration; agreements with private Jewish schools and Jewish kindergartens; regulations of the central Latvian organization of communities; Jewish teachers organizations: HaMo...

  18. Documentation from the Amtsgericht Lichterfelde

    Documentation from the Amtsgericht Lichterfelde Files from two Record Groups of the Landesarchiv Berlin: Files from the A Rep. 345 Record Group: in most part, files of estates and wills of Jews, from the years 1933-1939; Files from the B Rep. 045 Record Group: in most part, personal files of Jews, from the years 1946-1961, and lists of those who withdrew from the Evangelist Church.

  19. Collection of the Netherlands Civil Representation in Belgium, 1940-1945

    Collection of the Netherlands Civil Representation in Belgium, 1940-1945 Following the departure of the Dutch diplomats from the Nederlands Consulaat te Brussel (Netherlands Consulate in Brussels) in Belgium in 1940, the Dutch government established the Bureau ter Behartiging van de Belangen van Nederlanders (Bureau for the Coordination of Civilian Affairs of Dutch citizens in Belgium), which was active during 1940-1945; Included in the collection: Official documentation, including anti-Jewish orders and decrees, 1940-1945.

  20. Documentation of the Uzda District administration, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the Uzda District administration, 1941-1942 The Collection includes a list of the staff in a clinic in Stolpce; lists of residents who paid income tax; lists of residents in Uzda; list of residents who received salaries; certificates of the Health Department in the Uzda area administration, including the names of Jewish physicians.