Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 621 to 640 of 1,615
Country: Israel
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Documentation from the Amtsgericht Wedding: Declarations of Death

    Documentation from the Amtsgericht Wedding: Declarations of Death Declarations of Death (Todeserklaerungen) that were given regarding Jews during the postwar years.

  2. Documentation from the war period and after, in the Vitebsk Region, 1941-1946

    Documentation from the war period and after, in the Vitebsk Region, 1941-1946 The Collection includes instructions by the District Commissioner (Gebietskommissar) of Glebokie regarding restricting the Jews from going out of the ghettos; documentation of the Order Police (Ordnungsdienst) regarding Jews from Orsha; notification by Mera Rozenblyum from Lepel regarding the confiscation of a horse; instructions to the city mayor of Orsha regarding the manner of registering the population; report submitted by the Secretary of the Regional Committee in Polotsk to the Director of the State Historic...

  3. Documentation of the Reichsgericht (Reich Supreme Court) in Leipzig and the Reichsanwaltschaft (Reich Prosecution Service) associated with the court, 1939-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsgericht (Reich Supreme Court) in Leipzig and the Reichsanwaltschaft (Reich Prosecution Service) associated with the court, 1939-1945 The main subject of the files is the determination of racial origin. Appeals of verdicts handed down by various courts throughout the German Reich regarding people who had been defined as Jews or Mischlinge (children of mixed marriages) reached the Reich Supreme Court, arguing that in actuality the origin of these people was Aryan. The vast majority of the files were from Austria, mainly from Vienna. The files on Microfilm JM/29041 (...

  4. Collection of Einsatzstab Rosenberg, the unit for the emptying of the household contents belonging to Jews who were deported in the Netherlands during 1942-1943, and claims for compensation, Oorlogsschade, 1958

    Collection of Einsatzstab Rosenberg, the unit for the emptying of the household contents belonging to Jews who were deported in the Netherlands during 1942-1943, and claims for compensation, Oorlogsschade, 1958 Einsatzstab Rosenberg, a member of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei - NDAP (Nazi Party), dealt, among other matters, with the collection of the household contents of Jews who were deported from the Netherlands during 1942-1943; the contents of the homes were sent to Germany; considerable use was made of these documents for the purpose of claims for compensation dur...

  5. Documentation from the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Head Office [RSHA]), 1939-1945

    Documentation from the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Head Office [RSHA]), 1939-1945

  6. Collection of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee - AJDC in the Netherlands, 1934-1944

    Collection of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee - AJDC in the Netherlands, 1934-1944 The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, known as the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee - AJDC, was established in the United States in 1914 in order to help the victims of World War I; the head office is located in New York; Included in the collection: Letters and activity reports prepared by the JDC, regarding financial help to victims of the Holocaust, and correspondence by the JDC branch offices in Lisbon and Paris with people and institutions, regarding help to Jews d...

  7. Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Korosten, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Korosten, 1942-1943 Included in the collection are instructions regarding the Police of the city of Korosten, the struggle against the partisans, and the work of the Ukrainian policemen.

  8. Documentation of the Senatskanzlei - Personalabteilung I (Senate Chamber - Personnel Department I) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Senatskanzlei - Personalabteilung I (Senate Chamber - Personnel Department I) in Hamburg

  9. Collection of the Commissie-Clevering committee, which examined the attitude toward refugees by the authorities in the Netherlands, 1946-1950

    Collection of the Commissie-Clevering committee, which examined the attitude toward refugees by the authorities in the Netherlands, 1946-1950 Official documentation of the Commissie-Clevering committee, established by the Foreign Ministry of the Netherlands in 1946 for the purpose of examining the attitude of the embassies toward Dutch citizens who escaped to Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal and other countries during the war period: Included in the collection: Testimonies of: A. Cohen E. Elzas L. Flesseman M.H. Gans A.J. Goedkoop E.H. van Hasselt M.H.J. Hedeman-Joosten J.M. Kijzer J. P...

  10. Documentation of the Prosecutor's office affiliated with the Court of Law for Appeals in Lwow, 1936

    Documentation of the Prosecutor's office affiliated with the Court of Law for Appeals in Lwow, 1936 Included in the collection is an indictment by the Prosecutor of the regional Court of Law in Lwow against Stefan Marian Dolynski and Nikolaj Lebed, members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) who participated in the expropriation of property.

  11. Documentation of the office of the regional supervisor of the Romanian Police in Cernauti, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the office of the regional supervisor of the Romanian Police in Cernauti, 1941-1944

  12. Documentation of the Jewish national organization "Trumpeldor" in Riga, 1929-1941

    Documentation of the Jewish national organization "Trumpeldor" in Riga, 1929-1941 History of the organization The organization was officially established on 20 August 1924. The aim of its establishment was the establishment of a Jewish country in Eretz Israel. The main focus of the organization was the education of youth toward national values, the study of Hebrew, physical labor, and the study of agricultural professions, handicrafts and seamanship. The organization declared that the Jewish citizens of Latvia be educated toward the spirit of a national state. Thus, on 15 May 1935, approxim...

  13. Documentation of the Reichsvereinigungen und Gemeinschaften (Reich Economic Unions), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsvereinigungen und Gemeinschaften (Reich Economic Unions), Germany, 1933-1945 The collection includes the following Record Groups: R10/I - Reichsvereinigung Bastfaser (Reel 406) R10/III - Reichsvereinigung Eisen (Reels 406, 407) R10/IV - Reichsvereinigung Textilveredlung (Reel 407) R10/VI - Gemeinschaft Schuhe (Reel 418) R10/VIII - Reichsvereinigung Kohle (Reel 418) R10/IX - Stickstoffsyndikat GmbH (Reel 418) R10/X - Verkaufsgemeinschaft Sanitärkeramik (Reel 418) R10/XI - Verband technisch-keramischer Fabriken (Reel 418) R10/XII - Vereinigung für Wand- und Bodenpla...

  14. Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Diamant (Diamonds Office of the Netherlands), 1940-1954

    Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Diamant (Diamonds Office of the Netherlands), 1940-1954 Included in the collection: Official documentation regarding diamond dealers in the Netherlands, most of them Jews, 1940-1954; Lists of diamond dealers, a newspaper article regarding Jewish diamond dealers in the Netherlands, and documentation regarding an incident of concealment; Documents of the Schade-Enquete-Commissies - compensation committee regarding diamond dealers during the postwar period in the Netherlands, 1946-1954; Documents of the Ministry of Transportation of the Netherlands; Documents...

  15. Tax files of Jews, in the Finanzamt Schwäbisch Gmünd, 1914-1962

    Tax files of Jews, in the Finanzamt Schwäbisch Gmünd, 1914-1962 Included in the collection are tax files of Jews and Jewish businesses.

  16. Documentation of the Corpul III armata Romania (3rd Romanian Army) from Odessa and Tiraspol, photocopied from the Osoby Archive in Moscow

    Documentation of the Corpul III armata Romania (3rd Romanian Army) from Odessa and Tiraspol, photocopied from the Osoby Archive in Moscow

  17. Documentation from the Kultusministerium (Ministry of Religions and Education) of the Saar region, 1920-1945

    Documentation from the Kultusministerium (Ministry of Religions and Education) of the Saar region

  18. Documentation of the district committee of the representatives of the workers, farmers and soldiers in Mogilev, 1923-1924

    Documentation of the district committee of the representatives of the workers, farmers and soldiers in Mogilev, 1923-1924 In the collection: Lists of members of the executive committee of the representatives of the workers and the police workers in the Mogilev district during 1923-1924.

  19. Documentation of the Oberschulbehoerde I, II, VI (High School Administration I, II, VI) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Oberschulbehoerde I, II, VI (High School Administration I, II, VI) in Hamburg In the Collection, in the context of the documentation of Oberschulbehoerde I and Oberschulbehoerde II (frames 294-1519), are files related to high schools, some of them Jewish high schools (including several files related to the Talmud Tora Schul). In the files of Oberschulbehoerde VI (frames 1520-2651), there is also general information regarding the schools.

  20. Documentation of the local authority in the Mogilev Podolskiy district, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the local authority in the Mogilev Podolskiy district, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Documentation regarding the situation of the Kolkhozy in the district; - Correspondence with the Romanian authorities regarding the employment of Jewish skilled professionals; - Correspondence with the administration of the concentration camp for political prisoners in Bronnytsa and the Romanian authorities in the district, regarding the situation of the camp.