Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 641 to 660 of 1,936
Country: United Kingdom
  1. Notes re design of the Holocaust memorial, Vienna

    Notes on an interview with Rachel Whiteread about her proposed design of a concrete bunker to commemorate the Holocaust at the Judenplatz, Vienna by Ernst Eisenmayer 5 Oct 1996

  2. Copy documents re Jews in Vienna

    This material, part of which relates to an exhibition on the Viennese Jewish community during the Third Reich

  3. Youth Aliyah: Copy documents re the Hascharah Training Centre, Braunton, Devon

    Account of the Hascharah training centre at Braunton, Devon, consisting of typescript notes, transcripts of letters and copies of letters and other documents with Fred Dunston's annotations22 pages English 

  4. Gertrude Wellisch: Correspondence re emigration

    Correspondence relating to the establishment of a guarantor for Gertrude Wellisch, an Austrian Jewish refugee, including letters between various agencies and the prospective guarantor.

  5. Karl Neumann: Family papers

    This collection of family papers documents the lives of a Czech Jewish couple both before and after their arrival in Great Britain.

  6. Zigmunt Tonecki: various papers

    Miscellaneous collection of papers relating to the work of Zigmunt Tonecki, an expert on Soviet theatre, including a manuscript collection of essays by him using the pseudonym S. Tone, replete with photographs of Russian dramatists et al. 

  7. Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten: Circular re membership of Jewish Mischlinge

    Copy circular issued by the Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten to all members regarding Jewish mixed race membership of the RDB, stating that whereas full Jews can no longer be members, Jews of mixed race can still be members under certain conditionsGerman 

  8. Deutsche bank: Papers re blocked accounts

    Circulars from the Deutsche Bank re blocked accounts 

  9. List of Theresienstadt survivors in Switzerland

    This list of survivors of Theresienstadt who were taken to Switzerland was originally published in a Swiss newspaper towards the end of the war. The depositor's grandmother's name is included.

  10. Copy report by SS Obergruppenführer Koppe

    Copy report by SS Obergruppenführer Koppe regarding the evacuation of TB infected Poles (1943) and other papers relating to Koppe's career 

  11. Chaja Cohn: Memoirs of German Jewish Exile, nd

    This collection of stories and reminiscences was collated by Chaja Cohn, a former refugee residing in Israel, who had spent several years in China.

  12. Copy fragment relating to the history of the Jews in the Rhineland

    Copy fragment relating to the history of the Jews in the Rhineland in small villages around Pforzheim and on the Kahn family who lived in that area from the early 18th century ndGerman 5 pages 

  13. Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin: copy letter to Vatican

    Copy response by the Auswaertige Amt to the Vatican commenting on the status of the relationship between the German Reich and the Vatican 

  14. Report re the rescue of Jewish children in Belgium

    This copy translation of a report by Maurice Heiber detailing his exploits saving Jewish children in Belgium, was translated by his niece, Enid Wistrich, while she was still a school girl.

  15. Herbert Engel: Copy personal papers

    These copy documents provide a rare insight into the effects of Nazism and its demise on the German population.

  16. Ellinor Adler: Family documents

    This collection of family documents describes the plight of a Viennese family: an aryan woman, her Jewish husband and their daughter. In addition to some original documentation, there are 2 personal accounts by the mother, Maria Goldschmied, which cover the period from the arrival of the Nazis to the 1970s when she used to still visit her native Austria. Of particular interest are the memoirs at 1319/11-12 and material relating to Alwin Goldschmied's arrest, including a visitor's pass allowing his wife to visit him in prison which was retained and used to rebut official denials that he was ...

  17. Lisbeth Perks: Copy correspondence, some of it from Terezin.

    This copy correspondence featured in a published memoir by the depositor, some of which includes letters from family members in Terezin. The originals had been lost by the publishers. The collection consists of photocopies of the originals, typescript transcripts and translations.

  18. Lisa Grant: Family papers

    This miscellaneous collection of family papers documents the activities of a German Jewish family. It includes material on the aryanisation of the family business and the receipt of the Kriegsverdienstkreuz für Kriegshilfe, for service during the First World War. Some of the material is original.