Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 801 to 820 of 1,826
Country: United Kingdom
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. Letter from Dr Georg Brdiczka

    Letter from Dr Georg Brdiczka to Paul (?) asking for assistance with finding workEnglish 

  2. Harold Lawrence collection

    Documents and photographs relating to Harold Lawrence’s experiences of Kitchener Camp. These include the transcript of an interview conducted by Lawrence’s son.

  3. Edith Nussbaum: personal papers

    This collection of personal papers includes copy birth certificates, police registration documents, Jewish passport, British naturalisation certificate and restitution papers

  4. Leo Löwenstein: copy documents re deportation

    The documents appear to represent a rare example of a successful attempt to prevent the deportation of a Jew from Berlin during the peak of the period of Jewish deportations.

  5. Jews of Krakow: copy news cuttings

    This collection contains copy news cuttings concerning the Jewish population of Krakow, in Polish.

  6. Telegram re mobility restrictions for Jews

    Copy telegram from Bern to Auswärtige Amt discussing the possibility of special entry in passports held by Jews from Germany and Italy designed to prevent their travel to SwitzerlandGerman 

  7. Norman Hancock correspondence

    /1-19 Letters received mostly from fellow scouts in Austria asking for assistance to get out of the country. Other correspondents include the Lord Baldwin Fund for Refugees, the Catholic Committee for Refugees from Germany, the Council for german Jewry and The Times newspaper

  8. Biographical article on Hans Kohn

    Draft article by Robert Weltsch entitled: "Hans Kohn: Interpreter and Historian of Nationalism" 

  9. Czechoslovakia and the Soviet invasion: Various papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Material re the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union in 1968 consisting of leaflets, proclamations of solidarity, photographs, appeals to the public, warnings concerning traitors issued by the Czech Communist Party, and a report of a confidential press conference given by Prime Minister Černik to the directors of the mass media. 

  10. Elisabeth Dora Gebhardt: Copy diary extract

    Elisabeth Dora Gebhardt: Copy diary extract 

  11. Anti-Jewish enactments in the Reichsprotektorat

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.It also includes some material on the deportation of Jews from Vienna, Prague and Brünn. In addition there is some reference to the deportation of Gypsies from Berlin and former Czechoslovakia. The papers provide a detailed insight into the logistics of deportation including the appropriation of belongings over the years 1939-1944. Reference is made to the preparation of Theresienstadt as a camp for deported Jews.Correspondents include the Zentralstelle jüdische Auswanderung, Prague; Israelitische Ku...

  12. Copy papers re Paul Dickopf

    This collection consists of copy papers which document the life and career of Paul Dickopf, formerly SS Unterscharfführer, and later head of Interpol. The papers consist of copy records of Dickopf's war-time career including items such as his cv, written in his own hand, and evidence on wanted lists of the Reichskriminalpolizeiamt that he was sought by the Nazi authorities.

  13. Danish Underground press service in Sweden

    Danish Underground press service in Sweden: Press reports