Schulstein 9: Yiddish radio program on poetry broadcast in Paris

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 2007.522
  • RG-91.2181
Level of Description
EHRI Partner


Biographical History

Yiddish writer, Moses Schulstein (Moishe, Moshe, Shulstein, Scholstein, Shulshtayn, Szulstein) (1911-1981). An excerpt from Moishe Shulstein's best known poem, "I've Seen a Mountain" ('khhab gezen a barg), published in Paris in 1945, is inscribed on a wall of the USHMM - Refer to extended biography here:

Polish-Jewish sculptor Michał Milberger (1920-1997)

Scope and Content

Cassette #9 from Yiddish writer, Moses Schulstein (Moishe, Moshe, Shulstein, Scholstein, Shulshtayn, Szulstein) (1911-1981). Yiddish radio program featuring poetry by Moses Schulstein; Paris; broadcast date unknown. Introduction by program host, possibly Fania Perez-Pesachowicz. 1) "Bay dem betele geboygn" (dedicated to Schulstein), reader unknown (possibly Schulstein). 2) Some words about Schulstein (in French), speaker unknown. 3) Poem, "Der tate shtraykt," possibly read by Schulstein (pre-recorded), followed by commentary in French. The poem was published in Moses Schulstein, "Geḳlibene lider" (Warsaw, 1954), p 7. 4) "Men nemt im arum," possibly read by Schulstein (pre-recorded and possibly prompted by Schulstein), followed by commentary in French. 5) "Mayn lib" (preceded by spoken name Mikhoel Milberger, perhaps the poem's reader or dedicatee) (pre-recorded). This poem was published in Moses Schulstein, "Der orem fun libshafṭ: lider un poemes" (Paris, 1977), p 9. 6) Female voice reciting translation of unidentified Schulstein poem in French. 7) "Ikh shverd in dos ?ferul-meser" (pre-recorded), possibly read by Schulstein (pre-recorded). 8) Yiddish song, "Shlof shoyn mayn kind" by Moredecai Gebirtig (pre-recorded; performer unidentified) concludes the program. 9) Public service announcements (in French) after 20:00. Tape blank after 22:02.


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