Prayer book

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 1986.33.3
Level of Description
  • Hebrew
  • German
EHRI Partner

Archival History

The Hebrew prayer book was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1986 by Miriam Novitch.


United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, Gift of Miriam Novitch

Funding Note: The cataloging of this artifact has been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.

Scope and Content

Pages from a damaged Machzor, a Hebrew prayer book for the High Holidays, found by Miriam Novitch at Auschwitz concentration camp sometime after the war ended in May 1945. The prayer book was presumably owned by a Jewish man deported from Germany to Auschwitz in 1943. Miriam, a member of the Communist resistance, was interned in German occupied France from June 1943 until liberation in fall 1944. After the war and for the rest of her life, she dedicated herself to the research and preservation of Holocaust related materials.

Conditions Governing Access

No restrictions on access

Conditions Governing Reproduction

No restrictions on use

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Separated section of book ; in fragile condition; 11 cm.



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