Eichmann Trial -- Session 83 -- Servatius examines Eichmann re: Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Serbia, Croatia, Greece

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 1999.A.0087
  • RG-60.2100.108
Level of Description
  • English
  • German
  • Hebrew
EHRI Partner


Biographical History

Emil Knebel was a cinematographer known for Andante (2010), Adam (1973), and Wild Is My Love (1963). He was one of the cameramen who recorded daily coverage of the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem (produced by Capital Cities Broadcasting Corp and later held academic positions in Israel and New York teaching filmmaking at universities. Refer to CV in file.

Scope and Content

The video begins in the middle of Session 83. Eichmann, having previously stated that he had nothing to do with postal matters, discusses a document in which mail censorship is mentioned. Eichmann explains that censorship of the mail was very important in Holland, given the country's proximity to England. Servatius presents a set of documents about diamond dealers and other tradesmen and the plan to deport these people to Auschwitz. Eichmann testifies to the role of SS Gruppenführer Gluecks and why he himself was sent to Holland for the meeting about the fate of these individuals (00:07:34). Part of the session is missing. Servatius introduces a document that states that the emigration of some Jews is permissible if it is "positively in the interests of the Reich." Referring to the document, Judge Halevi ask the accused why Professor Mayer, an intellectual, was denied permission to emigrate. Eichmann says he does not know and when Halevi presses him for an answer Eichmann says that intellectuals were perceived as threatening to the state once they were allowed to go abroad. Servatius refers to a statement given by a man named Harster during an interrogation by the Dutch Police after the war. The document concerns the removal of patients from a mental hospital in order to convert the establishment into an SS hospital. The document states that Eichmann played a role in the removal of the patients but Eichmann replies that he had nothing to do with this matter (00:18:53). Some of the session is missing. Eichmann attempts to explain the contents of a document about a proposed deportation operation in Denmark. Eichmann acknowledges the operation but states that he was not in charge. The document also quotes Eichmann as saying that Hitler and Himmler were furious at the failure of the operation at which Eichmann retorts that he did not make that statement. After a break in the video, Judge Halevi asks Eichmann whether he had the authority to make proposals in the favor of Jews. Eichmann answers that he did not have this authority. Part of the session is missing and resumes with Servatius presenting a document written to the Foreign Ministry by a man named Benzler. Benzler reports that accommodation for Jews in labor camps in Sabac (in Serbia) are impossible and suggests deportation to the Generalgouvernement or Russia. A hand-written note attributed to Eichmann suggests that the Jews should be shot. Servatius also presents a declaration by Rademacher that Eichmann had given the order to shoot "rebellious" Jews. Servatius asks Eichmann to comment on these documents and Eichmann gives a long explanation detailing the reasons why he could not possibly have made such a statement.


  • See official transcripts, published in "The Trial of Adolf Eichmann", Vol. I-V, State of Israel, Ministry of Justice, Jerusalem, 1994. Also available online at the Nizkor Project. *Some dropout in original master; clears up after initial 20 minutes.




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