Nazi propaganda: home front

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 1995.147.1
  • RG-60.0896
1 Jan 1943 - 31 Dec 1943
Level of Description
  • German
EHRI Partner


Scope and Content

Intertitle: "Ein Film vom Arbeitseinsatz und der Gefolgschaftsfuersorge in Heeresbetrieben" [A film about work's employment and staff's welfare in army firms] This documentary begins with graphics showing the German civilian workforce in Army firms in 1939 and 1943 and highlights the rise of women's involvement. It stresses the importance of a female workforce for 'wrestling for Germany's future'. A 'typical day' is shown: a worker's camp situated in a beautiful landscape, housing in modern buildings, working in healthy conditions, living conditions 'like at home', 'real comradeship' between the workers. Images of workshops for weapons, ammunitions, and military supplies are intended to show the importance of such work for the war effort. A pharmacy and hospital emphasize the significance of health, a kindergarten and a library that of education. The importance of balanced food and self-supply is illustrated with pictures of the kitchen and agricultural facilities. The workers relax after labor with sports or evening events offered by "Kraft durch Freude" [Strength through Joy]. The film is an eulogy about the "Schoenheit der Arbeit" [beauty of work] made possible by the modernity of Nazi Germany. The work of volunteers and of Arbeitsmaiden [working maids of the BDM] is stressed repeatedly in order to increase the Army workforce and attract support for the German war effort in general.


  • Length of entire film: 42 minutes. See Film and Video departmental files for additional documentation and a summary of the film. See Story 900, Film ID 32 for the continuation of this film.




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