Program on peace and nuclear arms
- Gary Krane (Director)
- Gary Krane (Producer)
- Mele Mason (Cinematographer)
- Mr. Benjamin B. Ferencz
- Michael Lauer (Cinematographer)
- Gary Krane (Cinematographer)
- Gary Hauser (Producer)
Scope and Content
Narrated by Bill Kurtis. Rolling text at start of program: "I've recently returned from the Soviet Union after spending six months there. If all goes well, we'll be out of the woods in a few years as far as the danger of nuclear war is concerned. But it could go dreadfully wrong. And we now live in the most unstable period we have ever seen since 1945....The possibility of a right wing coup d'etat, even of civil war in the Soviet Union cannot be excluded. The ultra conservative regime that would emrege would need foreign enemies. And this is still a nation with thousands of nuclear weapons that could all too easily be put on a hairtrigger." --Gwynne Dyer, nationally renowned military historian and creator of the PBS "War Series," winter 1990. Program discusses the hows and whys of the fatal wonder of nuclear accident and precautions to take. Could we actually lose control of the nuclear game? And how, and what can we do to prevent it? The questions raised are considered urgent. The program intends to stimulate further hope, growth, and conversation on how to have a world free from the threat of nuclear war.
Produced by Ideal Communications, Inc. Box 1991, Main Post Office New York, NY 10001 212-768-1600
- New York, NY, United States
- Documentary.
- Film