Ferencz interviewed by Rev. G. Arthur Hammons
- G. A. Hammons (Producer)
- Scott Shamblin (Cinematographer)
- Vivian Bowman (Producer)
- Gene Jenkins (Director)
- Kristen Weiner (Cinematographer)
- Mr. Benjamin B. Ferencz
Scope and Content
Interview with Benjamin Ferencz. Host: Rev. G. Arthur Hammons. Ferencz discusses his optimistic approach to world peace and explains guidelines to further world peace (as published in his "A Common Sense Guide to World Peace," 1985). He claims the world should be governed by three principles: law, courts, and enforcement. Such an effective system will enable international law, and thus man's right to live in peace and dignity. Ferencz relates an important lesson learned at Nuremberg: "We are all our brothers' keepers." Ferencz argues that people, not the government, are responsible for effecting peace. When Hammons asks, "Do you believe that we can and will have peace?" Ferencz replies, "We have no alternative!" Ferencz indicates this is not an easy or immediate process, but with a) reformed United Nations; b) arms control; c) economic sanctions; d) international military force; and e) social justice, the world can move towards international peace. Ferencz urges the public to "Help in every way you can!" to bring about peace. In closing, Hammons reminds viewers to write in to receive their free gift of Ferencz's book "A Common Sense Guide to World Peace" and to affirm "I am a peacemaker."
Same as RG-12.020*19
- Palm Springs, CA, United States
- Film