March of Time -- outtakes -- Resettlement of Germans
- March of Time, Inc. (Producer)
- Marcel Rebiere? (Camera Operator)
- United States. National Archives and Records Administration. Motion Picture Reference
Scope and Content
Shots of the Allied Commission entering the camp in Karlovy Vary and being received by the Commandant of the camp at the entrance. LS the Czech-American Commission arriving at the camp and watching the unloading of the luggage. Dr. Kuchera, representative of the Minister of Interior; American Lt. Col. Fye; Miss Jinda Cermakova; Lt. Schoenbrunn; Col. Monzer walking to a place were German luggage is loaded. MS Commission speaking to Germans and looking at luggage. LS Germans loading luggage on lorries. LS distribution of milk to the German mothers for their babies in the camp. CU Mother with baby in army receiving her ration. CU, same. LSs mustering of the expelled Germans in the camp. LS Germans leaving camp and walking to the railway station. In BG shots of the Sudeten Mountains. LS Germans arriving at the station, "Dvory u. Karloy-Vary." MS unexpelled Germans waving to the expelled Germans. MS Germans entering the platform of the railway station. Shots of the Germans arriving at the wagons on the platform. Shots of Germans climbing up the wagons with their suitcases and "perambulators." Several shots of Mr. Steinhardt, American Ambassador, speaking with the members of the Commission of Inspection and namely Lt. Col. Fye in front of the train in which Germans are embarking. Several shots of Mr. Steinhardt speaking with Kuchera, Col. Fye, and the English Consul, Mr. Bamborough, while Germans are embarking. LS Mr. Steinhardt, Kuchera, Col. Fye, and Col. Monzer visiting the train. They walk along the train and inspect on of the wagons. Post Guard at the Czech-American border. LS in office at Post Guard. Lt. James W. Curtiss speaking to a Czech Major, while a Czech Lt. Col. is telephoning. The three of them stand up when a German watchman knocks at the window to let them know that a convoy has arrived. CU same. Lt. Curtiss and Czech Col. Monzer leaving office and go toward train of expelled Germans. CU poster, "Guard Poste Cy G. 18th Infantry--American Czech Boundary..." LS Czech officer and American sergeant coming from train and give Curtiss and Monzer the necessary documents for the delivery of the train into American authorities. The American Post verifying the documents of passengers at the barrier. Shots taken of Czech-American border when a train of expelled Germans enter Germany.
- , Czechoslovakia
- Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia
- Outtakes.
- Film