Коллекция документов (август 1942 – январь 1943 гг)

  • Collection of documents (August 1942 - January 1943)
Language of Description
1942 - 1943
Level of Description
  • Azerbaijani
  • German
  • Russian
  • Caucasian Albanian
  • Cyrillic
  • Latin

Extent and Medium

5 files

Biographical History

The German command gave great importance to the occupation of the oil-rich region of Maikop. The city was occupied on August 9, 1942. The military garrison of Maikop consisted of the Adolf Hitler moto-division of the SS, parts of the Luftwaffe, a detachment of anti-tank guns of the mountain rifle regiment and smaller units. The city housed the headquarters of the 44th army corps. The competence of the Maykop government extended to all areas of Adygea. The German commandant supervised the work of the council, directly interfering in the solution of individual issues. In Maykop, punitive functions were performed by the SK-11. The Gestapo is located in the building of the NKVD (now the Maykop Hotel), in the basements of which they kept the arrested, subjected to torture and harassment.

Scope and Content

Воззвания, приказы, объявления германских властей о новом порядке землепользования, к населению Кавказа, о взятии на учет нефтепродуктов, о введении табачной монополии, наставление бургомистру. Сообщения Совинформбюро, написанные от руки и распространяемые майкопскими партизанами во время немецкой оккупации Адыгеи Сообщение военного трибунала Северо-Кавказского фронта о расстреле немецких пособников (служивших в полиции, гестапо, разведке и пр.) по г. Майкопу.

Archivist Note

entry by Irina Rebrova

Rules and Conventions

EHRI Guidelines for Description v.1.0

Corporate Bodies
