Correspondence with Kluke, Paul

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 110512
23 Jul 1953 - 19 Nov 1963
Level of Description
  • German
EHRI Partner


Biographical History

Prof. Dr. Paul Otto Alfred Kluke (1908-1990) was a German historian. After working as director of the Munich based Institut für Zeitgeschichte (IfZ; institute for contemporary history) from 1952-59 he was appointed university professor in Frankfurt am Main. From 1976-77 he served as founding director of the German Historical Institute in London. See Seier, H., ‘Paul Kluke 1908-1990‘, in: Historische Zeitschrift, vol. 252 (1991), pp. 212-15.

Scope and Content

Beside the exchange of personal impressions, for instance about visits of East and West Berlin, the correspondence focuses mainly on the publication On the Track of Tyranny, a Wiener Library Festschrift for Leonard Montefiore. This includes the submission of Kluke’s contributing article, its modification, the dispatch of review copies of the book, and advice on potential purchasers in West Germany. Furthermore, the planning of a visit of Kluke during a conference in Oxford is subject of the correspondence. Aside from letters one post card is contained.

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