Finder-Schwarz family. Collection

Language of Description
Level of Description
EHRI Partner


Biographical History

Gerda Schwarz, born 17 April 1906 in Berlin, was arrested and handed over to the Dossin barracks on 17 October 1942. She was deported by Transport XIV, under number 667, on 24 October 1942. Transports XIV and XV left together in 3rd class passenger wagons for Auschwitz-Birkenau. The deportees arrived at their destination on 26 October 1942. Gerda Schwarz did not survive her deportation. Heinrich or Henri Finder, born in Wojnicz, 5 May 1896, and his son Herbert (born on 22 April 1929) were arrested at Pujaudran in France on 26 August 1942. They were held for a few days in the Le Vernet camp before being transported to Drancy. They were deported together on 4 September 1942 on the 28th transport from France to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Father and son both survived their deportation. They were liberated at Dachau-Allach by American troops and repatriated to Belgium. They emigrated to the United States in 1947.

Archival History

In June 2024, Gabriel Finder permitted Kazerne Dossin to digitise one photograph in this collection.


Gabriel Finder

Scope and Content

This collection contains 1 photograph of Gerda Schwarz, married to Henri Finder, from the 1930's. Gerda Schwarz was deported from the Dossin Barracks with Transport XIV.


No further accruals are to be expected.

Conditions Governing Access

Contact Kazerne Dossin Research Centre:

Conditions Governing Reproduction

Contact Kazerne Dossin Research Centre:

Existence and Location of Copies

  • Kazerne Dossin Research Centre


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