Hugo Neirinckx. Collection

Language of Description
1 Jan 1941 - 31 Dec 1946
Level of Description
  • Dutch
  • French
EHRI Partner


Archival History

On 3 February 2001, Mr. Hugo Neirinckx kindly donated the original publication "Tegen ophitsing en wanorde" (T000208) to the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance, predecessor of Kazerne Dossin. He added the original publication "Zwart Vlaanderen" to this collection on 9 October 2001.


Hugo Neirinckx, 2001

Scope and Content

This collection contains: a publication on Belgian banned books, banned authors and banned publishers entitled “Tegen ophitsing en wanorde. Lijst der aan den verkoop onttrokken en verboden boeken in België - Contre l'excitation à la haine et au désordre. Liste des ouvrages retirés de la circulation et interdits en Belgique" [Against incitement and disorder. List of books withdrawn from sale and banned in Belgium], created as a tool for book professionals in Belgium in September 1941 ; the post-war publication “Zwart Vlaanderen II” on Flemish Activism and collaboration (Germinal series, 13 (1), May 1946, by Georges Hamers, Het Licht publishing house), focussing on the following collaborating Flemish parties and organisations : Vlaams Nationaal Verbond (VNV), Verbond der Dietsche Nationaal-Solidaristen (Verdinaso), Duitsch-Vlaamsche Arbeidersgemeenschap (DeVlag) and Nationaalsocialistische Vlaamsche Arbeiderspartij (NSVAP).


No further accruals are to be expected.

Conditions Governing Access

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Conditions Governing Reproduction

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