Niederlandische Aktiengesellschaft für Abwicklung von Unternehmungen
- Netherlands Joint-Stock Company for the Liquidation of Businesses
Dates of Existence
Niederlandische Aktiengesellschaft für Abwicklung von Unternehmungen in The Hague was specially entrusted with the valuation of confiscated business or with finding suitable buyers or administrators and mainly interested in large concerns. NAGU was a kind of accountants' office, composed of four separate audit bureaus. The price generally bore no relation to the real value. Within the looting structure, quite a few 'Verwalter' behaved like robbers on their own account.
Founded and active in the Netherlands.
Nazi looting : the plunder of Dutch Jewry during the Second World War / G. Aalders. - Oxford, 2004. - p. 115, 116