Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 48,481 to 48,500 of 58,923
  1. Ernest Haar photograph

    Rectangular form with scalloped edges; on recto, black and white image of young man sitting on wooden bench; on verso, handwritten in black ink at center is text that reads "New York/September 1946" and stamped in blue ink is text that reads "B32."

  2. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

    Heroine of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" Alice Lidell Hargreaves honored at the Columbia University by its President Nicholas Murray Butler.

  3. Phia Vos family photograph

    One photograph of Phia Vos with her extended family (1938-1939) in Zwolle, Holland. The adult women from left to right are Tehudit, Sophia and Luisa. Phia is on her grandmother's lap. Her brothers Hans and Louk are behind her.

  4. Oral history interview with David Jakubowski

  5. Outlaw under the German boot in France

    Contains a diary written by David Kipnis that includes his early autobiographical notes, a description of David Kipnis and his wife's experiences in occupied France, and their attempts to survive in France and Switzerland until liberation.

  6. Joseph W. Eaton collection

    The collection consists of a Jewish Police armband, a Theresienstadt scrapbook, correspondence, documents, leaflets, photograph albums, discs, and photographs relating to the experiences of Joseph W. Eaton, a German prewar émigré who served as an American soldier in the Psychological Operations Division during World War II.

  7. Documentation of the Police station of the Cernauti railroad, 1941

    Documentation of the Police station of the Cernauti railroad, 1941 Included in the collection are letters sent to relatives in the Bukovina area by people deported to the Transnistria area.

  8. Žydų mokytojų grupinė nuotrauka

  9. Gydytojo Geldfano šeimos portretas

  10. Kauno žydų teatro studijos spektaklio scena

  11. Mutės Tokeraitės portretas

  12. Cirkelių šeima su draugais

  13. C.P. Carter: Letter re the bombing of Hamburg

    Letter speculating on the reasons for the accuracy/ inaccuracy of the British bombing of Hamburg 

  14. Processo de pedido de visto para Spitzer

    Processo de Spitzer. Processo sem documentos associados. Contém inscrição na capa: "passou a 17, 7601".

  15. Confirmação de receção de despacho

    Confirmação de receção, pelo Ministério dos Negócios estrangeiros, do ofício nº 2569 proveniente do Ministério da Guerra.

  16. Preuß, Erich.- Kartenbestand

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Kurzbiografie Erich Preuß geb. 26. Febr. 1940 in Zittau, gest. 3. Apr. 2014 in Berlin, Reichsbahner, Journalist, Fachautor für Eisenbahnwesen Zitierweise BArch N 2650-KART/...

  17. Zendijk te Leeuwarden, 1895-1943

    Archief van de familie Zendijk. Vader Izak had een slagerij in de Breedstraat. Hij is op 26 juli 1856 te Leeuwarden geboren en op 5 december 1925 overleden. Moeder Henriette Cohen is op 9 november 1857 te Groningen geboren en op 5 april 1918 te Leeuwarden overleden. Het gezin Zendijk telde 6 kinderen; vijf dochters en één zoon. De kinderen zijn in de oorlog omgekomen (of vertrokken naar het buitenland).

  18. Ніжинська районна управа, м. Ніжин Ніжинського району Чернігівської області

    Постанови і розпорядження фелькомендатури і райуправи. Звіти райуправи про накладання і стягнення штрафів. Листування з фельдкомендатурою, фінвідділом і сільуправами про фінансову діяльність. Бухгалтерські документи. Списки сільгоспгромад, кустарів району. Накази з особового складу. Відомості видачі зарплати