Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 36,681 to 36,700 of 58,915
  1. Caroline and William Schneider photographs

    Contains photographic prints documenting the lives of Caroline (Lilly) Davidovics (donor) and her huband William Schneider, who were married immediately following the Holocaust in Romania. Includes pre and post-war images including those of their marriage and war-time images of William in a forced-labor battalion; dated 1926-1957.

  2. "My Memories from the War"

    Consists of one memoir written in May 1996, 4 pages, entitled "My Memories from the War," by Claire Holand, originally of Pabianice, Poland. In her memoir, Mrs. Holand, the only survivor of her immediate family, writes about her experiences in pre-war Poland, her deportation to Auschwitz and life in a forced labor factory in Neukolln, Germany, where she worked between 1942 and liberation in April 1945.

  3. Prayer book

    Hebrew prayerbook, daily and festivals, carried out of Krakow, Poland in November 1939 by Estelle Lipperman Montavani, nee Friedman [donor's mother], published in Przemysl, Poland in 1933.

  4. Street scenes in Bialystok

    Intertitles appear in Yiddish and English. Town, streets, man on bicycle. "The Old Synagogue" Pan up and down old synagogue. Street activity with pedestrians and many shops. Group of people pose in front of synagogue. Children. Pan up to synagogue.

  5. Llewellyn Zullinger photograph collection

    Consists of three photographs of the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp, and eight photographs of the liberation of the Ohdruf concentration camp.

  6. Documentation of the Regional Council in Pinsk, 1945-1946

    Documentation of the Regional Council in Pinsk, 1945-1946 The Collection includes instructions of the People's Council of Commissars of Belorussia regarding the return of Polish citizens of Polish and Jewish origin back to their country and lists of people who requested to give up their Soviet citizenship, 1945-1946.

  7. Opening ceremony for synagogue in Mannheim

    Detailed description of the speeches and opening ceremony for the new Synagogue in MannheimPictures of the head of the Jewish community Mannheim Fritz Mayer, mayor of Mannheim Dr. Reschke, Rabbi Dr. Bloch, head of Jewish community Baden Otto Nachmann, prelate Hermann Maas, Heidelberg and pictures of the ceremony and audience 

  8. Synopsis of the film The Last Stage

    Synopsis of a film entitled The Last Stage which was presented by the National Assembly of Women, Bradford, and documents the story of Auschwitz. The film was produced under the auspices of the United Nations. All incidents in the film are based on true incidents at Auschwitz. The scenario was by Wanda Jakubowski and Gerda Schneider. Music by the Polish State Philharmonic Orchestra.  

  9. [Laureen Harper poses for a photo with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a political activist, author, feminist and former Dutch politician, prior to a luncheon at the Ritz Carlton in Toronto hosted by the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies (FSWC)]

    Laureen Harper poses for a photo with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a political activist, author, feminist and former Dutch politician, prior to a luncheon at the Ritz Carlton in Toronto hosted by the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) on September 16, 2011.

  10. Processo de pedido de visto para Valentin Alvarez e Eugene Marius Gauzy

    Processo de pedido de visto para Valentin Alvarez, de nacionalidade francesa, com destino ao Reino Unido. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto para Eugene Marius Gauzy, de nacionalidade francesa, com destino ao Reino Unido. Visto autorizado.

  11. Processo de pedido de visto para Ettore Tozzi

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Tanger para Ettore Tozzi, de nacionalidade italiana e residente em Marrocos, com destino a França. Visto autorizado. Inclui também informação sobre prazos de validade de vistos emitidos pela Polícia de Vigilância e Defesa do Estado.

  12. [Pedidos de visto para entrada na Índia]

    Comunicação do Cônsul de Portugal em Zanzibar sobre a alteração dos requisitos para pedidos de visto de entrada na Índia, nomeadamente a necessidade de pedido de visto de entrada a todos os estrangeiros que pretendam entrar na Índia. Inclui também comunicações de entidades portuguesas sobre este assunto.

  13. Processo de pedido de visto para pessoas mencionada no telegrama do consulado n.º 1 e 4

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Rio de Janeiro para pessoa mencionada no telegrama do consulado n.º 1 e 4, de nacionalidade não identificada, com destino não identificado. Sem informação de atribuição de visto.

  14. Sicherungsschiffe der Kaiserlichen Marine

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Sicherungsschiffe waren Minensuchboote und Sperrbrecher. Bestandsbeschreibung Überliefert sind nur Logbücher und Kriegstagebücher. Zitierweise BArch RM 95/...

  15. Archief van de gemeente Vledder

    De voormalige gemeente Vledder maakt tegenwoordig deel uit van de gemeente Westerveld. Het archief bevat de neerslag van de taken en activiteiten van de gemeente. Onder rubriek -2.07.5 zijn de notulen van vergaderingen van de gemeenteraad en het College B&W te vinden. In sectie -2.08 vindt u stukken betreffende personeelsaangelegenheden. Onder rubriek -1.755 zitten stukken betreffende de bevolkingsregistratie. Hier kunt u in de gedeeltes over de oorlogsjaren mogelijk relevante informatie vinden.

  16. Sąd Specjalny w Łodzi [Sondergericht Litzmannstadt]

    • akta sądowe dotyczące sprawy karnej
  17. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Gorlicach

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące zbrodni niemieckich - akta prokuratorskie dotyczące osób oskarżonych o współpracę z okupantem niemieckim
  18. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Łukowie

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące zbrodni niemieckich - akta prokuratorskie dotyczące osób oskarżonych o współpracę z okupantem niemieckim
  19. Кормянское районное управление, г.п. Корма Гомельской области БССР.

    • Kreisverwaltung Korma

    Приказы немецкого командования, бургомистра; финансовые документы. Документы по личному составу (списки, завления, анкеты, ведомости на выдачу зарплаты).

  20. Henry Kinast memoir

    Consists of one typed document, one page, regarding the Holocaust experiences of Henry Kinast. When Henry was 12, he went to work in a munitions factory in Skarzysko, Poland. In 1944, he was transferred to Czestochowa, and in January 1945, he was transferred to Buchenwald, where he was liberated. Henry was reunited with his father and brother, and they lived in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp for three years. The document is very brief.