Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 37,441 to 37,460 of 58,915
  1. Atsišaukimas "Tegyvuoja tarptautinė jaunimo diena!"

  2. Cilė Požerskytė-Bruker su sūnumi Giršele, 1933 m.

  3. Straipsnis

  4. Bertha Pappenheim: Copy letter

    Copy letter of Bertha Pappenheim, dated FrankfurtBarely legible 

  5. Danish workers during the Nazi era: Various papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Danish workers during the Nazi era: Various papers

  6. Sir Frederick G. Kenyon: Correspondence re persecuted academics in Germany

    This correspondence of Sir Frederick G. Kenyon, a British academic, addresses the problem of the persecution of academics in Germany by suggesting ways of assisting them and raising awareness about their plight.

  7. Processo de pedido de visto para Professor Dr. Siegfried Giedion

    Processo de pedido de visto pela Legação da Suíça ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para Professor Dr. Siegfried Giedion, de nacionalidade não identificada e residente na Suíça, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Visto autorizado.

  8. Processo de pedido de visto para 73 elementos da Orquestra Filarmónica de Madrid

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Madrid para 73 elementos da Orquestra Filarmónica de Madrid, de nacionalidade não identificada e residente em Espanha, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado.

  9. Processo de pedido de visto para Maria Josefa da Cunha Pignatelli de Teles de Vasconcelos de Cadoro

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para Maria Josefa da Cunha Pignatelli de Teles de Vasconcelos de Cadoro, de nacionalidade portuguesa, com destino a França. Visto autorizado.

  10. Archief van de gemeente Menaldumadeel, 1921-1989

    Het archief bevat de neerslag van de taken en activiteiten van de gemeente. Bij de notulen van vergaderingen van de gemeenteraad en het College B&W, stukken betreffende personeelsaangelegenheden en stukken betreffende de bevolkingsregistratie kunt u in de gedeeltes over de oorlogsjaren mogelijk relevante informatie vinden. LET OP: In 2010 worden de inventarisnummers vernummerd.

  11. Mentzel, Wolfgang (Oberst)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Oberst Bestandsbeschreibung Unterlagen aus der Dienstzeit 1898-1919 und zur Geschichte des Feldartillerie-Regiments 59; Abschriften von Akten des preußischen Kriegsministeriums zum Kapp-Putsch; Tagebuch einer Reise in die Sowjetunion 1923; militärische Ausarbeitungen. Zitierweise BArch N 415/...

  12. Herbert Romerstein Collection

    Pamphlets, leaflets, serial issues, studies, reports, and synopses of intelligence documents, relating to the Communist International, communism and Communist front organizations in the United States, Soviet espionage and covert operations, and propaganda and psychological warfare, especially during World War II. Includes materials on far-right organizations and antisemitism, including editions of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in various languages.

  13. Zakład Karny w Krzywańcu

    • akta osobowe więźniów - akta administracyjne (książki zatrudnienia osadzonych, książki przebiegu służby, książki zgłoszeń) - materiały ewidencyjne (skorowidz)
  14. Sąd Obwodowy w Neunkirchen nad Saarą [Amtsgericht Neunkirchen am Saar]

    • akta sądowe dotyczące sprawy karnej przeciwko Polakowi (robotnikowi przymusowemu)
  15. Εθνική Αντίσταση (Συλλογή Μαρτυριών ΕΡΤ)

    • National Resistance (collecting testimonies EΡT)
    • Ethniki Antistasi (syllogi martyrion EΡT)

    It includes interviews with individuals related to mass executions committed by the Germans, the resistance activities, the action of security battalions, the participation of Greek Jews in the Resistance.

  16. Hitlerinių okupantų ir lietuvių nacionalistų sušaudytų 109 Valkininkų žydų sąrašas

    • List of 109 Jews from Valkininkai Killed by Nazi Occupiers and Lithuanian Nationalists
    • Vilniaus Gaono žydų istorijos muziejus
    • HE-Valkininkai
    • English
    • 1941
    • 2 pages of the paper copies from Valkininkai municipality archives (without any inventory number of the originals); includes names (and occupations) of 108 Jewish men.
  17. Starosta Powiatowy w Nowym Sączu

    • Der Kreishauptmann in Neu Sandez
    • Nowy Sącz County Governor

    Urząd Spraw Wewnętrznych - 1943 (sygn. 31/9/1-31/9/6) Urząd Wyżywienia i Rolnictwa - 1939-1944 (sygn. 31/9/7-31/9/14) Powiatowy Urząd Budowlany - 1940-1945 (sygn. 31/9/15-31/9/22) Urząd Gospodarki Wodnej - 1942-1943 (sygn. 31/9/23) Lekarz Powiatowy - 1940-1944 (sygn. 31/9/24-31/9/68) Dopływy - 1940-1944 (sygn. 31/9/69-31/9/77)

  18. Isadore Hollander collection

    Consists of a newspaper, the "Deggendorf Center Review," issued by the Department of Culture of the Jewish Committee in DP Center 7, dated December 1945, Deggendorf, Germany, in Yiddish and English; a magazine clipping from an unknown source showing photographs of atrocities at various concentration camps and sites. not dated; and an article entitled, "Atrocities- Capture of the German Concentration Camps Piles Up Evidence of Barbarism That Reaches The Low Point of Human Degradation."

  19. Marianna Kohl document

    Contains the Red Cross document issued on February 2, 1941, for Marianna Kohl from London , with the information sent to her daughter, Elsa Mangold from Vienna (received on March 4, 1941).

  20. Documents relating to August Rosenberg and his family during the Holocaust

    Testimony, 4 pages, typescript, from Walter Rosley (born Walter Rosenberg) of Manchester, VT, describing experiences of his family, originally of Frankfurt/Main, during Holocaust, including time in occupied Netherlands and Westerbork. Includes typed notes of his brother, August Rosenberg, and typescript translation of letter from family member in 1945, describing experiences during war.