Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 36,941 to 36,960 of 58,923
  1. Textielcentrale.

    In dit bestand, waarvoor op moment van schrijven nog geen toegang bestond, vinden we stukken terug in verband met de politiek van de bezetter tegenover ‘Joodse’ bedrijven tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Het gaat o.a. om briefwisseling van dergelijke ondernemingen, die verplicht werden een overzicht te geven van hun stocks.

  2. Finanzamt Dahn

    Amtsübergaben; Straf- und Forstrügewesen; Verwaltung der Staats- und Forstliegenschaften, Forstgrenzberichtigungen, Jagdbetrieb, Flößereianstalten und Holzhöfe; Verwaltung von Erb- und Grundzinsen; Fiskalprozesse; Distriktsumlagen; Überprüfung der Maße und Gewichte; Rückgabe beschlagnahmter Privatwaldungen; Servituten und Berechtigungen; Organisation der Staatsbauverwaltung; Betreuung der Staatswaldungen; Erhebung von Wehrgeldern; Nachweis der Vermögenswerte von Adel und Klerus; Hausierlisten; Gewerbe- und Erbschaftsteuerakten; Bayerische Militärpensionen; Hauptbücher; Überwachungslisten; A...

  3. Deutsche Partei. Fond 125

    The fonds contains documents of the Deutsche Partei (DP), the political party of German ethnic minority in Slovakia in 1938-1945. The DP, organized according to the Nazi principles, played a significant role in the political system of Slovakia. Deutsche Partei took an active part in anti-Jewish policy in Slovakia. The fonds, therefore, contains documents on the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It also contains documents pertaining to the recruitment of ethnic Germans living in Slovakia into the SS and their subsequent service in various units and concentration camps.

  4. Sąd Rejonowy w Brzegu

    • akta sądowe dotyczące osób represjonowanych z motywów politycznych - akta sądowe spraw o uznanie za zmarłego lub zaginionego
  5. Урмезівський районний нотаріат, с. Урмезе Тячівського округу

    Циркуляри Міністерства внутрішніх справ Угорщини про конфіскацію антидержавних листівок, заборону діяльності політичних партій, встановлення цін на продукти і забезпечення населення ними. Листування з окружним начальником про стан промисловості, сільського господарства, організацію протиповітряної оборони, по метричним питанням, призов на військову службу, надання допомоги сім'ям військовослужбовців, конфіскацію майна єврейського населення

  6. Ukmergės kalėjimas

    • Ukmergė Prison

    Many files of people who were arrested and interrogated at the prison; files of political and criminal prisoners and POW's; personal files of Jews who were imprisoned there from the end of June 1941 until September 1941, as well as documents about prison activities.

  7. Velika župa Baranja

    • The Great Parish of Baranya

    Contains general files relating to the determination of social benefits, the nationalization of buildings, managing of the County Police District in Osijek, search for outlaws (sic), change of religion of the municipal clerks; includes the lists of officers and internal administration in the area of the County Ðakovo (site of a transit camp for Jews from Slavonija), lists of officers of the parish, which belonged to the competence of the Independent State of Croatia General Directorate for Internal administration.

  8. Могилевское городское управление, г. Могилев

    • Stadtverwaltung Mogilev

    Приказы, распоряжения, объявления и листовки немецкого командования. Предписания, приказы бургомистрам об их обязанностях, картотека прописки жителей города Могилева.

  9. Sąd Grodzki w Piasecznie

    • Court of the first instance in Piaseczno

    akta spraw cywilnych, akta spraw karnych, akta osobowe.

  10. Benesch and Herman families collection

    The collection consists of documents, scrip, and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Franz Herman in Theresienstadt concentration camp in the former Czechoslovakia. Included is a postwar letter from Quito, Ecuador, four sets of Theresienstadt scrip (incomplete), certificates, and receipt issued by the Aeltestenrat der Juden [Jewish Council] in Prague, and a letter from 1943 with multiple authors. Booklet containing copies of Benesch family tree (donor's mother)

  11. Noemi Ekert collection

    The collection consists of a black and white photographic print bearing the image of a crowd of men and women participating in a funeral of a Jewish student, Felermajer, who was killed by the ND (Endecja - Polish nationalist party), dated Spring 1939; Lvov, Poland; and an identification labor card (in 2 pieces): "Ausweis fur Arbeitsjuden," issued to "ECKERT JAKOB" by the German labor department and the SD in the Drohobycz district. The collection also includes a handmade Jewish worker armband with a blue Star of David.

  12. Fela Grynbaum-Fonti collection

    News clippings from 1990s, and other documents from same era, about Fela Grynbaum and her work with Australian journalist to investigate story of Auschwitz inmate Rosa Robota.

  13. Captured Soviet POWs

    Captured Soviet soldiers, long columns of captured soldiers guarded by Germans, and several destroyed military vehicles. Translation of Ukrainian narration: The number of prisoners constantly increases. Their long columns are being sent to the rear.

  14. Film showing sterilization of a man

    Title: "Aus der chirurgischen Universitaetsklinik Berlin/Ziegelstr." "ausgefuehrt durch: Dozent Dr. Haase, Oberarzt aus der Klinik" Close shot: genitalia scrubbed. Penis covered. Anasthetic, testicles. Clamped, left, then right. Surgical cut. Retraction. Vas deferens pulled forward, isolated, tied off. Injection into vas deferens. The cut is sewn up.

  15. Notice about forced labor requirements in Łódź Ghetto

    Announcement for display in Litzmannstadt (Łódź) ghetto about forced labor.

  16. Morgenstern and Merkur families collection

    The collection consists of a prayer book, correspondence, documents, photographs, and sheet music relating to the experiences of the Morgenstern and Merkur families in Austria, England, France, Poland, the Soviet Union, and Switzerland before the war, in those nations, Czechoslovakia, and many concentration camps during the Holocaust, and in Austria and Australia after World War II.

  17. Documentation of the area Commissioners in northern Russia and the Baltic countries, 1942-1944

    Documentation of the area Commissioners in northern Russia and the Baltic countries, 1942-1944

  18. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Skidel, 1940-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Skidel, 1940-1941 The Collection includes reports of the District Committee to the Communist Party's Regional Committee regarding preparations and management of the elections; protocols from meetings of the District Committee; reports of the District Committee's Propaganda Department regarding the state of the propaganda activity in the District.

  19. TR.17.OBUiADwRz - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Rzeszow, Poland, 1945-1946

    TR.17.OBUiADwRz - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Rzeszow, Poland, 1945-1946 Included in the collection are appeals by relatives of Jews who perished during the war period, submitted to the Court of Law in Przemyśl for first proceedings in order to receive declarations of death, 1945-1946.

  20. Žydų vaikų sanatorija, Druskininkai