Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 36,481 to 36,500 of 58,923
  1. Collectie Nijgh

    Advocaat mr. Y.H.M. Nijgh was tijdens de Tweede Oorlog betrokken bij de zogenaamde Calmeyeractie. Tezamen met enige Amsterdamse advocaten heeft hij gepoogd bij dr. H.G. Calmeyer (hoofd Referat Innere Verwaltung van het Generalkommissariat für Verwaltung und Justiz) niet-joodverklaringen te verkrijgen voor Nederlanders van Joodse afkomst. Hij was lid van de commissie, die met de zuivering van het Nederlandsch Genootschap voor Geslacht- en Wapenkunde was belast. De collectie van Mr. IJ.H.M. Nijgh bevat kwartierstaten en aantekeningen betreffende Portugees-Israëlitische families.

  2. Reichsstatthalter in Tirol und Vorarlberg . Dezernat IVc1 und IVc2

    • Imperial Governor in Tyrol and Vorarlberg. Departments IVc1 and IVc2

    Akten des Reichsstatthalters in Tirol und Vorarlberg. Dezernat IVc1 und IVc2. IVc1: allgemeine Wirtschaftsangelegenheiten: u.a. Kredit- und Bankwesen, Industrieverlagerung, Entjudung gewerblicher Betriebe und nicht landwirtschaftlichen Grundbesitzes IVc2: gewerbliche Angelegenheiten

  3. Kurator-Akten

    • Kurator-Akten

    Kurator-Akten: Mit 1.2.1940 wurde an der Universität Innsbruck ein Kurator (Verwaltungsdirektor) als örtlicher Vertreter des Reichserziehungsministers eingesetzt, ihm oblag die gesamte Personal-, Budget-, Klinik- und Institutsverwaltung. Der Kurator stellte also gleichsam die staatliche Parallelverwaltung zum Rektor als Vertreter der sogenannten akademischen Autonomie dar. Rektorats- und Kuratorakten überschneiden sich deshalb sehr oft.

  4. Ośrodek Pracy Więźniów w Strzelcach Opolskich

    • akta osobowe więźniów - akta administracyjne (sprawozdania, protokoły kontroli)
  5. Prokuratura Wojewódzka we Włocławku

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące zbrodni niemieckich
  6. Kartoteka sowieckich robotników przymusowych w III Rzeszy

    • materiały ewidencyjne (kartoteka - karty osobowe sowieckich cywilnych robotników przymusowych zawierające: dane osobowe, zdjęcie wraz z numerem dowodu tożsamości, miejsce zatrudnienia i zakwaterowania oraz nazwisko pracodawcy)
  7. Prokuratura Sądu Okręgowego w Toruniu - Oddział Zamiejscowy we Włocławku

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące osób oskarżonych o współpracę z okupantem niemieckim
  8. The collection of photographs

    The photography collection of the Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek numbers over 14 thousand photos showing: - The area of the former camp - Individual camp buildings - Camp prisoners (acquired after the war) - Crew members - Lublin in the times of German occupation A big part of the collection documents important events in the life of the museum, such as commemorative events, the Majdanek Days, exhibition opening days, visits by distinguished representatives of the world of culture and politics. Another group of photographs includes the photos which were found at Majdanek. They were...

  9. Жилищный отдел Могилевского городского управления, г. Могилев

    • Wohn- und Kommunalabteilung des Stadtamtes Mogilev

    Заявления граждан на выдачу ордеров на квартиры, регистрационные карточки и акты оценки имущества, лицевые счета плательщиков квартплаты.

  10. Denes-Deszo and Borbala Nussbacher Herskovits collection

    The collection consists of a safety razor and a photograph relating to the experiences of Denes-Deszo Herskovits, when he was a forced laborer in Hungary and an inmate in Gunskirchen concentration camp in Austria, and a lice comb belonging to Borbala (Babi) Nussbacher (later Herskovits), when she was deported from Szilagysomlyo ghetto in Hungarian annexed Romania to Auschwitz, then Riga, Stutthof, Guttau, and Neumark concentration camps.

  11. Georgina Vlcko papers

    Testimony, handwritten, 21 pages, by Katarina Gruenstein, Slovakia, 1984, discussing experiences during WWII, first in hometown of Senice, later in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where she was forced laborer and subject of medical experiments (English volunteer translation provided). Also includes photocopies of ID cards for Anna Georgina Vlckova (donor) from 1944 and afterwards, and death certificate for Joseph Polansky, Prague, 1954.

  12. "As Children during the Holocaust in France (1940-1944)"

    Memoir, 13 pages, relates the Holocaust experiences of Joseph Sungolowsky, who escaped from Belgium to France with his family after the Nazi invasion in 1940. The son of a rabbi, Joseph and his family went into hiding in Nice, France, with the help of the Œuvre de secours aux enfants (OSE).

  13. "17 Rue Saint Fiacre" documentary

    Consists of one documentary, entitled "17 Rue Saint Fiacre," by Daniel Meyers. The documentary tells the story of Leon and Rachel Malmed, who were hidden in Compiegne, France, by the Ribouleau family. The DVD includes personal interviews and family photographs of the Malmed and Ribouleau families, as well as a reunion between Leon and Rachel and the Ribouleaus. Yad Vashem has named the Ribouleaus "Righteous Among the Nations."

  14. Dotnuva, Lithuania photograph collection

    Contains 30 prewar photographs of friends and family of the Leibowitz and Toker families in Dotnuva, Lithuania. Most are photographic postcards with Hebrew or Yiddish inscriptions on the verso.

  15. Oral history interview with Hans Baruch

  16. Visiting family in Budapest

    Pathex logo. Jonas Schiffer is seated in front of the camera smoking a pipe, indoors. Marcsa (the new wife of Laci who visited the family in Budapest from New York) joins him. Trademark Pathex logo.

  17. Erika Samel Neumann collection

    Contains a "Fremdenpass" issued to Erika Samel (donor), with large red ink "J" stamped on inside front cover; photograph of child (bearer) attached on page 3; nationality listed as "stateless." Erika was born on October 22, 1932 in Vienna; in 1939, Erika left Vienna for Havana, Cuba, where she lived until 1941.

  18. Roman Neuberger history of Holocaust survivor 1941-

    Contains a memoir, 46 pages, entitled "Roman Neuberger: History of a Holocaust Survivor 1941--", by Roman Neuberger. The memoir describes his experiences in pre-war Lvov, in the Warsaw Ghetto, hiding as a Catholic in a Polish orphanage in Turkowice, and, after the war, in the Rothchild Spital displaced persons camp in Vienna. Includes copies of documents and photographs.

  19. "All Paths Lead to Rome"

    Consists of one handwritten poem, three pages, entitled "All Paths Lead to Rome" by Yitzchak Yitzchak, which was the pseudonym of Yitzchak Ben Shaul, who wrote this poem in Bari, Italy, in late 1944. The poem was written for the Jewish Brigade troupe of music and entertainment in Italy.