Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 301 to 320 of 58,916
  1. Allied Control Authority, Office of Records and Archives

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • Z 46
    • German
    • 1945-1948
    • Schriftgut 139 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 9,0 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners vgl. Findbuch Z 46 Bearbeitungshinweis vgl. Findbuch Z 46 Bestandsbeschreibung Die Alliierte Kontrollbehörde (Allied Control Authority) - oberstes Regierungs-, Kontroll-, Koordinations- und Verwaltungsorgan der vier Besatzungsmächte in Deutschland für die Jahre 1945 - 1948 und somit in einer Kontinuität zur Tradition deutschen Gesamtstaatlichkeit stehend - gehörte lange Jahre aus verständlichen Gründen nicht zum Interessenskreis des Bundesarchivs. Zwar fanden sich in den zonalen Beständen deutscher Herkunft eine Fülle von Bezügen zu ihrem Handeln, aber an ein...

  2. Центральный штаб партизанского движения при Ставке Верховного главнокомандования

    • Central Staff of the Partisan Movement at the General Headquarters

    Директивы, постановления, циркуляры, приказы, положе­ния, инструкции СНК СССР, ЦК ВКП(б), ГКО, НКО СССР и его управлений, НКВД, НКФ по вопросам формирования, реор­ганизации руководящих органов партизанского движения, о фи­нансировании, хозяйственном, материальном, продовольствен­ном обеспечении, деятельности ЦШПД, о личном составе ЦШПД и подчиненных учреждений, о выплате денежного со­держания партизанам, курсантам спецшкол, их семьям (1941—1944); директивы, приказы, инструкции ЦШПД о боевых действиях партизанских отрядов, по личному составу партизанских кадров, о разведывательной и контрраз...

  3. Earthworks Print 5 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting a guard preparing to drop a large rock on a prisoner that has collapsed out of a line of prisoners carrying rocks at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. A few of the prisoners are identified with NN (Nacht und Nebel [night and fog]) on their uniforms. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were marked “Nacht and Nebel...

  4. Processo de pedido de visto para 100 refugiados holandeses

    Processo de pedido de visto pela Legação dos Países Baixos (LPB) ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros (MNE) para Hendrik Casper Maclainepont, de nacionalidade holandesa, com destino às Índias Holandesas. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto pela LPB ao MNE para Arnold van Praag, de nacionalidade holandesa, com destino às Índias Holandesas. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto pela LPB ao MNE para Rachel van Praag Smit, de nacionalidade holandesa, com destino às Índias Holandesas. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto pela LPB ao MNE para Cato, de nacionalidade h...

  5. The stake Print 10 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting a guard watching six individual prisoners being punished by standing outside in the snow and cold until they collapse at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. A few of the prisoners are identified with NN (Nacht und Nebel [night and fog]) on their uniforms. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were marked “Nacht and N...

  6. Back to work Print 7 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting prisoners carrying exhausted, injured, or dead prisoners so that the same number of men are present at the end of the day as at the beginning at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. A few of the prisoners are identified with NN (Nacht und Nebel [night and fog]) on their uniforms. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men ...

  7. Night and Fog Print 1 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting prisoners during a roll call between 3 am and 4 am at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. Many of the prisoners are identified with NN (Nacht und Nebel [night and fog]) on their uniforms. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were marked “Nacht and Nebel”, individuals presenting a threat to German security that had b...

  8. Panzerbrigade 28

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Heeresstruktur 3 (1970 - 1980) Ende der sechziger Jahre hatte sich die militärpolitische Lage wesentlich geändert. Die Verstärkung der sowjetischen Luftlandekomponente und die daraus resultierende größere Gefährdung rückwärtiger Gebiete machte das Ergreifen von Gegenmaßnahmen notwendig. Um die Großverbände an das Gelände des jeweiligen Einsatzraums anzupassen, wurde das Jägerkonzept entwickelt. Danach wurden zwei Panzergrenadierdivisionen (die 2. und die 4.) sowie ihre Brigaden in Jägerdivisionen und -brigaden umgegliedert. Außerdem wurden den Korps Panzerreg...

  9. Gymnastics Print 9 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting guards watching a group of prisoners, during an abusive exercise period, on their hands and knees being attacked and punished by Kapos and dogs at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. A few of the prisoners are identified with NN (Nacht und Nebel [night and fog]) on their uniforms. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both me...

  10. Blue, white and yellow Jewish Relief Unit Star of David badge worn by a German Jewish nurse

    JRU [Jewish Relief Unit] Star of David shaped pin worn by 26 year old Alice Redlich while working as a nurse at Bergen Belsen displaced persons camp. The British Army liberated Bergen-Belsen concentration camp on April 15, 1945, and it then became a DP camp. Alice had left Germany in 1938 to study nursing in Great Britain. She volunteered with the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad and, in September 1946, arrived with Team 110 in Bergen-Belsen. She cared for infants, children and young women, and taught hygiene. When Alice left Berlin, she left behind her parents Ella and Georg and younger ...

  11. Panzerbrigade 15 - Westerwald -

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Heeresstruktur 1 (1956 - 1959) Die ersten Planungen für die sogenannte Heeresstruktur 1 waren darauf ausgerichtet, möglichst schnell einen deutschen Beitrag zur NATO zu leisten. Unter Verteidigungsminister Franz-Josef Strauß wurde der Friedensumfang des Feldheeres Ende 1956 auf zunächst 195.000 Soldaten festgelegt. An dem bereits unter seinem Vorgänger Blank vorgesehenen NATO-Beitrag von zwölf Divisionen wurde festgehalten, wenn auch bei der Personalstärke Abstriche gemacht werden mußten (Ende 1958 betrug die IST-Stärke des Heeres etwa 100.000 Mann). Um die a...

  12. Soup drudgery Print 8 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting desperate prisoners struggling to scoop and eat soup that has been spilled on the ground at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were marked “Nacht and Nebel”, individuals presenting a threat to German security that had been abducted in the middle of the night and were meant to be...

  13. Lore Oppenheimer and Hermann Ziering - Society of the Survivors of the Riga Ghetto (New York)

    Lore Oppenheimer and Herman Kempinsky (now Ziering), co-presidents of the Society of the Survivors of the Riga Ghetto, share their experiences during the Holocaust. They address the conflicts between German Jews and Ostjuden, deportation to the Polish border in 1938, propaganda, arrival in Riga and witnessing evidence of murdered Latvian Jews, and life in Riga ghetto. Mr. Ziering conceals his face during the interview which takes place at the 1978 Society conference in New York city. Lanzmann also briefly speaks in German with Friedrich Baer, a WWI veteran frontline soldier, who attended th...

  14. Hy Bloom fonds.

    • Ottawa Jewish Archives
    • I0101
    • English
    • 1941
    • 80 audio cassettes, 28 audio reels, 6 b&w photographs and 10 folders of textual material vault

    Fonds consists of audio cassettes, audio reels, photographs and folders of programs and pamphlets relating to taped events. Inventory of Audio Cassettes: Holocaust- Dedication Holocaust Memorial, Jewish Community Centre, Ottawa, May 7, 1978 - 2 copies (audio reel) Yom Ha Shoah, Holocaust Observance Memorial Service, May 6, 1979 at the Metcalfe Rd. Cemetery. - 2 copies Holocaust Memorial observance for the six million martyrs, May 3, 1981 at the site of the Holocaust Memorial, Jewish Community Cemetery, Ottawa. Holocaust Memorial observance for the six million martyrs, May 2, 1982 at the sit...

  15. Corfu

    Lanzmann filmed the few surviving Jews of Corfou, Greece. Many are craftsmen who experienced deportation to Auschwitz and Birkenau. Some interviews take place in the synagogue and the cemetery. Additional reels of location filming show local merchants and shops. FILM ID 3406 -- Camera Rolls #4-11A -- Armando Aaron -- 01:00:08 to 01:24:10 Surviving Jews of Corfu walk down a street in Corfu, Greece with Lanzmann. The four survivors walk towards the camera. 01:03:05 Armando Aaron explains (in French) that on June 9, 1944, the Jews of Corfu (numbering 1,650) were ordered by the Germans to gathe...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 25 and 26 -- Testimony of Z. Lubetkin, Y. Zuckerman, A. Berman, R. Kuper

    Sessions 25 and 26. Eichmann sitting in his booth. The Judges open Session 25 and present Decision 14. This decision notes the appeal of witness interrogation abroad as certain witnesses would be arrested under the Nazi Collaborators Punishment Law of 1950, should they appear in Israel. Presiding Judge, Moshe Landau refers to Decision 11, which states that foreign courts may acquire testimony from restricted witnesses for the purpose of the Eichmann trial. There is a blip at 00:07:08. Hausner questions Zivia Lubetkin Zuckerman, a resistance fighter in the Warsaw Ghetto about the conditions ...

  17. Escape attempt Print 6 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting a prisoner being shot for trying to escape when a Kapo actually knocked him out of a line of prisoners moving along the perimeter fence at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. A few of the prisoners are identified with NN (Nacht und Nebel [night and fog]) on their uniforms. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were m...

  18. Naczelna Rada Starszych Ludności Żydowskiej Dystryktu Radomskiego w Radomiu. Dział Dowodów Osobistych

    • Supreme Council of the Jewish Population in the Radom District – Personal Identification Division

    This is a collection of several thousand applications by Radom Jews for identity documents, which contains a vast quantity of personal data, as well as the photographs submitted for the issue of these Kennkarten.

  19. Nachgeordneter Bereich des Bundesamtes für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners 1959 Gründung durch beteiligte Firmen 1961 Amtsgründung der Gesellschaft für Flugtechnik GmbH, die ca. 26% Gescchäftsanteile der Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft hielt. 1976 Zusammenlegung der Mitglieder- und Gesellschafterversammlungen. 1977 Auflösung der GfF; die GfF GmbH besteht als Holding weiter. Bestandsbeschreibung Folgende Dienststellen mit folgenden Aufgaben gehörten bisher, bzw. gehören aktuell zum nachgeordneten Bereich des BWB: - Wehrtechnische Dienststelle 41 für Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer ¿ Trier (aktuell 3 Fachgruppen mit 15 Dezernaten) ein...

  20. Back to camp Print 12 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting exhausted prisoners being marched uphill while guards hit or shoot them as they return to Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were marked “Nacht and Nebel”, individuals presenting a threat to German security that had been abducted in the middle of the night and were meant to be “...