Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 541 to 560 of 667
Country: Belgium
  1. Rachel Souritz. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war photos of the Souritz-Grabowetzki family, including photos of the deported Abraham Echiel Souritz and his children Willy and Paulette ; pre-war photos of the family of Mozes alias Max Blumberg, second husband of Jeanne Grabowetzki, widow of Abraham Echiel Souritz ; war-time photos of Rachel Souritz' son Albert Souritz, taken while the child was in hiding in Mechelen ; post-war photos of Max Blumberg and Jeanne Grabowetzki ; a wartime school report of Paulette Souritz ; documents on the deportation of Abraham Echiel, Willy and Paulette Souritz and on the rep...

  2. Rajter family. Collection

    This collection contains photos of the Rajter family, including: passport photos and wedding photos of Estera Rajter and Abram Ciechanow, photos of Estera Rajter and Abram Ciechanow with their son Willy Rajter (Ciechanow), a photo of Willy Rajter (Marks) and his mother Gitla Rajter, and wartime photos of Willy Rajter while housed at the Baron de Castro children’s home led by the Association of Jews in Belgium.

  3. Record Center.

    Ce fonds comprend des documents émanant de diverses organisations juives de Belgique. On y trouvera également des dossiers relatifs à la bibliographie des professeurs de l’IEJ, comme les listes des publications de ces professeurs. Anna Kempinska a par ailleurs rassemblé de la documentation concernant des associations juives en France, dont les mouvements de jeunesse juifs comme le Bne Akiva, le Dror, l’Hashomer Hatzair, les Éclaireurs Israélites de France et l’Ihud Habonim. Ces dossiers comprennent des pamphlets, des publications des organisations, des affiches, de la correspondance et des ...

  4. Reeks IV (Personeelszaken).

    • Archief Gent
    • BE / SAG / IV
    • Dutch
    • 1796-1999
    • ca. 1964 nrs.

    In dit bestand vinden we een dossier (nr. 359) terug inzake de Jodenverordeningen.

  5. Reeks IX (Burgerlijke stand en bevolking).

    • Archief Gent
    • BE / SAG / IX
    • Dutch
    • 1756-1980
    • 16,2 s.m.

    In dit bestand vinden we twee dozen getiteld “Joden”, met daarin ongenummerde registers en dossiers. Doos 1 bevat enkele (voorlopige?) versies van het Jodenregister van Gent. Daarnaast noteren we o.a. de lijsten (1941-1942), opgemaakt tijdens de bezetting, van personen die als ‘Jood’ moesten worden ingeschreven in de stad Gent en omliggende gemeenten. We vinden eveneens lijsten, opgesteld na de bevrijding (oktober-november 1944), die aangeven of de in het Jodenregister vermelde personen al dan niet zijn teruggekeerd naar Gent. We merken op dat enkele lijsten betrekking hebben op Joodse kind...

  6. Reeks XII (Militie).

    In deze reeks vinden we onder nr. 28 een (sub)dossier getiteld “Oorlogsmisdaden 1940-1944”. Daarin vinden we verslagen, opgesteld per wijk, van door de bezetter begane misdaden tegen de bevolking. De beknopte verslagen, opgesteld net na de bevrijding, bevatten onderdelen over de vervolging (en huidige situatie) van Gentse Joden en van “verwoesting of in beslagneming van eigendommen niet gerechtvaardigd door de oorlogsomstandigheden”, waarbij het quasi uitsluitend gaat om plunderingen van woningen van Joodse Gentenaars.

  7. Régie des Abattoirs et Marchés d’Anderlecht, Fonds du Personnel.

    Ce fonds contient les dossiers du personnel ayant travaillé aux abattoirs. On y notera un dossier intitulé : « Sacrificateurs juifs (1929-1940) ». Il comprend de la correspondance, des notes et des documents administratifs émanant principalement du Grand Rabbin, des services communaux d’Anderlecht, de la Régie des Abattoirs et des Marchés d’Anderlecht-Cureghem. Les principaux sujets abordés dans ce dossier sont les suivants : la construction d’un bâtiment à l’usage des sacrificateurs israélites ; l’état des lieux locatifs des locaux loués pour l’abattage ; le litige entre le Rabbin Gelernte...

  8. Regina Beer. Collection

    This collection consists of: pre-war items from Regine Beer’s years as a student, including a fraternity hat ; three pre-war family photo albums ; pre-war, wartime and post-war IDs and passes issued to Regine Beer ; documents from the denazification camp Recklinghausen ; letters sent and received by Regine Beer to and from her relatives (husbands, children, etc.) ; press clippings regarding relatives of Regine Beer ; documents regarding lectures given by Regine Beer (mainly at schools) ; two post-war photo albums dedicated to Regine Beer’s educational work ; publications on racial persecuti...

  9. Registre des Juifs de Belgique - Jodenregister van België. Series

    The German decree of 28 October 1940 made it compulsory for all Jews from the age of 15 to register in the Jewish register of the municipality where they officially lived. The names of younger children were added to the forms of the parents (in most cases the copy of the father). Each form has room for the following information : surname, first names, date and place of birth, profession, nationality, religion, date of arrival in Belgium, the country of migration, successive addresses, date and place of registration, and the person’s signature, but also name, date and place of birth and reli...

  10. Registres des mariages et Registres de la SIAI.

    Ce fonds comprend les registres produits par la CIB et la SIAI. Il s’agit des registres des mariages, des décès, des inhumations et de PV des séances du CA de la communauté (1974 - présent). On y trouvera une copie des informations mentionnées sur la ketubah, la date du mariage (calendrier hébraïque et grégorien), les noms, prénoms, date et lieu de naissance des époux, les noms de leurs parents, des témoins et les signatures des témoins et des époux.

  11. Registries of Jewish retirement home Scheut. Collection

    This collection contains digital copies of two registries used to monitor the number of residents at the Jewish retirement home Scheut in Anderlecht. The institution housed 490 Jewish elderly men and women from September 1943 until December 1944. Each page contains four names and bibliographical information : name, date of birth, place of birth, profession, nationality, information on the spouse, date of arrival at Scheut and date of departure. The registries sometimes also refer to the way of arrival or departure of a person.

  12. Reichman-Lipschitz family. Collection

    This collection contains: a pre-war class photograph of the Tachkemoni school ; pre-war wedding photos of the Reichman siblings and the Lipschitz siblings ; pre-war photos of the Reichman siblings and Lipschitz siblings with their spouses, children and friends ; a pre-war photo of Israel Lipschitz playing the violin ; wartime photos of Israel Lipschitz and his wife Rachel Mandel recta Kwadrat, including a photo of them wearing the yellow star ; a wartime photo of Jacob Marcovici, future husband of the donor, with the group of children he was hidden with ; wartime photos of Sam Lipschitz whi...

  13. Reichsarbeitsministerium file carrier. Collection

    This object is a file carrier used by the Antwerp department of the Reichsarbeitsministerium to store index cards regarding labour during the war.

  14. Reisdorf-Eskenazi family. Collection

    This collection contains: a demobilization and travel permit issued to lieutenant-medic Joseph Reisdorf after the Belgian surrender, 1940 ; photocopies of two photos of the friends of Habib alias Robert Eskenazi demanding his release from the Saint-Cyprien internment camp by holding a sign, 1940 ; a wartime ID issued to doctor Joseph Reisdorf by the Red Cross of Belgium, 1944 ; a post-war ID issued to Joseph Reisdorf by ‘Organisation sanitaire belge resistante – Belgische gezondheidsweerstandsorganisatie’ (OSBR) [Resilient Belgian health organization], 1944 ; a post-war ID issued to Joseph ...

  15. Relieken - Reliques. Collection

    The “Relics” collection comprises 3,065 envelopes. Each contains personal documents confiscated by the Aufnahme (camp administration) at the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) upon arrival of a detainee at the barracks. The documents range from photographs to letters, ID cards, university diplomas, marriage certificates, etc. Each envelope refers to a single detainee or a family. Most of these detainees were eventually deported via Transport XX to XXVI. No “Relics” exist for deportees from Transports I to XIX. However, several dozen of the envelopes contain documents of detainees who ...

  16. Renée Flaksbaum. Collection

    This item is a studio portrait of Renée Flaksbaum. The back of the photo mentions the date on which she gave it to her non-Jewish friend Lucy Lauwerijs, 8 August 1942, which is the same day that Renée left for the Dossin barracks with a convocation for forced labour (Arbeitseinsatzbefehl).

  17. Report by Service MARC. Collection

    Report drafted by a member of the Belgian espionage network Service MARC and sent to London. The document contains a remark regarding the seven Romanian Jews who complied with the Nazi order for repatriation to Romania.

  18. Research by David Inowlocki on hidden children and their rescuers in Belgium. Collection

    This collection consists of 57 research files. Every file was carefully composed by David Inowlocki during his presidency of the Hidden Children Association Belgium (L’Enfant Caché). The files revolve around a hidden child or a rescuer, and contain photocopied documents and proposals in order to request Yad Vashem to award a rescuer the title of Righteous among the Nations.

  19. Research by Florence Matteazzi on the role of clergy from the Liège diocese in hiding Jews. Collection

    This collection consists of 82 files created by Florence Matteazzi while researching clergymen in the Liège diocese and their attitude towards helping Jews during the Holocaust. These files include: administrative files with correspondence with private and public archives or archival holders and witnesses, index cards with biographical notes and draft elements of the final dissertation ; bibliographical files with photocopies of literature on oral history, the psychological analyses of testimonies by hidden children, the position of the catholic church during the Second World War, conversio...