Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,541 to 7,560 of 58,959
  1. Frame

    Picture frame: Text in center "Ohrdruf / Concentration / Camp Germany / - 13 April / 1945 / Sgt Fred Curran [?]"; found by donor in her home it is possible that it was brought home from the war by her father, Dr. Randall Henry who was a member of the US Army's 6th Infantry Division during WWII under General Patton.

  2. Rosenberg and Mosler families papers

    The collection documents the families of Elsie Mosler (born Ilse Rosenberg in Hamburg) and her husband, Claude Mosler (born Klaus Mosler in Berlin). Both families fled Germany due to antisemitic persecution by the Nazis during the 1930s. Biographical material includes Hermann Rosenberg’s German army papers from World War I, birth and marriage certificates, a diary written in German and English kept by Elsie as a teenager, report cards of Ernest Mosler, and Claude Mosler’s United States Army papers. Photographs primarily document pre-war family life and travel in Europe and wartime life in N...

  3. Selected records of the Headquarters of the State Police in Warsaw Komenda Główna Policji Państwowej w Warszawie (Sygn.349)

    Registers of persons detained for an espionage and suspected of communist activity, a bulletin "Poufny Przegląd Inwigilacyjny" (Confidential Investigation Review), 1921-1934, albums of criminals, photographs of officers of the Polish State Police, a report "Ruch żydowski w Polsce' (Jewish movement in Poland), 1925; and investigative materials related to the murder of the Jungsztajn family (Correspondence, photographs), 1927, 1939.

  4. American Red Cross pin

    Pin received by Helen Weisberger during her service with the American Red Cross in World War II.

  5. Hugo Schriesheimer papers Nachlass Hugo Schriesheimer (1908-1989)

    Private papers of Hugo Schriesheimer (1908-1989), Holocaust survivor from Konstanz, Germany. The collection consists of school and work documents, passports, identity cards, photographs concerning childhood and youth in Konstanz as well as imprisonment in Dachau concentration camp and Gurs internment camp, and asylum in Switzerland; correspondence, lectures, publications, newspaper clippings, and various documents relating to the Memorial Museum in Gurs and the 50th anniversary of the "Reichskristallnacht" in Konstanz.

  6. Sightseeing in Palestine, circa 1930

    Sixteen films by Carl Lutz of Palestine: Nr. 303 Bethlehem, Jerusalem (Film Nr. 26) [ca. 1936] (09:15) Nr. 305 Palästina 3 (Film Nr. 10) [1935] (11:56) Nr. 306 Palästina (Film Nr. 22) [1935-1936] (12:56) Nr. 307 Palestine, the land of the bible (Film Nr. 21) [1937] (12:41) Nr. 308 Tel Aviv, Hafen (Film Nr. 18) [1936-1937] (11:47) Nr. 309 Palästina 1951 (Film Nr. 13) [1951] (13:16) Nr. 310 Palästina 1951 (Film Nr. 14) [1951] (13:36) Nr. 311 Ägypten (Film Nr. 4) [ca. 1935] (08:40) Nr. 312 Palästina 4 (Film Nr. 11) [ca. 1935] (09:27) Nr. 313 Palästina (Film Nr. 12, I) [ca. 1935] (16:56) Nr. 31...

  7. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish : Consulate in Nice Konsulat Honorowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Nicei (Sygn. 508)

    Diplomatic correspondence and the invitations of the Société Israélite to the Polish Council in Nicei to honor work of Jewish poet and novelist, Sholem Asch. In 1932 he was awarded by the Polish Republic's Polonia Restituta decoration.

  8. Chaim and Sarah Levitan papers

    Contains documents, identification cards, and certificates related to the experiences of Chaim and Sarah (Skirsky) Levitan. Contains a membership card for the Union of Jewish Students in Grenoble, France issued to Sarah Skirsky (later Levitan), dated December 15, 1927; a French identity card for Sarah Levitan, bearing stamps of Le Havre, France and noting Lithuanian citizenship, dated 1930; a French identity card for Chaim Levitan, noting Lithuanian citizenship; an identification card from the University of Grenoble, France, dated 1928; two certificates from a students' organization of Ghen...

  9. Watercolor

    Watercolor that forms part of a portfolio depicting the Officer's Quarters in Dachau, Germany. The watercolor is titled, "Living room", and depicts a china cabinet, table, and other furniture within the room. The watercolor is initialed "H" and dated January 1946, in the lower right corner of the verso.

  10. The Kahn and Budge families collection

    Contains photographs depicting the Kahn and the Budge families of Frankfurt am Main, both wealthy Jewish families of bankers and stockbrokers; the photographs date from late 19th century to mid-20th century. The Budge family moved to Hamburg, where they purchased a mansion or “Palais,” which was confiscated by the Nazi regime in 1938. Documents in the collection include a diary written in 1914; an affidavit dated January 28, 1936, which enabled Emil Kahn and his two sons to immigrate to the US in 1937; financial statements and money transfer documents; and a letter written in German by Sieg...

  11. James Harmon Kirkendall photograph collection

    Contains photographs depicting the Dachau concentration camp at liberation on April 15, 1945. The images were kept by James Harmon Kirkendall (donor's great uncle) who served in the 99th Infantry Division of the US Army and was one of the 15 soldiers sent to the Dachau concentration camp to report on the conditions; dated April 1945.

  12. 5 Schilling Austrian scrip

    5 Schilling Austrian scrip issued in 1944 by the Alliierte Militarbehorde. Serial number 17H 143310.

  13. Fonds Joseph Gottfarstein (MDXL)

    Documents pertaining to the history of Joseph Gottfarstein family, include letters, writings, translations, correspondence, cards, workbooks, literary and scientific texts, and photographs.

  14. Day of German Art 1933; Hitler salutes crowds

    “TAG DER DEUTSCHEN KUNST.” In Munich, people ride bicycles. Outdoor area with seats, decorated with large swastikas behind the podium and Reichsadler on the wall at the center. Nazi soldiers form a wall in front of the crowd on the street. Men in uniform walk by. “HERR HITLER” Hitler’s motorcade, he stands in the passenger seat of a car, salutes crowd. “PARADE” Spectators heil as the parade moves. Men transport a model of the Reichsadler. Soldiers on horseback with large Nazi flags. Classical-style sculpture of a male torso is carried. More parade floats and costumes. “SEEING THE PARADE WIT...

  15. Ilse Wolff Geldern notebook

    Contains a notebook kept by Ilse Wolff Geldern, born in 1905 in Duisberg, Germany. Documents concerts, plays, dates and venues recorded by Ilse. The last entry is for a concert performed by the Kulturbund in 1936.

  16. Court of the First Instance in Zgierz Sąd Grodzki w Zgierzu (Sygn 2207)

    Selected files of the records so-called “Zg”. Records relate to declaring someone dead or issuing a death certificate. This includes persons who perished during the Soviet or, mainly, Nazi occupation: including persons arrested either by Soviets or Germans, deported to the USSR or the Third Reich, sent to concentration camps, murdered in ghettos or in other places of extermination. The files (app. 5-20 pages) contain an application declaring the death of a person, testimonies of witnesses filled out on standard forms, correspondence and sentences of the court. That entry enabled one to subm...

  17. Angela Schwartz diary

    The collection includes a booklet created in Sömmerda, a subcamp of Buchenwald, by Angela Schwartz from 1944-1945. The booklet was made from materials in the munitions factory such as paint and paper and includes poems.

  18. Antisemitism Questionnaires Cuestionario antisemitismo

    A survey on antisemitism conducted by José Moskovits in the 1970s by mailing a questionnaire on antisemitism to almost 5,000 dignitaries in 150 countries worldwide. The questionnaire was mailed to heads-of-state and other leading politicians, authors, journalists, scientists, artists, doctors, as well as corporate, military, civic, and religious leaders. Mr. Moskovits received almost 1,000 filled-out questionnaires back, often with additional letter responses attached. The purpose of the survey was a book to be edited by Dr. Asher Mibashan (1914-2005), the Buenos Aires bureau chief of the J...

  19. Shpatsiren zenen mir gegangen | Tants a bisele mit mir

    Relatively rare Soviet Yiddish recordings that obliquely document anti-Jewish policies in the postwar USSR. A: Shpatsiren zenen mir gegangen; B: Tants a bisele mit mir. Folksinger Zinovy Shulman (1904-1977) was imprisoned in 1949. The song on Shulman's "B" side, here called "Tants a bisele mit mir" (Dance with me a while), was the source for the Vilna ghetto song, "Hot zikh mir di shikh tserisn" (I've torn my shoes). Phonograph record 4 (purple label): Cyrillic, 2 sides. Zinovy Shulman, voice N. G. Valter, piano (Leningrad & Moscow, 1949: Gramplasttrest 11617-11618)