Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,521 to 7,540 of 58,959
  1. Portfolio cover

    Portfolio cover for set of four watercolor and ink drawings depicting different rooms within the Officer's Quarters in Dachau, Germany in February 1946. The front and back cover pages are adhered together with a strip of red and white gingham fabric, and a matching piece of fabric ties the cover together on the right. The front cover depicts the outside of the officer's quarters, with a small inset in the lower right corner showing a portion of the building titled "my corner!." The inside of the back cover shows a man and woman in traditional Bavarian dress along with other smaller drawings.

  2. Verle H. Brown collection

    Photographs taken at Gardelegen showing victims of the atrocity, the confrontation between American servicemen and local German officials, and civilians being forced to participate in the exhumation and reburial of victims.

  3. Policja Bezpieczeństwa-Komisariat Kryminalny Garwolin Selected records of the Security Police, Criminal Commissar in Garwolin Sondergericht Sicherheitspolizei Kriminalkommissariat Garwolin (Sygn.1057/II)

    Official newsletter “Nachrichtenblatt” published by the Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD fűr den Distrikt Warschau Abt IV (Kriminalpolizei); incomplete issues from 1940, 1941 and 1942. Newsletters contain reports of criminal activities in the region, information relating to administrative matters, arrest warrants, lists of people sought by the police.

  4. Displaced persons camp at Henonville

    Women working in a garden at Displaced Persons Camp near Paris in September 1946. Children smile and laugh, dance with young woman, Pola Stopnicki (nee Shechter/Schaechter). Pan, David Boder examines a bundle of crops with a group of DPs. Child holds up a freshly picked vegetable. CUs, DP families. Pan, group of men pose for the camera with a religious Jew reading from a book. CUs, women smile, one waves at camera, holding flowers, celebrating. Father with baby. 01:03:33 Sign above the Hénonville chateau doorway for ORT vocational training facility 65km NW of Paris: “Atelier d'Ébénisterie d...

  5. Selected records of the District Court in Warsaw Sąd Okręgowy w Warszawie (Sygn.639)

    Court files in civil cases related to: inheritance, appointment of guardian to the property of an absent person, refunds of money, divorce, recognition of marriage, death and other. Most cases concern property issues. Also included are criminal cases related to: appropriation, extortion, forgery and others. Court proceedings were suspended in many cases due to the "deportation" of a given person, which in fact meant deportation to the Treblinka extermination camp.

  6. Lavoslav Schick (Šik) collection

    Personal papers of Lavoslav Schick (Šik). The collection consists of several hundred of his manuscripts, articles, speeches, reports, and extensive correspondence with individuals and organizations throughout Europe. Lavoslav Schick was a prominent Zagreb lawyer, killed in the Jasenovac concentration camp. He was a Zionist, but of the kind who did not wish to actually leave for Palestine themselves, and a well-known public figure in Zagreb’s inter-war period. Zagreb’s Jewish history cannot be told without talking or examining of his work.

  7. Excerpts of films made by Lizzy Kessler (15 rolls)

    15 rolls of trims from Lizzy Kessler's film collection.

  8. Turquoise bead necklace made in a ghetto-labor camp

    Turquoise bead necklace purportedly made in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp in German occupied Czechoslovakia. The necklace was given to Judith Sardi by her mother Katalin Szönyi. Katalin received it from a friend in Israel who told her that it was made in Theresienstadt. Katalin, her husband, and Judith survived imprisonment in multiple forced labor camps during the Holocaust.

  9. Fred Weiss collection

    Contains photographs, letters, and documents related to the wartime and postwar experiences of Wilhelm (William) and Regina Rusinek Weiss. Includes photographs showing Regina Rusinek in Volary, Czechoslovakia, soon after the liberation by the US Army in May 1945; later photographs depicting William and Regina in the Feldafing DP camp, in the Berlin Zoo and with their newborn son, Samuel, born 1946; documents related to the imprisonment of Regina in Grunberg forced labor camp and on a forced march to Volary; documents related to their immigration and sailing on the SS Gen. Heinzelman; and a ...

  10. Selected records related to history of the Jewish community of Luts'k and Sedlishche (Male Siedliszcze)

    Various correspondence, statistics, reports and registers relating to Jewish communities in Luts'k and Male Siedliszcze (Ukraine), included are records of Jewish schools and hospitals, and general administrative records of community affairs.

  11. Selected records related to the Holocaust in Serbia

    The collection contains selected records of the Administration of the City of Belgrade (Fond 1) established by the collaborationist Government of Serbia under the authority of the German authorities in April of 1941. The bulk of the selected records include dossiers, correspondence files, reports of movable and unmovable assets of Jews in Belgrade etc. all kept by the Section No 7 created specifically for the persecution of Jews and Roma (Odeljenje za Jevreje i Cigane/ Sedmo odeljenje ) and other sections of the Special Serbian police department (Odeljenje specijalne policije) of the Belgra...

  12. Jacob Kriegel papers

    The collection documents the efforts of American Jacob Kriegel, originally of Nadworna, Poland, to assist with family and friends in Poland and Israel trying to immigrate to the United States during the Holocaust and afterwards. The bulk of the collection contains affidavits written by Kriegel, wartime financial and related documents including his efforts to help other local businesses encourage their workers to purchase war bonds, and correspondence. There is significant correspondence from Anna and Max Hutt, his only relatives in Europe, along with their daughter Zimmia, who survived the ...

  13. Court of the First Instance in Pabianice Sąd Grodzki w Pabianicach (Sygn. 2103)

    Selected files of the records so-called “Zg”. Records relate to declaring someone dead or issuing a death certificate. This includes persons who perished during the Soviet or, mainly, Nazi occupation: including persons arrested either by Soviets or Germans, deported to the USSR or the Third Reich, sent to concentration camps, murdered in ghettos or in other places of extermination. The files (app. 5-20 pages) contain an application declaring the death of a person, testimonies of witnesses filled out on standard forms, correspondence and sentences of the court. That entry enabled one to subm...

  14. "Ha’Bricha Derech Czechoslovakia Ba’Shanim 1945-1946"

    Typed manuscript titled “Ha’Bricha Derech Czechoslovakia Ba’Shanim 1945-1946” by Elchanan Gafni. Gafni studied at the Sorbonne, Prague University, and Hewbrew University in Jerusalem, and served in several public positions in Israel. This unpublished draft manuscript describes the efforts to bring survivors from Czechoslovakia to Israel shortly after World War II.

  15. Private papers of Fritz Ullmann (A320)

    Personal papers of Fritz Ullmann (1902-1972). The collection consists of memorandums and correspondence relating to Jewish immigration, wartime rescue activities, the sending of relief packages into concentration camps and ghettos, and the Zionist movement.

  16. Tallit

    Tallit found in German home by Manfred Hohenemser, an American GI who was a German Jewish refugee. After his unit liberated the Ohrdruf concentration camp, they moved on to the town of Eisenbach near the Austrian border. Manfred was ordered to conduct a house to house search, and while doing so, he saw the tallit being used as a tablecloth in one of the homes. Furious, he ripped the tallit off the table and took it with him.

  17. Provincial Office in Stanislawow Urząd Wojewódzki w Stanisławowie (Sygn.1186)

    Administration reports regarding the regional security, social and political movements, professional associations, communist organizations, and general activities of national minorities, Ukrainians, Jews and Germans.

  18. Fonds Alice Ferrières (MDXXXIII)

    Diary, correspondence,and testimonies from the archives of Alice Ferrières, who ran a network (“Roseau Ferrières”) in WWII to save children. The collection includes a list of people with whom Alice Ferrières corresponded as well as testimonies of former hidden children. In the summer of 1943, as the situation for Jews in France worsened, the leaders of the Jewish Scout movement decided to close the children’s home in Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne, in southwestern France, and disperse the girls living there. Some of the girls were housed in a private girls’ school in Murat, in the département of Can...

  19. Toibman family collection

    Contains an identity card for Pesia Toibman, issued in the Bershad Ghetto; a postwar photo of Benjamin Toibman; photocopies of documents related to Victor, Pesia, and Gregory Toibman being in the Bershad Ghetto, 1941 to 14 March 1944 (issued by the Bershad City Council 1972); and Benjamin Toibman's brief memoir of his Holocaust experiences.