Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,441 to 7,460 of 58,959
  1. Kalmar family collection

    Collection of certificates (two with translations) and photographs documenting the experiences of Laszlo Kalmar, his wife Erzsebet Halasz, and their daughter Zsuzsanna (donor) in Hungary during the Holocaust. Includes Laszlo's birth certificate, their marriage certificate, a translation of Zsuzanna's birth certificate, photos from Hungary, and a photo of the family in Australia.

  2. Feige Gitl Senft collection

    Contains documents issued in Nonatola and Modena, Italy; Geneva, Switzerland; and later in Israel to Feige Gittl Senft (donor's mother), born on December 24, 1925 in Stettin, Germany. Fanny Senft was one of 120 children from Germany and Austria smuggled into Yugoslavia, and later among 43 children transferred to Nonatola and who, in September 1943, crossed the border into Switzerland. They stayed there until the summer of 1945, when they immigrated to Palestine. Fanny’s parents and three siblings were murdered and one brother, Akiva, born August 22, 1927, reached Palestine in 1941.

  3. Photographic print, manure distribution

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn613478
    • English
    • overall: Height: 10.940 inches (27.788 cm) | Width: 13.940 inches (35.408 cm) pictorial area: Height: 10.500 inches (26.67 cm) | Width: 12.500 inches (31.75 cm)

    Gelatin silver print of manure distribution in Vysni Apsa, Carpathian Ruthenia, ca. 1938.

  4. Volunteer Now for Civilian Defense WWII Public Utilities Commission broadside

    Broadside, "Each Bond you Buy Makes Hitler Cry" on one side; "Volunteer Now for Civilian Defense" on other side.

  5. Tax records of racially persecuted persons Steuerakten rassisch Verfolgter

    Contains tax records of racially persecuted persons, held by the Staatsarchiv München.

  6. Vasilevsky family in Slovakia

    KODAK. Quick pan of workers in Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia. The Vasilevsky family exits an automobile, including mother Elizabeth, daughter Emma, and son George. CUs. The children pick flowers and dance with George (the cameraman). Four schoolgirls on sidewalk and in town. An elegantly dressed man waves to the camera. Boy cries. Elizabeth and her children exit a building (possibly the Kvetnica Sanatorium where they visited Dr. Madziuk). Walking in the large park in the center of Kvetnice. Children, including Vitia and Peter Kalina, play in the garden with a rabbit at home in Spišská Nová Ves...

  7. Wooden chest

    Hand-decorated family chest (adorned with Stars of David) which commemorates the Hirsch family's service to Hungary during World War I. Local shop owner Bela Hirsch was deported from Rascruci (Keresztut), Romania in 1944 to Auschwitz, where he was murdered. Before his deportation, he gave the chest to a non-Jewish neighbor for safekeeping. Donated by local resident Zoltan Kallos (who gave an oral history interview to the USHMM in 2017 in which he describes Bela and the Hirsch family).

  8. Kreishauptmannschaft Warschau Selected records of the County Starosty in Warsaw Starostwo Powiatowe Warszawskie (Sygn. 486/II)

    Selected reports by Kreishauptmann, Sonderdienstkommando, and gendarmerie, orders concerning police hours, identity and cards (Kennkarte), as well as records relating to administrative borders, propaganda, changes of names of towns and streets, appointments of mayors, heads of communes and villages, name lists of employees of offices, confiscation and housing assignments, matters of organization, maintenance, training and duties of the Polish Police, matters of confiscated properties including those relating to buildings in the Warsaw ghetto, confiscation of Jewish assets, as well as cases ...

  9. Fonds Communauté israélite de Vichy (CMLV)

    Records of the Jewish Community of Vichy related to various activities of the Jewish community in France during and after the World War II. Records include correspondence with the General Union of Jews of France (Union générale des israélites de France, UGIF), lists of deportees, missing persons information and requests, a book of marriages of the French Central Consistory at the Vichy Synagogue, 1939-1943, the original bill of the Statutes of the Union of Israeli Cultural Associations of France and Algeria dated 1909; correspondence between the State police and the Chief Rabbi of France...

  10. Selected records of the Ministry of Information and Propaganda in Warsaw Ministerstwo Informacji i Propagandy w Warszawie (Sygn.168)

    Reports on the political situation in individual voivodships, materials about the Majdanek Museum of 1945, war compensation cases, German inscriptions from the occupation period, Soviet soldiers' graves in Poland, memoirs and elaborations on concentration camps, literary works on war, posters and announcements from 1945 on ceremonies for the victims of war, reports and correspondence on the Red Army in Poland.

  11. Red Cross ribbon bar

    American Red Cross ribbon bar received by Helen Weisberger during her service with the American Red Cross in World War II.

  12. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate General in London Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Londynie (Sygn.504)

    Instructions, circulars, correspondence, reports, forms related to emigration policy, organization of transporting emigrants by the shipping companies to Palestine and US, emigration of Polish refugees to Canada and Jamaica, migration of Polish expatriates by Great Britain, migration of the English population, and Jewish minorities in Poland. Includes a letter requesting a return of the Baron Günzburg's book collection to Jewish representatives in Vilnius.

  13. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish : Embassy in London Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Londynie (Sygn.503)

    Reports, publications, press releases, correspondence, press clippings notes related to national minorities in European countries and Russia, emigration polices, Jewish affairs and political parties before WWII, international preparation of postwar political and economic reconstruction of Europe and Poland, UNRRA planning for mission in Poland, investigation of Nazi crimes, compensation for victims of German atrocities, activities of Jewish socio-political organizations and emigration to Palestine.

  14. Seitel and Knoll families papers

    The Seitel and Knoll families papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, and photographs documenting the Seitel and Knoll families from Nadwórna, Poland, before the Holocaust and Chaim Eli and Frieda Knoll Seitel’s immigration to Palestine around 1939. Biographical materials include Frieda’s Nadwórna elementary school report cards, Chaim’s military document, their marriage certificate, a ketubah, receipts documenting the couple’s support of the Jewish National Fund and World Zionist Organization, and information about their baby boy, Eliezer. This series also includes a noteb...

  15. Weisberger family papers

    Documents, photographs, and printed materials, related primarily to the activities of the Weisberger family, of Poughkeepsie, NY, and New York City, during World War II. Most material relates to Rabbi Ralph M. Weisberger, in his role as a chaplain in the U.S. Army, including his service in Iraq and Iran, where he worked with refugee Polish doctors. Also includes photographs of his parents, and documents related to the wartime voluntary service in the United States of two of his siblings, Estelle Klein and Helen Weisberger.

  16. André Waksman collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of Jacob and Suzanne Waksman of Antwerp, Belgium including their flight from France to Italy and as refugees with their son André at Fort Ontario in Oswego, New York from 1944-1946. Included are identification documents, affidavits in lieu of passports, a telegram, documents granting visas for the Waksmans to enter the United States from Fort Ontario, and naturalization certificates. The bulk of the collection consists of materials related to André Waksman’s documentary film 1943, Le temps d’Un répit (A Pause in the Holocaust), including ba...

  17. Paris Peace Conference, 1946

    Posing on a balcony in Paris with children, one woman smokes a cigarette. Bus: “Service Special. Conference de la Paix,” children posing in the window. Ornate facade of the Academie Nationale de Musique. Statue, CUs woman seen earlier, gentleman. The marquis for the Hotel Scribe. Women and children on the sidewalk. 01:07:54 Another shot of the Conference de la Paix bus.

  18. Prefettura di Napoli, Gabinetto, II versamento Selected records from State Archives in Naples

    Selected records concerning the discrimination and persecution of Jews in the community of Naples, Italy. Including records related to Jewish refugees, discrimination as a result of racial laws, census of Jews (1938-1943), mixed marriages and marriages to foreigners, and personal files of Jews from the Police Headquarters in Naples. Finding aids include two large databases that contain hundreds of names of Italian Jews from the Naples region.

  19. Souvenir coin with a swastika and Star of David

    Promotional coin issued by the nationalist German newspaper, Der Angriff. The coin was struck in 1934 to memorialize the journey of Baron von Mildenstein, a Nazi party member, to Palestine. The trip resulted in a pro-Zionist report encouraging Jewish emigration to Palestine and elsewhere, published in Der Angriff. It is embossed with the text, Ein Nazi fahrt nach Palastina, [A Nazi goes to Palestine] which is also the title of a book published by the Nazi Party in 1934.